《自然》百年科学经典 第3卷 1934-1945 英汉对照版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:27 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)马多克斯,(英)坎贝尔,路甬祥主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787560097015
- 页数:1057 页
Planetary Photography 2
行星的照相分析 3
Experiments in the Stratosphere 14
平流层中的实验 15
Reaction Rates of the Hydrogen Isotopes 20
氢同位素的反应速率 21
Recent Discoveries at Choukoutien 22
周口店的最新发现 23
The Ether-Drift Experiment and the Determination of the Absolute Motion of the Earth 28
以太漂移实验和地球绝对运动的确定 29
Heavy Hydrogen and Heavy Water 38
重氢和重水 39
Ernst Haeckel 46
恩斯特·海克尔 47
Artificial Production of a New Kind of Radio-Element 54
一种新放射性元素的人工制造 55
The Indian Earthquake(1934) Area 58
1934年印度地震的区域 59
Recent Developments of Sterol Chemistry in Relation to Biological Problems 64
与生物学问题相关的甾体化学的最新进展 65
Evolution of the Mind 72
思维的进化 73
A Velocity-Modulation Television System 96
一个基于速度调制的电视系统 97
The Positron 102
正电子 103
Production of Induced Radioactivity by High Velocity Protons 116
由高速质子产生的感生放射性 117
Designation of the Positive Electron 120
正电子的命名 121
Hormones of the Anterior Lobe of the Pituitary Gland 122
垂体前叶激素 123
Transmutation Effects Observed with Heavy Hydrogen 132
通过重氢观察到的嬗变效应 133
Liquid Crystals 136
液晶 137
Supraconductivity of Films of Tin 174
锡膜的超导电性 175
Persistent Currents in Supraconductors 178
超导体中的持续电流 179
The Velocity of Light 182
光的速度 183
Attempt to Detect a Neutral Particle of Small Mass 186
探测小质量中性粒子的尝试 187
The New Hydrogen 188
氢的新同位素 189
Developments of Television 202
电视的发展 203
A Rapid Test for the Diagnosis of Pregnancy 206
一项快速诊断妊娠的实验方法 207
The "Neutrino" 210
“中微子” 211
Disintegration of the Diplon 216
氘核的蜕变 217
Apparent Clustering of Galaxies 220
星系的视成团 221
The Inheritance of Acquired Habits 226
获得性习性的遗传 227
Commercial Production of Heavy Water 234
重水的商业化生产 235
The Neutrino 236
中微子 237
Liquefaction of Helium by an Adiabatic Method without Pre-cooling with Liquid Hydrogen 240
无液氢预冷的绝热法氦液化 241
Mass of the Neutron 246
中子的质量 247
The Explanation of Supraconductivity 252
超导电性的解释 253
Modern Ideas on Nuclear Constitution 262
核组成的现代思想 263
Radioactivity Induced by Neutron Bombardment 276
由中子轰击引发的放射性 277
X-Ray Photographs of Crystalline Pepsin 282
胃蛋白酶晶体的X射线照片 283
Production of Large Quantities of Heavy Water 288
重水的大量生产 289
Possible Production of Elements of Atomic Number Higher than 92 292
原子序数大于92的元素的可能生成 293
The Factor 137/136 in Quantum Theory 300
量子理论中的137/136因子 301
Exchange Forces between Neutrons and Protons,and Fermi's Theory 304
质子中子之间的交换力与费米理论 305
Interaction of Neutrons and Protons 308
中子和质子的相互作用 309
A"Nuclear Photo-effect":Disintegration of the Diplon by γ-Rays 312
一种“核的光效应”:γ射线引发的氘核蜕变 313
Quantum Mechanics and Physical Reality 318
量子力学和物理实在 319
Isotopic Constitution of Uranium 322
铀的同位素构成 323
Form,Drift,and Rhythm of the Continents 326
大陆的形成、漂移及节律 327
The Fundamental Paradox of the Quantum Theory 364
量子理论的基本佯谬 365
Uncertainty Principle and the Zero-Point Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator 368
测不准原理和谐振子的零点能 369
Solar Magnetism 372
