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  • 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:玛里琳D.麦克沙恩原著;弗兰克,P威廉斯三世编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中央编译出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7802110319
  • 页数:617 页

一、鸣谢 1

二、前言 1

三、撰稿人 1

四、美国监狱历史年代表 6

五、美国监狱百科全书词条 8

1.评估(Accreditation) 8

2.行政管理(Administration) 12

3.行政隔离(Administrative Segregation) 17

4.艾滋病(AIDS) 21

5.阿尔卡特拉斯联邦监狱(Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary) 31

6.监狱的酗酒治疗计划(Alcohol Treatment Programs in Prison) 35

7.美国矫正协会(American Correctional Association) 39

8.路易斯安那州安哥拉监狱(Louisiana State Angola Penitentiary) 44

9.建筑(Architecture) 47

10.黑话(Argot) 53

11.《阿什赫斯特-萨姆纳斯法令》(Ashurst-Sumners Act) 57

12.阿蒂卡监狱(Attica) 60

13.奥本制(Auburn System) 63

14.桑福德·贝茨(Sanford Bates) 67

15.贝德福德西尔斯矫正机关(Bedford Hills Correctional Facility) 70

16.詹姆士V.贝内特(James V.Bennett) 73

17.乔治·贝托(George Beto) 77

18.新收犯训练营(Boot Camps) 81

19.泽布伦·布罗克韦(Zebulon Brockway) 85

20.守夜人(Building Tenders) 87

21.链队(Chain Gangs) 90

22.牧师(Chaplains) 93

23.囚犯的孩子(Children of Prisoners) 95

Ⅰ.母亲的问题(Ⅰ.Mothers'Issues) 95

Ⅱ.父亲的问题(Ⅱ.Fathers'Issues) 98

24.机关化人员的民事权利法令(Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act) 103

25.分类制度(Classification Systems) 107

26.混合矫正机关(Co-Correctional Facilities) 117

27.自动售货站(Commissaries) 212

28.社区关系(Community Relations) 124

29.夫妻探视(Conjugal Visits) 128

30.接触探视(Contact Visits) 131

31.威廉·康特(William Conte) 133

32.违禁品(Contraband) 136

33.肉体刑(Corporal Punishment) 140

34.矫正官员(Correctional Officers) 143

Ⅰ.历史(Ⅰ.History) 143

Ⅱ.选聘和培训(Ⅱ.Selection and Training) 144

Ⅲ.职业机会(Ⅲ.Career Opportunities) 148

Ⅳ.亚文化(Ⅳ.Subculture) 150

Ⅴ.压力(Ⅴ.Stress) 153

Ⅵ.流动率(Ⅵ.Turnover) 156

35.拥挤(Crowding) 159

Ⅰ.概述(Ⅰ.Introduction) 159

Ⅱ.法庭判决(Ⅱ.Court Rulings) 163

36.凯瑟琳·比门特·戴维斯(Davis Katherine Bement) 166

37.死刑队(Death Row) 168

38.拘留状(Detainers) 170

39.定期刑(Determinate Sentences) 174

40.发育残疾罪犯(Developmentally Disabled Offenders) 177

41.诊断及接收中心(Diagnostic and Reception Centers) 180

42.饮食和伙食服务(Diet and Food Service) 184

43.残疾囚犯(Disabled Inmates) 186

44.纪律(Discipline) 192

45.多萝西娅·林德·迪克斯(Dorothea Lynde Dix) 196

46.双人牢房(Double Celling) 198

47.监狱里的吸毒和酗酒(Drug and Alcohol Use in Prison) 200

48.戒毒处遇(Drug Treatment) 203

49.囚犯的正当法律程序权利(Due Process Rights of Prisoners) 207

50.州东部监狱(Eastern State Penitentiary) 210

51.教育计划(Educational Programs) 213

52.《残疾儿童教育法》(Education of All Handicapped Children Act) 221

53.老年囚犯(Elderly Inmates) 224

54.埃尔迈拉监狱(Elmira Reformatory) 230

55.脱逃(Escapes) 233

56.美国的死刑执行(Executions in the United States) 235

57.联邦监狱局(Federal Bureau of Prisons) 238

58.电影(Films) 244

59.武力及其使用(Force,Use of) 245

60.利文沃斯堡监狱(Fort Leavenworth) 248

61.帮派(Gangs) 249

62.霍华德·贝尔钉吉尔(Gill Howard Belding) 255

63.善时制(Good Time Credit) 257

64.哈利斯·玛丽·贝尔(Harris Mary Belle) 261

65.约翰·哈维兰(John Haviland) 264

66.《霍斯-库珀法令》(Hawes-Cooper Act) 267

67.卫生保健(Health Care) 269

68.监狱历史(His tory of prisons) 272

Ⅰ.杰克逊时期(Ⅰ.The Jacksonian Era) 272

Ⅱ.进步的时期(Ⅱ.The Progressive Era) 274

Ⅲ.现代监狱(Ⅲ.Modern Prisons) 277

69.杀人(Homicide) 283

70.监狱里的非法移民(Illegal Aliens in Prison) 286

71.不定期刑(Indeterminate Sentences) 288

