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会计英语 财务会计 双语版 financial accounting bilingual edition
会计英语 财务会计 双语版 financial accounting bilingual edition

会计英语 财务会计 双语版 financial accounting bilingual editionPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张其秀编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海财经大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7810985698
  • 页数:300 页
《会计英语 财务会计 双语版 financial accounting bilingual edition》目录

Part One Accounting Theory—Concepts and FrameworkCHAPTER 1 Accounting:The Basis for Decisions 3

1.1 Accounting:Information for Decision Making 3

1.2 Financial Accounting Information 6

1.3 Profession Fields of Accounting 8

Extending your knowledge—Accounting Ethic 10

Key words,phrases,and special terms 11

Multiple-choice Questions 12

Exercises 13

Cases 13

CHAPTER 2 Theoretical Framework Underlying Financial Accounting 14

2.1 Nature of a Theoretical Framework 14

2.2 First Level:Basic Objectives 15

2.3 Second Level:Fundamental Concepts 16

2.4 Third Level:Recognition and Measurement Concepts 17

Extending your knowledge—Industry Practice 21

Key words,phrases,and special terms 21

Multiple-choice Questions 22

Exercise 23

Case 23

Part Two Accounting Information—Recording and DisclosureCHAPTER 3 Accounting Cycle 27

3.1 Double-entry Accounting 27

3.2 Journalizing and Posting 30

3.3 End-of-period Adjusting Entries 31

3.4 Work Sheet 33

3.5 Closing Entry 35

3.6 Preparing Financial Statements 36

Extending your knowledge—Adjustment for Taxes in Unprofitable Periods 37

Key words,phrases,and special terms 38

Multiple-choice Questions 39

Exercises 40

Cases 42

CHAPTER 4 Basic Financial Statement 43

4.1 Balance Sheet 43

4.2 Income Statement 47

Extending your knowledge—Combined Statement of Income and Retained Earnings 50

Key words,phrases,and special terms 51

Multiple-choice Questions 52

Exercises 53

Case 54

Part Three Accounting Elements(Assets)—Recognition and MeasurementCHAPTER 5 Current Assets—Cash,Temporary Investments,Receivables 59

5.1 Cash 59

5.2 Temporary Investments 64

5.3 Accounts Receivable 66

5.4 Notes Reeeivable 71

Extending your knowledge—Factoring Accounts Receivable 74

Key words,phrases,and special terms 74

Multiple-choice Questions 75

Exercises 77

Case 79

CHAPTER 6 Current Assets(Continued)—Inventories 80

6.1 Inventory Systems 80

6.2 Inventory Measurement 81

6.3 Estimating Inventories 86

Extending your knowledge—LIFO Reserves 88

Key words,phrases,and special terms 89

Multiple-choice Questions 90

Exercises 91

Case 93

CHAPTER 7 Long-term Assets 94

7.1 Plant Assets 94

7.2 Intangible Assets 101

7.3 Natural Resources 103

Extending your knowledge—Non-monetary Transactions 104

Key words,phrases,and special terms 105

Multiple-choice Questions 107

Exercises 108

Case 109

Part Four Accounting Elements(Liability and Equity)—Recognition and MeasurementCHAPTER 8 Current Liabilities 113

8.1 Current Liabilities of Known Amount 113

8.2 Current Liabilities That must be Estimated 116

Extending your knowldege—Contingent Liabilities 118

Key words,phrases,and special terms 118

Multiple-choice Questions 118

Exercises 120

Cases 121

CHAPTER 9 Long-term Liabilities 122

9.1 The Basic Concepts of Bonds 122

9.2 Issuing Bonds Payable 125

9.3 Amortization of Bond Discount and Premium 128

9.4 Early Retirement of Bonds Payable 131

9.5 Convertible Bonds and Notes 131

Extending your knowledge—Advantages of Financing Operations with Bonds versus Stock 132