太阳磁场 373
Crossing-Over and Chromosome Disjunction 382
染色体分离与交换 383
Crossing-Over and Chromosome Disjunction 386
染色体分离与交换 387
Chemical Detection of Artificial Transmutation of Elements 390
元素人工嬗变的化学检测 391
The Slowing Down of Neutrons by Collisions with Protons 394
与质子碰撞而导致的中子慢化 395
The Pattern of Proteins 400
蛋白质结构模型 401
A New Fossil Anthropoid Skull trom South Africa 410
发现于南非的一件新的类人猿头骨化石 411
Viscosity of Liquid Helium below the λ-Point 420
液态氦在λ点以下的黏度 421
Flow of Liquid Helium Ⅱ 426
液氦Ⅱ的流动 427
The λ-Phenomenon of Liquid Helium and the Bose-Einstein Degeneracy 432
液氦的λ现象和玻色—爱因斯坦简并 433
Discovery of an Additional Pithecanthropus Skull 440
又一件爪哇猿人头骨的发现 441
Mesotron(Intermediate Particle)as a Name for the New Particles of Intermediate Mass 444
将介子(中间粒子)定为一种中间质量新粒子的名字 445
Structure of Proteins 448
蛋白质结构 449
Nature of the Cyclol Bond 452
环醇键的本质 453
New Broadcasting System 466
新的广播系统 467
The Expanding Universe and the Origin of the Great Nebulae 468
膨胀的宇宙和大星云的起源 469
Glaciological Results of the Jungfraujoch Research Party 472
来自少女峰研究群体的冰川学成果 473
Interpretation of Beta-Disintegration Data 476
对β衰变数据的解释 477
Liquid Helium 482
液氦 483
Disintegration of Uranium by Neutrons:a New Type of Nuclear Reaction 494
由中子引起的铀衰变:一类新型核反应 495
Theory of Mesons and Nuclear Forces 500
介子和核力理论 501
Physical Evidence for the Division of Heavy Nuclei under Neutron Bombardment 506
中子轰击导致重核分裂的物理证据 507
The Fundamental Length Introduced by the Theory of the Mesotron (Meson) 510
介子理论中的基本长度 511
Energy Obtained by Transmutation 516
嬗变产生的能量 517
Cause,Purpose and Economy of Natural Laws:Minimum Principles in Physics 518
自然规律的起源、宗旨和经济性:物理学的极小原理 519
Origin of the Earth's Magnetic Field 534
地磁场的成因 535
The"Failure"of Quantum Theory at Short Ranges and High Energies 538
短程和高能中量子理论的“失败” 539
A Living Fish of Mesozoic Type 544
一种存活至今的中生代鱼类 545
Element 43 550
43号元素 551
Liberation of Neutrons in the Nuclear Explosion of Uranium 556
铀核爆炸时中子的释放 557
Products of the Fission of the Uranium Nucleus 562
铀核的裂变产物 563
The Structure of the Globular Proteins 568
球蛋白的结构 569
New Products of the Fission of the Thorium Nucleus 578
钍核裂变的新产物 579
Structure of Proteins 582
蛋白质结构 583
Number of Neutrons Liberated in the Nuclear Fission of Uranium 598
铀核裂变时释放的中子数量 599
Use of Isotopes in Biology 604
同位素在生物学中的应用 605
Surface Transport in Liquid Helium Ⅱ 612
液氦Ⅱ中的表面传输 613
The Living Coelacanthid Fish from South Africa 618
在南非发现的现生腔棘鱼 619
Control of the Chain Reaction Involved in Fission of the Uranium Nucleus 626
铀核裂变中链式反应的控制 627
Emission of Neutrons Accompanying the Fission of Uranium Nuclei 630
伴随铀核裂变的中子发射 631
Fission of Heavy Nuclei:a New Type of Nuclear Disintegration 634
重核裂变:一种新型的核蜕变 635
Energy of Neutrons Liberated in the Nuclear Fission of Uranium Induced by Thermal Neutrons 646
在热中子诱发的铀核裂变中释放出的中子的能量 647
New Prospects in Isotope Separation 650
同位素分离的新视野 651
Nuclear Reactions in the Continuous Energy Region 658
连续能量区域的核反应 659
The Scattering by Uranium Nuclei of Fast Neutrons and the Possible Neutron Emission Resulting from Fission 666