72.工业(Industry) 290

Ⅰ.历史(Ⅰ.History) 290

Ⅱ.监狱工业的现行计划(Ⅱ.Current Program in Prison Industry) 296

73.囚犯自治(Inmate Self-Governance) 300

74.囚犯监督:新一代哲学(Inmate Supervision:The New Generation Philosophy) 302

75.州际合同协议(Interstate Compact Agreement) 305

76.牢房律师(Jailhouse Lawyers) 308

77.审判介入(Judicial Intervention) 310

78.出租制度(Lease System) 317

79.法律争议(Legal Issues) 322

Ⅰ.介绍(Ⅰ.Introduction) 322

Ⅱ.历史背景(Ⅱ.Historical Background) 322

Ⅲ.人身保护令状(Ⅲ.Habeas Corpus) 324

Ⅳ.民事权利(Ⅳ.Civil Rights) 327

Ⅴ.监狱运行的宪法争议问题(Ⅴ.Constitutional Issures In Prison Operations) 330

Ⅵ.监狱犯罪(Ⅵ.Prison Crime) 338

Ⅶ.雇员的法律争议问题(Ⅶ.Employee Legal Issues) 340

80.不假释的终生监禁(Life without Parole) 348

81.长期刑囚犯和终生监禁刑囚犯(Long-Term Prisoners and Lifers) 351

82.奥斯亭哈伯特·麦考密特(Austin Harbutt MacCormick) 356

83.理查德A.麦吉(Richard A.McGee) 358

84.马里恩监狱(Marion Penitentiary) 360

85.医学实验(Medical Experiments) 362

86.精神病囚犯(Mentally Ill Prisoners) 365

87.自残(Mutilation) 371

88.全国监狱规划协会(National Prison Project) 374

89.新门监狱(Newgate Prison) 376

90.新闻媒体(News Media) 378

91.诺福克监狱(Norfolk Prison) 380

92.托马斯·莫特·奥斯本(Thomas Mott Osborne) 382

93.圆形监狱(Panopticon) 385

94.假释委员会(Parole Boards) 387

95.帕特克森监狱(Patuxent Institution) 393

96.宾夕法尼亚州监狱协会(Pennsylvania Prison Society) 396

97.宾夕法尼亚州制度(Pennsylvania System) 397

98.费城减轻国家监狱悲惨状况协会(The Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons) 400

99.释放前计划(Prerelease Programs) 402

100.执法与司法行政管理总统委员会的特别工作组报告:矫正(The President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice,Task Force Report:Corrections) 404

101.监狱化(Prisonization) 406

102.隐私(Privacy) 412

103.私人监狱(Private Prisons) 415

104.保护性监禁(Protective Custody) 424

105.公共信息中心与公共关系(Public Information Office and Public Relations) 426

106.种族冲突(Racial Conflict) 429

107.累犯(Recidivism) 435

108.娱乐计划(Recreation Programs) 439

109.感化院(Reformatory) 442

110.1973年的《恢复正常生活法令》(Rehabilitation Act of 1973) 444

111.恢复正常生活计划(Rehabilitation Programs) 446

112.监狱里的宗教(Religion in Prison) 454

113.监狱研究(Research in Prison) 458

114.暴乱(Riots) 462

115.本杰明·拉什(Benjamin Rush) 468

116.圣昆丁监狱(San Quentin Prison) 470

117.搜查(Searches) 473

Ⅰ.概述(Ⅰ.Introduction) 473

Ⅱ.脱衣搜查(Ⅱ.Strip Searches) 474

118.警戒与控制(Security and Control) 477

Ⅰ.防御带警戒(Ⅰ.Perimeter Security) 477

Ⅱ.内部警戒(Ⅱ.Internal Security) 478

119.过度的刑罚(Sentences,Excessive) 484

120.性罪犯规划(Sex Offender Programming) 494

121.辛辛监狱(Sing Sing Prison) 498

122.监狱的选址与建筑(Site Selection and Construction of Prisons) 501

123.告密者(Snitch) 505

124.斯泰特维尔监狱(Stateville) 508

125.自杀(Suicid) 511

126.技术(Technology) 514

127.处遇计划(Treatment Plans) 517

128.享有特权的犯人(Trusties) 519

129.工会(Unions) 521

Ⅰ.矫正官员(Ⅰ.Correction Officers) 521

Ⅱ.囚犯(Ⅱ.Inmates) 522

130.暴力(Violence) 527

131.探视(Visitation) 532

132.职业计划(Vocational Programs) 537

133.自愿者(Volunteers) 540

Ⅰ.市民(Ⅰ.Citizens) 540

Ⅱ.囚犯(Ⅱ.Inmates) 543

134.华盛顿州沃拉沃拉监狱(Walla Walla,Washington State Penitentiary) 547

135.沃尔纳特街看守所(Walnut Street Jail) 552

136.监狱长(Wardens) 556

137.伊诺克·科布·瓦恩斯(Enoch Cobb Wines) 558

138.女囚犯(Women Inmates) 561

Ⅰ.历史(Ⅰ.History) 561

Ⅱ.现有问题(Current Issues) 563

139.劳动计划(Work Programs) 569

140.劳动释放计划(Work Release Program) 572

141.监狱里的年轻囚犯(Youth in prison) 575

六、索引 579
