- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:伍卓群著
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787560155135
- 页数:676 页
1.关于按第一近似决定稳定性的定理,东北人民大学自然科学学报,1(1956),1-29 1
2.论非线性振动微分方程解的稳定性,东北人民大学自然科学学报,2(1956),15-32 23
3.非线性振动微分方程极限圈的存在性,东北人民大学自然科学学报,2(1956),33-46 35
4.ЛЯПУНОВ稳定性理论与含小参数的微分方程,东北人民大学自然科学学报,1(1958),27-44 45
5.奇异地依赖于小参数的微分方程组的解的稳定性,吉林大学大学自然科学学报,2(1959),29-62 62
6.奇异地依赖于小参数的微分方程的边界值问题,吉林大学大学自然科学学报,2(1959),63-69 93
7.常微分方程的奇摄动理论,数学进展,3(1962),224-254 98
8.准线性双曲型方程组的Cauchy问题的广义解的唯一性,吉林大学大学自然科学学报,1(1962),11-26 132
9.一类常微分方程边值问题的奇摄动-(Ⅰ)方程式的情形,吉林大学大学自然科学学报,2(1963),91-104 148
10.一类常微分方程边值问题的奇摄动-(Ⅱ)特殊方程组的情形,吉林大学大学自然科学学报,2(1963),213-228(与陈铭俊,周钦德合作). 159
11.二自变量准线性双曲型方程组的若干定解问题解的存在与唯一性,吉林大学大学自然科学学报,2(1963),459-502(与王柔怀合作). 171
12.气体动力学方程组容许中心简单波的间断解的唯一性,4(1963),35-49 209
13.没有凸条件的一阶准线性方程的Cauchy问题的广义解的存在唯一性,数学学报,13(4)(1963),515-530 222
14.The ordinay differential equations with discontinuous right members and the discontinuous solutions of the quasilinear partial differential equations,Sci.Sinica,13(1964),1901-1917 239
15.Some results on quasilinear degenerate parabolic equations of second order,Proceedings of the 1980 Beijing Symposium on Differential Geometry and Dif-ferential Equations,Vol.1,2,3(Beijing,1980),1593-1609,Science Press,Beijing,1982.(with Wang Junyu) 256
16.半群理论在二阶拟线性退缩抛物方程的Cauchy问题上的应用,1(1981),43-56 267
17.A boundary value problem for quasilinear degenerate parabolic equations,MRC Technical Summary Report,2484.University of Wisconsin,Center for the Mathematical Sciences,Madison,WI,1983.i+15 pp 281
18.The first boundary value problem for quasilinear degenerate parabolic equa-tions of second order in several space variables.Chinese Ann.Math.Ser.B,4(1)(1983),57-76.(with Zhao Junning) 291
19.Some general results on the first boundary value problem for quasilinear de-generate parabolic equations,Chinese Ann.Math.Ser.B,4(3)(1983),319-328.(with Zhao Junning) 314
20.一类拟线性超抛物方程的整体解,数学学报,27(1)(1984),96-117.(with Zheng Sining) 325
21.A free boundary problem for degenerate quasilinear parabolic equations,Non-linear Anal.,9(9)(1985),937-951 347
22.Some problems on degenerate quasilinear parabolic equations,Nonlinear func-tional analysis and its applications,Part 2(Berkeley,Calif.,1983),565-572,Proc.Sympos.Pure Math.,45,Part 2,Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI,1986 363
23.拟线性退缩抛物方程,数学进展,16(2)(1987),121-157 371
24.Some properties of functions in BVx and their applications to the uniqueness of solutions for degenerate quasilinear parabolic equations,Northeast.Math.J.,5(4)(1989),395-422.(with Yin Jingxue) 409
25.Uniqueness of solutions of the Cauchy problem for the system of dynamics of biological groups,Northeast.Math.J.,9(1)(1993),134-142.(with Yin Jingxue)&( 441
26.Uniqueness of generalized solutions for a quasilinear degenerate parabolic sys-tem,J.Partial Differential Equations,8(1)(1995),89-96.(with Yuan Hongjun)&( 451
27.Some properties of solutions for a nonlinear diffusion system.Ⅰ,Northeast.Math.J.,12(4)(1996),475-482.(with Yin Jingxue)&( 459
28.Some properties of solutions for a nonlinear diffusion system.Ⅱ,Northeast.Math.J.,13(1)(1997),95-106.(with Yin Jingxue) 467
29.Some properties of solutions for a system of dynamics of biological groups,Comm.Partial Differential Equations,22(9-10)(1997),1389-1403.(with Yuan Hongjun and Yin Jingxue) 480
30.Periodic solutions of evolution p-Laplacian equations with nonlinear sources,J.Math.Anal.Appl.,219(1)(1998),76-96.(with Wang Yifu and Yin Jingxue) 493
31.Periodic solutions of nonlinear degenerate diffusion equations,Nonlinear partial differential equations and applications(Chongqing,1997),85-90,World Sci.Publ.,River Edge,NJ,1998.(with Yin Jingxue and Wang Yifu) 509
32.Radial minimizers of a Ginzburg-Landau functional,Electron.J.Differential Equations,30(1999),21 pp.(electronic).(with Lei Yutian and Yuan Hongjun) 514
33.C1,α convergence of minimizers of a Ginzburg-Landau functional,Electron.J.Differential Equations,14(2000),20 pp.(electronic).(with Lei Yutian) 534
34.Optimal control of growth rate for a class of population systems,J.Syst.Sci.Complex.,16(1)(2003),53-66.(with Yin Jingxue and Gao Hang) 552
35.The Cauchy problem for a class of coupled systems containing a convolution operator,J.Partial Differential Equations,16(3)(2003),223-239.(with Yang Chengrong) 567
36.Uniqueness of BV entropy solutions for high dimensional quasilinear parabolic equations with arbitrary degeneracy,Commun.Math.Sci.,1(4)(2003),697-714.(with Yin Jingxue and Lei Peidong) 584
37.The asymptotic property of solutions to a class of integrodifferential equations,Northeast.Math.J.,20(1)(2004),109-126.(with Yang Chengrong and Yuan Hongjun) 603
38.Boundary value problem for a class of degenerate quasilinear parabolic equa-tions with singularity,J.Math.Anal.Appl.,296(1)(2004),209-225.(with Lei Peidong and Yin Jingxue) 623
39.Some results on a class of degenerate parabolic equations not in divergence form,Nonlinear Anal.,60(5)(2005),863-886.(with Zhou Wenshu) 638
40.Existence and nonuniqueness of weak solutions for a degenerate diffusion equa-tion,J.Partial Differential Equations,18(3)(2005),267-286.(with Zhou Wen-shu) 659
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