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后危机时代的管理  多元化的世界多元化的管理(2010管理国际大会论文集)  英文
后危机时代的管理  多元化的世界多元化的管理(2010管理国际大会论文集)  英文

后危机时代的管理 多元化的世界多元化的管理(2010管理国际大会论文集) 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部编著
  • 出 版 社:合肥:合肥工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787565003240
  • 页数:894 页
《后危机时代的管理 多元化的世界多元化的管理(2010管理国际大会论文集) 英文》目录

Operation Management And Logistics 1

A Study On Outsourcing Decision-making Strategy For OEM And CM&HAN Jin,et al 3

CLRIP Based On JITD In Two-echelon Distribution Network Of Service Parts&MA Hanwu,et al 9

Multi-items Inventory Replenishment Under The Constraint Of Total Service Level&SUN Can,et al 15

Pareto-efficient Pricing And Capacity Choices For A Service Facility&LIU Tianliang,et al 21

Performance Analysis Of Inventory System In A Closed-loop Supply Chain With Stochastic Returns&ZHAO Xiaomin,et al 27

Study On Partial Transshipment Mode In A Two-echelon Emergency Supply System With Multi-items&XU Changyan,et al 37

Study On The Investment Decision-making Model Of Logistics RFID Technology&CHEN Jun 43

The Optimal Strategy Of Periodical Adjustment Processes&YANG Jian feng 47

The Research On The Construction Of Grain Logistics Market Operation Network System Of China&SUN Hongling,et al 53

The Study On A Reverse Channel With Competing Retailers&XIAO Xuexun,et al 59

Three-level Analysis Of Safety Operation System In Manufacturing&ZHANG Zhongqiang,et al 67

Optimized Mythology And Model 73

A Comparative Study Of Different Index Portfolio VaR Model Based On Normal Distribution And T Distribution&ZHANG Ying 75

Analysis Of Parameters For Multi-swarm Cooperative Particle Swarm Optimizer&NIU Ben,et al 81

Improved Genetic Algorithm For Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem&DAI Shouyu,et al 89

Portfolio Optimization Using Non-linear Inertia Weight PSO&LI Li,et al 95

Study On Optimal Group Decision Model For IT R&D Based On Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithm Combined With Fuzzy AHP&ZHANG Shouhe,et al 103

Decision Theory And Application 107

Analysis Of Product Warranties With Screening And Signaling&WANG Haiyan,et al 109

A New Decision Making Method For Vendor Selection With FAHP And FAD&SHI Guohong,et al 113

Intellectual Property Right Protection And Strategic R&D Subsidy:From A Developing Country's View&LI Keke,et al 119

Nash Equilibriums For Co-operative Strategy When Advertising Threshold Effects Exists&LIU Yanze,et al 127

Research For Conflict Coordination Mechanism And Model Of Large Group Decision Based On"HeXie"Management Theory&XU Xuanhua,et al 135

Study On Symmetry Breaking And Its Applications To Strategic Alliances&GAO Gao,et al 145

Information Management And E-Business 153

A Talent Recommendation Model Towards Knowledge Product Online Customization&LV Yingjie,et al 155

Mobile Innovation Service—From B2C To B2B2C&QI Ming,et al 161

Research On The Constructs Of Small And Medium-sized Enterprises Dynamic Alliance Information Platform Based On The ASP And Information Sharing&WANG Youfa,et al 167

The Design And Application Of A Distributed And Collaborative Anti-SMS-spam System&QI Ming,et al 175

The Success Factors Of Small Online Vendors In China:A Content Analysis&WANG Shan,et al 183

Financial Engineering And Risk Management 193

A New Approach For Modelling And Estimating Expected Shortfall&QIN Xiao,et al 195

An Research On Stock Market Evolutionary&LIU Yumin,et al 203

A Value-at-Risk Analysis With Long Memory Of Volatility:Evidence From The Chinese Stock Market&CHUN Weide 211

Does A Positive Perpetual Growth Rate Exist?—A Fundamental Rethinking Of Finance&ZHANG Zhiqiang 221

Extreme Value Theory And Financial Market Risk Measurement:Empirical Evidence Of SSEC And S&P 500&LIN Yu 229

Foreign Entry And Multiple-stage Credit Competition In Bank Industry:A Steady-state Model&LI Qiang,et al 239

