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劳动关系比较研究  中国、韩国、德国  英文
劳动关系比较研究  中国、韩国、德国  英文

劳动关系比较研究 中国、韩国、德国 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张俊华等主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787500488545
  • 页数:229 页
《劳动关系比较研究 中国、韩国、德国 英文》目录

Industrial Relations in China,South-Korea and Germany&Rudolf Traub-Merz 1

Part Ⅰ-Collective Bargaining 25

Characteristics of Collective Wage Bargaining in China and the Practical Role of Trade Unions&Huang Renmin 25

Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining in South Korea-Moving from Enterprise-level Collective Bargaining to Industry/Sectoral-level Collective Bargaining&Youngmo Yoon 41

Collective Bargaining in Europe-An overview&Thorsten Schulten 60

The Dual System of Representation in Germany:Structure and Current Developments&Reinhard Bahnmüller 75

Part Ⅱ-Dispute Resolution 91

The Role and Function of Trade Unions in Resolving Collective Labour Disputes in China&Shen Qinqing and Pan Taiping 91

Industrial Disputes and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in South-Korea&Youngmo Yoon 107

Conflict Resolution in Europe&Thorsten Schulten 119

Part Ⅲ-Industrial Relations during Economic Crisis 133

Chinese Labour Law in the Global Financial Crisis&Kinglun Ngok 133

Lessons for China from Labor Policies during the Great Depression in the USA &Qiao Jian 151

How Can the Interests of Workers Be Safeguarded during the Economic Crisis in Korea?& Kiu Sik Bae and Rudolf Traub-Merz 162

Workers'Rights in an Economic Crisis:Germany&Wolfgang D?ubler 181

Part Ⅳ-Atypical Employment 195

Atypical Employment in Korea-Beyond the Standard Working Contract&Kiu Sik Bae 195

Beyond the Standard Labour Contract-Experiences from Germany& Wolfga ng D? ubler 218

About the Authors 228