Key words,phrases,and special terms 133

Multiple-choice Questions 134

Exercises 135

Case 136

CHAPTER 10 Stockholders' Equity 138

10.1 Stock 138

10.2 Common Stock and Preferred Stock 139

10.3 Issuance Stock 141

10.4 Dividends 142

10.5 Stock Splits 143

10.6 Treasury Stock 144

10.7 Donated Capital 145

Extending your knowledge—Book Value and Market Price 146

Key words,phrases,and special terms 147

Multiple-choice Questions 147

Exercises 149

Case 150

11.1 Function of the Statement of Cash Flows 153

Part Five Accounting Analysis—Understanding and ApplicationCHAPTER 11 Statement of Cash Flows 153

11.2 Classifications of Cash Flows 154

11.3 Preparation of the Statement of Cash Flows 154

11.4 A Complete Illustration 162

Extending your knowledge—Free Cash Flow 163

Key words,phrases,and special terms 164

Multiple-choice Questions 164

Exercises 165

Cose 166

12.1 Objectives of Financial Statement Analysis 167

CHAPTER 12 Financial Statement Analysis 167

12.2 Basic Analytical Procedures 168

12.3 Current Position Analysis 170

12.4 Assets Management Analysis 172

12.5 Solvency Ability Analysis 175

12.6 Profitability Analysis 176

Extending your knowledge—Ratio of Liabilities to Stockholders' Equity 178

Key words,phrases,and special terms 179

Multiple-choice Questions 180

Exercises 181

Case 182

1.1 会计:决策信息 185

第一篇 会计理论——概念与框架第一章 会计:决策的基础 185

1.2 财务会计信息 187

1.3 会计的职业领域 189

知识拓展——会计道德 191

第二章 财务会计理论框架 192

2.1 理论框架的性质 192

2.2 第一层次:基本目标 193

2.3 第二层次:基本概念 193

2.4 第三层次:确认与计量概念 195

知识拓展——行业实务 197

第二篇 会计信息——归集与披露第三章 会计循环 201

3.1 复式记账制 201

3.2 日记账和分类账 203

3.3 期末账项调整 204

3.4 工作底表 206

3.5 结账分录 208

3.6 编制财务报表 209

知识拓展——无盈利时期的所得税调整 210

第四章 基本财务报表 212

4.1 资产负债表 212

4.2 收益表 215

知识拓展——收益与留存收益合并报表 217

第三篇 会计要素(资产)——确认与计量第五章 流动资产(上)——现金、短期投资、应收款项 221

5.1 现金 221

5.2 短期投资 225

5.3 应收账款 227

5.4 应收票据 231

知识拓展——应收账款保理 233

第六章 流动资产(下)——存货 234

6.1 存货的盘存 234

6.2 存货的计价 235

6.3 存货的估价 239

知识拓展——后进先出储备 240

第七章 长期资产 242

7.1 固定资产 242

7.2 无形资产 247

知识拓展——非货币性交易 249

7.3 自然资源 249

第四篇 会计要素(负债与权益)——确认与计量第八章 流动负债 253

8.1 金额确定的流动负债 253

8.2 需要估计的流动负债 256

知识拓展——或有负债 257

第九章 长期负债 258

9.1 债券的基本概念 258

9.2 债券发行的会计处理 260

9.3 债券溢折价摊销 263

9.4 债券的提前赎回 265

9.5 可转换债券和票据 266

知识拓展——债券筹资和股票筹资的优劣 266

10.1 股票 268

第十章 股东权益 268

10.2 普通股和优先股 269

10.3 股票发行 270

10.4 股利 270

10.5 股票分割 271

10.6 库藏股 272

10.7 受赠资本 273

知识拓展——账面价值和市场价值 273

第五篇 会计分析——理解与运用第十一章 现金流量表 277

11.1 现金流量表的功用 277

11.2 现金流量的分类 277

11.3 现金流量表的编制 278

11.4 完整的例示 284

知识拓展——自由现金流 286

第十二章 财务报表分析 287

12.1 财务报表分析的目的 287

12.2 基本分析程序 287

12.3 流动性分析 290

12.4 资产管理分析 292

12.5 偿债能力分析 294

12.6 盈利能力分析 295

知识拓展——产权比率 297

Answers for Multiple-choice Questions 298

参考文献 299

后记 300