Valuation Under The Criterion Of Required Payback Period&ZHANG Zhiqiang 251

Marketing And Service Management 261

An Empirical Study On Impacts Of Customer Equity Drivers&TIAN Jinmei,et al 263

A Review Of The Studies On Brand Crisis Based On The Perspective Of Consumer&WANG Xinyu,et al 273

Consumer Attitude And Intention To Low-carbon Appliances In China&WANG Xiucun,et al 281

Credit Rating Of Software Services Industry Based On Factor Analysis&LI Li,et al 289

Effects Of Tourist Experience On Buying Intention:A SEM Analysis Based On PLS&LI Qigeng,et al 297

Exploration And Verification On Emotional Intelligence Of Consumers&ZHANG Yong,et al 305

Identification Of Key Points Of Service Improvement And The Prophase Mechanism Research In Banking Industry—Based On Empirical Study Of Different Influencing Factors Of The Trust In Two-dimension&XING Bo,et al 313

Information Of Luxury Advertisement On Attitudes Of Consumers With Different Competition-contingency Of Self-esteem&CHEN Jie,et al 321

Listed Companies Performance Evaluation In Jiangxi Province Using Factor Analysis And Cluster Analysis&LI Li,et al 331

Research On Brand Pulling Force:An Example Of College Students' Brand Selection&SUN Feichao 339

The Consumer Perception Online Of The Context For eWOM:The Third-person Effect&LI Naihe,et al 347

The Impact Of Market Orientation And Corporate Social Responsibility On Firm Performance:Evidence From China&QU Riliang 369

The Key Status Of Relationship Marketing In The Corporation—The Insight Of Relationship Marketing In ArcelorMittal&CHEN Zhixin,et al 379

The Study On Utility Of Perceived Risk Reduction Strategies In Internet Shopping&LI Baoling,et al 387

Third-party Effects on Consumption Decisions of Electronic Digital Products&YU Yinglei,et al 393

Trust And Commitment:A Tracking Study On Generation Difference And Intergenerational Influence Of Time-honoured Brand Relationship Quality In China&HE Jiaxun 399

Organization And Behavior 407

Absorptive Capacity And Firm Innovation Performance&WANG Changfeng 409

An EmPirical Study Of Relation Between Intra-team Social Networks And Knowledge Transfer Among Team-members&ZHOU Mi 417

A Study On Measurement Tool Of Managers'Work-life Integration Attitude:Development And Test&LI Guiqing,et al 427

Effects Of Supervisory Support On Employees'Outcomes:The Mediating Roles Of Citizenship Role Definition And Trust In Supervisor&LIANG Jian,et al 439

Exploration Of Organizational Culture Competency:Implication Determinants To Be Exposed&YUE Guolin 453

Job Satisfaction And Creative Behavior:The Role Of The Five-factor Traits&GU Qinxuan,et al 461

The Analysis Of Tourist Attractions Destination Pattern With Behavior Proliferation Based Services Resource&DAI Zhimin,et al 469

The Influence Of Corporate Governance Structure On The Effectiveness Of Internal Control&XIAO Xiang,et al 477

The Mechanism Of Paternalistic Leadership In Cross-functional Teams Under Crisis Situations&LUO Yulin,et al 483

The Review And Prospect Of Knowledge Sharing Based On The Theory Of Social Capital&JIN Hui,et al 493

Validation And Modification Of Holistic Thinking Scale In China&WEI Sean,et al 505

Business Strategy And Globalization 515

Analysis For Information Spreading Based On Gilpin-Ayala Competition Model In Emergency Management&HUC Liang'an,et al 517

Enterprise External Network And Its Performance:Based On The Intermediate Role Of Absorptive Capacity&LIU Lu 523

From Cost Leadership To Vertical Integration:A Perspective From The Economizing Theory Of Strategy&YANG Zhi 531

The Competitive Advantage Of Intellectural Property On The Base Of Resource And Capability&ZHU Weimin,et al 543

The Effect And Factors Of The Localization Of Top Management:Evidence From The Foreign Subsidiaries In China&ZHU Jinwei 551

The Effects Of Capabilities And Distance On Chinese Firms'OFDI Motivations:A Conceptual Model&WU Xiaobo,et al 561

The Interpretation On Vertical Decision Of Pharmaceutical Companies:A Positive Study On Chinese Public Companies&HUANG Dan,et al 569

Technology Innovation And Entrepreneueship 585

Managing Creative Coalitions:Reflections On The Social Side Of Services Innovation&XIAO Cailin 587

Organizational Effects On New Service Development:A Case Study On Commercial Banking&LI Jinghua,et al 593