铀核的快中子散射与可能源于裂变的中子发射 667
Recent Experimental Results in Nuclear Isomerism 672
核同质异能性的最新实验结果 673
Heavy Cosmic Ray Particles at Jungfraujoch and Sea-Level 682
少女峰和海平面处的重宇宙射线粒子 683
Interpretation of the Red-Shifts of the Light from Extra-Galactic Nebulae 688
河外星云光谱红移的解释 689
Cosmic Ray Ionization Bursts 694
宇宙射线的“电离暴” 695
Social Biology and Population Improvement 700
社会生物学与人种改良 701
Myosine and Adenosinetriphosphatase 708
肌球蛋白与三磷酸腺苷酶 709
Action Potentials Recorded from Inside a Nerve Fibre 714
从神经纤维内记录到的动作电位 715
Solar and Terrestrial Relationships 720
日地关系 721
Gene and Chromosome Theory 730
基因与染色体理论 731
Physiological Genetics 740
发育遗传学 741
The Crab Nebula:a Probable Super-Nova 744
蟹状星云可能是一颗超新星 745
The Relationship between Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus 748
爪哇猿人与中国猿人的关系 749
Measurements of the Velocity of Light 760
光速的测定 761
The Evolution of the Stars 764
恒星的演化 765
Radioactive Gases Evolved in Uranium Fission 772
铀核裂变时放出的放射性气体 773
Scattering of Mesons and the Magnetic Moments of Proton and Neutron 778
介子散射与质子和中子的磁矩 779
Interpretation of Nebular Red-Shifts 784
对星云红移的解释 785
Evidence for Transformation of Mesotrons into Electrons 792
介子向电子转化的证明 793
Some Biological Applications of Neutrons and Artificial Radioactivity 800
中子与人工放射性的若干生物学应用 801
Radium Treatment 810
镭疗 811
Cancer-Producing Chemical Compounds 820
诱发癌症的化合物 821
Molecular Structure of the Collagen Fibres 832
胶原纤维的分子结构 833
Capture Cross-Sections for Thermal Neutrons in Thorium,Lead and Uranium 238 840
钍、铅和铀-238中热中子的俘获截面 841
The Mass Centre in Relativity 846
相对论中的质心 847
The Theory of Nuclear Forces 852
核力的理论 853
True and False Teleology 866
正确的和错误的目的论 867
True and False Teleology 870
正确的和错误的目的论 871
Separation of Uranium Isotopes 872
铀同位素的分离 873
Chemical Estimation of Vitamin B6 in Foods by Means of the Diazo Reactionand the Phenol Reagent 876
利用重氮化反应和酚试剂对食物中的维生素B6进行化学测定 877
The Hydrogen Bond 880
氢键 881
Excited States of Stable Nuclei 890
稳定核的激发态 891
Considerations Concerning the Fundaments of Theoretical Physics 898
关于理论物理基础的思考 899
Dextran as a Substitute for Plasma 914
作为血浆替代物的葡聚糖 915
A Labour-saving Method of Sampling 920
一种省力的抽样方法 921
A Quantum Theory of the Origin of the Solar System 924
太阳系起源的量子理论 925
A Quantum Theory of the Origin of the Solar System 936
太阳系起源的量子理论 937
Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases 942
植物病毒和病毒性疾病 943
Action of Penicillin on the Rate of Fall in Numbers of Bacteria in vivo 954
在体内青霉素对于细菌数量减少速率的作用 955
Biphasic Action of Penicillin and Other Sulphonamide Similarity 960
青霉素与磺胺的类似性:两相行为及其他 961
Causality or Indeterminism? 968
因果律还是非决定论? 969
Mode of Action of Penicillin 978
青霉素的作用机制 979
Natural History of Granite 984
花岗岩的自然史 985
Rubbers and Their Characteristics:Real and Ideal 1000
橡胶及其特性:现实的和理想的 1001
Penicillin Treatment of Venereal Disease and Spirochaetal Infections 1014
青霉素治疗性病和螺旋体感染 1015
Comments on Chromosome Structure 1020
关于染色体结构的评论 1021
Artificial Protein Fibres:Their Conception and Preparation 1030
人造蛋白纤维:概念与制备 1031
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