CFA学习精要 Level 3 财务报表分析PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:金圣才主编
- 出 版 社:北京市:中国石化出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7802290023
- 页数:397 页
Study Session 7Financial Statement Analysis:Basic Concepts(财务报表分析:基本概念) 1
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 1
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 1
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 3
29.Framework for Financial Statement Analysis(财务报表分析框架) 3
30.Long-Term Assets(长期资产) 13
31.Accounting Income and Assets:The Accrual Concept(核算收入与资产:应计制概念) 25
32.The Statement of Cash Flows(现金流量表) 50
33.Analysis of Cash Flows(现金流分析) 57
34.Future FASB Changes and the Analytical Challenges of GAAP(未来FASB变动和GAAP的分析挑战) 79
四、会计学预备知识(Preliminary Readings) 82
P1.Measuring Business Income(计量营业收入) 84
P2.Financial Reporting and Analysis(财务报告与分析) 92
P3.Short-Term Financial Assets(短期金融资产) 104
P4.Inventories(存货) 111
P5.Current Liabilities and the Time Value of Money(流动负债与货币的时间价值) 121
P6.Long-Term Liabilities(长期负债) 125
P7.Contributed Capital(投入资本,包括实收资本/股本、资本公积) 137
P8.The Corporate Income Statement and the Statement of Stockholders'Equity(公司损益表和股东权益表) 141
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 149
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 149
Study Session 8 Financial Statement Analysis:Financial Ratios and Earnings per Share(财务报表分析:财务比率与每股收益) 149
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 150
35.Analysis of Financial Statements(财务报表分析) 150
36.Dilutive Securities and Earnings per Share(稀释性证券与每股收益) 198
37.Seek and Ye Shall Find(寻找,然后发现) 227
38.Searching for Shenanigans(搜寻欺诈) 228
Study Session 9 Financial Statement Analysis:Assets(财务报表分析:资产) 235
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 235
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 235
39.Analysis of Inventories(存货分析) 236
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 236
40.Analysis of Long-Lived Assets:Part I—The Capitalization Decision(长期资产分析:Ⅰ——资本化决策) 270
41.Analysis of Long-Lived Assets:Part Ⅱ—Analysis of Depreciation and Impairment(长期资产分析:Ⅱ——折旧与减值) 289
Study Session 10 Financial Statement Analysis:Liabilities(财务报表分析:负债) 321
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 321
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 321
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 322
42.Analysis of Income Taxes(所得税分析) 322
43.Analysis of Financing Liabilities(金融负债分析) 350
44.Leases and Off-Balance-Sheet Debt(租赁及表外融资) 370
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