- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘永波,孙祖兴主编
- 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787560739588
- 页数:643 页
中国教师获奖论文 3
Toward E-Portfolios as an Alternative Assessment for Chinese College English Education&SONG Hong-bo 3
An Empirical Study of Fossilization in English Majors'Writings&TENG Yan-jiang 23
On the Application of Annotation to EFL Reading:A Case Study&REN Qing-mei 37
Developing Students'Study Skills Beyond Memorization&YANG Hui-qin 46
Developing Chinese Students'Learner Autonomy in Cultural Context&MA Ying-xin 56
An Empirical Study of Explicit and Implicit Grammar Instruction&TIAN Tian 71
The Investigation into Non-English Majors'Expressiveness of Chinese Culture in English&LIU Xiao-qing 86
Identity Construction in College English Culture Teaching—From the EFL Teacher's Perspective&RUAN Yue-xiang 102
A Three-dimensional Study on Learning Styles of English Majors in Vocational Schools&ZHONG Li-jun 119
Investigation on Dictionary Use of College English Learners&FAN Ming-chun 141
How Far Is It Really Feasible to Adopt Negotiated Syllabuses and Analytic Learning in Second Language Learning?&LUO Lan 157
An Empirical Study of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Chinese Science and Engineering Freshmen&WANG Li-e&SUN Chang-lin 173
An Exploration of Applying Stylistic Cohesive Theory in English Intensive Teaching&WANG Wen-hui 189
Application of Classroom Interaction in Reading Class&SHAO Ping&ZHONG Jing-wei 204
Cross-Cultural Perspective in C-E Poetry Translation—On the Cultural Imagery Transmission&LI Li 220
On Meanings and Teaching of Locative Prepositions:Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics&WANG Ying-jie 234
An Effective and Practical Way for Assessing Speaking in College English Teaching&LU Jie 246
A Study of Strategies Used by Good English Language Learners&LIN Li-rong 261
Implementing Communicative Language Teaching Effectively to Tertiary Students in China&FU You-long&WANG Yi-feng 278
Cultural Connotations of Politeness and a Comparative Study of the Chinese and Western Conversational Structures&ZUO Ya-qin 294
English Majors'Translation Learning:A Questionnaire-based Study&CHEN Hua 305
The Relationship Between Self-determination Theory and the Study of Motivation in Second Language&WU Wei 319
Problems in the English Writing of College Students&DONG Na 329
Teachers'Role in CALL&LI Xiu-hua 343
The Existing Obstacles and Solution of College English Listening Comprehension&CHENG Hui-zhen 353
On the Cultivation of Pragmatic Competence of Vocational College English Majors Through a Web-based Teaching Mode&ZHAO Ye-fan 366
Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Through Extensive Reading—Pedagogical Implications of Vocabulary Research&ZHANG Shu-shan 377
English Vocabulary Teaching in Three-Year College&YU Cai-feng 391
What Makes a Written Text Written and a Spoken Text Spoken?&ZHAO Yi-qian 402
On the Exploration of Interactive Teaching of English Poetry&ZHU Qing 411
An Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching&LIU Xue-mei 424
The Five Cultural Dimensions for International Business&ZHAO Chang 434
Stylistic Features of The Rainbow by D.H.Lawrence—A Stylistic Analysis on an Excerpt from the Novel&FENG De-he 448
The Importance of English Phonetics in English Teaching and Learning&WANG Peng 457
Harmonious Existence of University English Teaching and Research&YANG Dong 464
On Evaluating Four Methods and Approaches in ELT&DUAN Xiao-lian 471
外籍教师获奖论文 485
Chinese English Majors Need More Classes with Native English Speakers/Fluent English Speakers&Juene Turner 485
Teaching English in China:A Personal Perspective&Cho Roland Nkwah 497
How to Improve the Communication Skills Using English Language for Chinese Students&Angela L.Cantano 509
A Mystery to Solve&Marvin 516
Teaching Confidence&David B.McCreary 530
My Teaching Strategies and Experiences in Teaching English&Liberty B.Gargallano 546
Making a Difference&Maria Victoria V.Balaga 558
Teaching English as a Foreign Language&Hassan Ait Aissa 571
Reflections on My First-Year Teaching Experience&Craig Miller 583
Teaching Spoken English in China&Ron Rocco&Chang Shanyang 594
Teaching Oral English in China:A Foreigner's Perspective&Charles Andrew Siebert 600
Reflections on Teaching Oral and Business English in China&Barbara Tomori 609
Teaching in China:An Engaging Experience&Mahendra Raj Panday 617
Methodics of Work with Russian Movies in the Chinese Audience&Polukhina Yana Petrovna 626
Students'Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning Spoken English Need Respect&Jubelyn Quindao&Natailya Lisova 632
Language Acquisition and Learning in the Chinese College Environment&Sean Fonti 635
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