中文访谈节目中的礼貌和面子 批评性语篇分析新视角PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:苏衡著
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787560157481
- 页数:263 页
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Rationale of the research 2
1.2 Significance of the research 8
1.3 Framework of the thesis 10
Chapter Two Literature Review 11
2.1 The background for the study of politeness and face 11
2.2 Different approaches to politeness study 13
2.2.1 The social-norm approach 13
2.2.2 The conversational-maxim approach 14
2.2.3 The discursive approach 17
2.2.4 The face-negotiation theory 18
2.2.5 The face-saving approach 19
2.3 Studies on Chinese face and politeness 24
2.3.1 Studies focusing on concepts and theories 26
2.3.2 Studies aiming at developing new models 28
2.3.3 Studies dealing with particular speech acts 29
2.3.4 Studies exploring comprehensive Chinese facework strategies 34
Chapter Three Methodology 38
3.1 Data collection 38
3.2 Theoretical framework 43
3.2.1 A brief overview of Critical Discourse Analysis and the relevant literature 43
3.2.2 Debates on Critical Discourse Analysis 47
3.3 Analytic Procedure 55
Chapter Four Description of Data 57
4.1 Maintaining harmony 57
4.1.1 Using ice-breaking rapport-builders(11 cases) 58
4.1.2 Exaggerating approval and interest(13 cases) 66
4.1.3 Honouring other-face(46 cases) 67
4.1.4 Claiming solidarity(42 cases) 77
4.1.5 Avoiding or mitigating disagreement(15 cases) 81
4.1.6 Immediate redress of a face-loss or face-threat(6 cases) 85
4.1.7 Asserting common ground(8 cases) 92
4.1.8 Being light-hearted/showing humor(13 cases) 96
4.1.9 Raising easy questions and engaging in safe topics(7 cases) 97
4.1.10 Conveying cooperation(58 cases) 98
4.2 Being modest/showing humility(21 cases) 104
4.2.1 Enhancing others 104
4.2.2 Being self-abasing/self-humbling 105
4.3 Showing deference to power and status 109
4.3.1 Showing respect to superiors(59 cases) 110
4.3.2 Only the powerful can visualize the future(14 cases) 118
4.3.3 Referring to power or authority(25 cases) 119
4.3.4 Signaling hierarchical relations(33 cases) 121
4.3.5 Using address terms to signal hierarchy 130
4.4 Honoring communal/social face(19 cases) 135
4.5 Honoring moral face(12 cases) 140
4.6 Using mitigation 141
4.6.1 Softening the tone of speech(53 cases) 142
4.6.2 Being conventionally indirect(8 cases) 151
4.6.3 Minimizing imposition(5 cases) 152
4.6.4 Apologizing(13 cases) 153
4.6.5 Using fixed additional questions(5 cases) 154
4.6.6 Being vague(29 cases) 154
4.6.7 Using ellipses(5 cases) 158
4.6.8 Using repetitions(3 cases) 158
4.6.9 Using overstatements 159
4.6.10 Using contradictions 159
4.7 Summary 160
Chapter Five Interpretation of Data 164
5.1 Context of the television program 164
5.2 The role of politeness 168
5.3 A brief introduction to the Chinese political system 169
5.4 Strategies of the interlocutors 170
5.4.1 Strategies of the hosts 170
5.4.2 Strategies of the GWPs 174
5.4.3 Strategies of the GNPs 179
Chapter Six Explanation of Data 181
6.1 Maintaining harmony 182
6.2 Showing modesty/humility 186
6.2.1 Modesty/humility and the law of heaven 186
6.2.2 Modesty and The Yi Jing 187
6.2.3 Modesty and learning 188
6.2.4 Modesty and the Mean(Middle Way) 189
6.2.5 Modesty and face 191
6.3 Moral face and communal/social face 192
6.4 Showing deference to power and status 200
Chapter Seven New Trends in a Transitional Society 207
7.1 New trends in Chinese facework strategies 207
7.1.1 Accepting compliments(9 cases) 207
7.1.2 Efforts to maintain one's and other's privacy(16 cases) 210
7.1.3 Changes in gift-giving behaviors(7 cases) 214
7.1.4 Breach of modesty rule(11 cases) 216
7.1.5 New collectivism 218
7.2 Social contexts of new trends 223
7.2.1 New values reflected in the strategies 223
7.2.2 The waning influence of Chinese traditional culture 224
7.2.3 Economic reform and the opening-up policy 226
7.2.4 Family planning and education system 228
7.2.5 Reform of the housing system 229
Chapter Eight Conclusion 231
References 237
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