- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵翠莲著
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787309073294
- 页数:174 页
Chapter Ⅰ Implications of a Developmental Model of Polysemous Representation for Polysemous Entry Treatment 1
0.Introduction:the dictionary and the mind 1
1.Polysemy 6
2.Sense ordering 9
3.Competing views about polysemous representation 10
4.A developmental model of polysemous representation 15
5.Implications for polysemous entry and homonym treatment in the dictionary 20
6.Conclusion 36
Chapter Ⅱ Conceptual Representation for Words in a Second Language 39
0.Introduction 39
1.The word association model 41
2.The concept mediation model 42
3.The mixed model 45
4.The revised hierarchical model 46
5.The distributed feature model 47
6.Conclusion 50
Chapter Ⅲ Constructing Models of the Definition and Its Counterpart(Equivalent or Translation)in the Bilingualized Dictionary 54
0.Introduction 54
1.Treatment of equivalents 58
2.Treatment of culture-bound words 61
3.Treatment of partial equivalents 64
4.Conclusion 73
Chapter Ⅳ Why the Bilingualized?—A Discuss ion Based on the Analysis of the EFL Learner's Mental Representation of Conscience and Liangxin(良心) 74
0.Introduction 74
1.The L2 learner's mental representation of abstract concepts and chunks 76
2.The case of conscience 79
3.Treatment of the definition 81
4.Treatment of the example 85
5.Conclusion 90
Chapter Ⅴ New Trends in Bilingual Dictionary Compilation:On the Compilation of the Oxford Chinese Dictionary 92
0.Introduction 92
1.A conceptual framework 96
2.Lexicalization:neologism and compounds 100
3.Lexical units:phrasal verbs and typical expressions 104
4.Dictionary Production System(hereafter DPS):online dictionary compilation 109
5.Conclusion 113
Chapter Ⅵ Form-Concept Mapping and the Organization of Semantic and Contextual Information in the Greater China Chinese-English Dictionary:A Case Study 115
0.Introduction 115
1.Traditional presentation of the dictionary entry 121
2.Organizing meanings 123
3.Psychological coherence 130
4.Combination of approaches to ordering mcanings:the GCCE practice 131
5.Contextual information 140
6.Conclusion:lexicography,semantics,and the mental lexicon 157
Chapter Ⅶ Summary 159
Bibliography 161
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