Organizational Learning And Innovativeness Of Products In Transitional Economy&WANG Dong,et al 603

Technological Innovation And Sustainable Development Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Post-crisis Period&GONG Yi,et al 607

The Effect Of R&D Teams' Strategic Behavior Of Cooperation And Competition On Performance:The Relative Absorptive Capacity As Moderator&LIU Huafang,et al 613

The Study Of Green Technological Innovation Diffusion Model And Patterns In The Post-crisis Era&GUO Li,et al 623

The Study On The Characteristics And Countermeasures Of Tri-type Metallurgical Construction Industry&ZHU Shan,et al 629

Management With Chinese Features 637

Chinese Company's Ownership Structure Under Financial Crisis&CHEN Ling,et al 639

Corporate Social Responsibility And Corporate Performance In The Perspective Of Marketization&HUANG Yan,et al 649

Industry Cluster,Technological Innovation And Economic Effects—Based On The Data Of Anhui Province&LIU Yinguo,et al 657

Management Intuition And Logic—Potential Science With Management Decision-making And Time Innovation&LI Dechang,et al 665

Perceptions Of Face among Undergraduate Business Students And Business Managers:A Decline In Moral Values?(A Preliminary Report)&ZHANG Wei,et al 675

Research On Symbiotic Relationship Between Property Management And Community Management From The Perspective Of Co-governance&CHEN Xiqiang,et al 683

Economy And Policy Model 689

Application Of Two-Base-Point Entropy Method In Online-advertising Effectiveness&ZHU Jing,et al 691

Latecomer Advantage,Disruptive Innovation,And Industry Growth In Developing Countries&WANG Mingming,et al 695

Transmission Mechanism Of Monetary Policy That Reaction In Financial Crisis—A Simple Dynamic Model&HE Huaping,et al 705

Environment,Energy And Natural Resource Management 713

A Study Of The Pollution Charge Standard Based On Circular Economy&LI Renfang,et al 713

From Varied Networks To A Unified Regime:Creating A Quality National Park System In China Towards A Healthy Environment Management&WANG Lianyong,et al 721

Global Garden City Construction In Dualistic Societies:A Case Study Of Chengdu City,China&BAO Wen 731

The Research On How To Upgrade The Energy Efficiency Of Shandong Province&WANG Lei,et al 739

Finance Management 749

A BOT Concession Model&WU Min 751

Optimal Instants Of Capital Account Liberalization,Perspective From The Outbound Portfolio Investment And Loan Flowing&LI Wei,et al 759

Human Resource Management 773

A Study Of The Relationship Between Corporate Social Performance And Employees'Contextual Performance—Under The Framework Of Internal Stakeholder&CHEN Shengjun,et al 775

Empirical Study Of The Salary Institutions Based On The Consensual Payment Models&LI Zhihong,et al 783

Research On The Method Of Employee Performance Measurement&DU Guoliang,et al 787

Study On Psychological Contract Characteristics Of The Talent In High-tech Enterprise&ZHU Xiaomei,et al 793

The Impact Of Workload On Intragroup Conflicts—The Exploration Of Main Effects And Boundary Conditions&WANG Min,et al 801

Other Issues About Management 811

An Empirical Study On Perceived Effect Of Chinese Cultural Soft Power&GUO Yingzhi,et al 813

A Study Of Knowledge City And The Management Of Urban Knowledge Capital&WANG Zhizhang,et al 821

Empirical Study On Engineering Project Governance Of Chinese Constructional Industry Under Current Supervision&WANG Liang,et al 835

On Application Of The BP Artificial Neural Network Analysis In The Oilfield Exploitation—A Case Study of Chang 2 Reservoir Of Sai-A Wellblock Of Changqing Oilfield Company&JIA Yuqing 845

The Evaluation And Measurement Research Of the Agricultural Catastrophe Losses In China&GU Hongbo,et al 851

The Study On Evolution Mechanisms Of The Enterprise Network In Xi'an Software Industry Cluster Based On Affiliation Network&HU Ping,et al 859

The Study On Evolving Simulations Of The Enterprises'Technical Cooperation Networks For The Information Industry Cluster In Xi'an&HU Ping,et al 869

To Accelerate The Construction Of China's Sustainable Urbanization—The Necessity And Suggestions&YAO Fengyun,et al 877

Triangle Dynamics Of Institutional Innovation:Inspirations From Wind Energy Industry In Denmark,Germany And The U.S.&CAO Xuanwei,et al 883
