- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中学生学习报编辑部编
- 出 版 社:开封:河南大学出版社
- 出版年份:1987
- ISBN:7810180177
- 页数:212 页
1.a,an 1
A 1
2.a little,a bit 2
3.a lot of,lots of,plenty of 3
4.able,capable 5
5.above,over,on,up 6
6.accept,receive 8
7.ache,pain 9
8.advice,suggestion 10
I 11
103.ill,sick 11
9.afraid,fear terrible 11
10.after,back,behind 12
11.after,in,later 13
12.ago,before 14
13.almost,nearly 16
14.also,too,as well as,so,either,neither 17
15.although,though 18
16.always,usually,often,sometimes 19
17.answer,reply 21
18.Arab,Arabia,Arabic 22
19.arrive,reach,get 23
20.arms,weapon 24
21.around,round,about 25
22.ask,question 26
23.assist,help 27
B 28
24.baby,boy,child 28
25.base,basis,foundation 30
26.be going to+动词原形,will(shall)+动词原形 31
27.beat,strike,hit 32
28.beautiful,pretty,handsome,lovely 33
29.because,for,since,as 34
30.begin,start 36
31.become,make,get,grow,turn 37
32.between,among 41
33.black,dark 42
35.borrow,lend 43
34.boat,ship 43
36.both,all 44
37.bring,take 46
38.broad,wide 46
39.build,construct,establish,set up 48
C 49
40.can,may 49
41.cap,hat 50
42.car,auto,bus,truck,taxi,tram等 51
43.careful,cautious,attentive 52
44.catch,seize 53
45.cause,reason 54
46.centre,middle 55
47.choose,select,pick,elect 56
48.city,town 58
49.class,lesson 59
50.clean,tidy 60
51.clever,wise 61
52.close,shut 62
53.close,near 63
54.clothes,clothing,suit,dress 64
55.contain,include 65
136.piece,bit 66
56.correct,right 66
57.crop,harvest 67
8.crowd,group,flock,gang 68
59.cry,shut 69
61.day,date 70
60.cup,glass,mug 70
D 70
62.deal with,manage 72
63.dear,expensive 73
64.decide,determine 74
65.defend,protect,guard 75
66.demand,beg,ask,request 76
67.desk,table 77
68.difficult,hard 79
69.divide,separate 80
71.draw,pull 81
71.due to,owing to,because of,thanks to 82
72.duty,responsibility 84
E 84
73.each every 84
74.each other,one another 85
75.eager,earnest 86
76.eat,have,take 87
77.elder,older 88
78.except,besides,but 89
79.family,home,house 91
F 91
80.farther,further 93
81.fast,quick,swift 94
82.few,a few 95
83.find,look for,discover 96
84.finish,complete,end 97
85.flag,banner 99
86.for sb.to do sth,of sb.to do sth 100
G 101
87.gift,present 101
88.globe,earth 102
89.grass,weed 103
90.guest,visitor 104
H 104
91.habit,custom 104
92.happen,take place,occur 105
93.happy,glad,pleased 107
94.hasten,hurry 108
95.have a cold,catch cold,get a cold 109
96.haye a word,have words 111
97.hear,listen 111
98.heaven,sky 113
99.high,tall 114
100.hope,expect 115
101.hour,o'clock,time 116
102.how long,how often,how soon 117
104.in the corner,on the corner,at the corner 120
105.intere sting,interest,interested 121
106.It's time for(to),It's time that 122
J 123
107.job,worrk 123
108.join,take part in 124
109.jump,leap 125
110.just,fair 126
K 126
111.keep,retain 126
112.kill,murder 128
L 129
113.learn,study 129
114.let's,let us 130
115.like,delight,be fond of,enjoy,prefer,to be favorite with 131
116.like,love 134
117.little,small 135
118.look,see,watch 137
119.make a face,make face 138
M 138
120.make from,make of 139
121.matter,business 140
122.mount,mountain 141
123.Mr.Sir.Mrs.Miss.Ms 141
124.much,many 142
125.must,have to 144
N 145
126.nation,country,state 145
127.neither,neither…nor 146
128.none,no one 149
129.not…any longer,not…any more 150
O 152
130.of,for 152
131.of,to 153
132.opportunity,chance,occasion 154
133.order,command 156
134.own,have,there is(are) 157
P 158
135.play,play with 158
137.problem,question,matter 160
138.pupil,student 162
139.put,place,set,lay 163
Q 164
140.quiet,calm,still,silent 164
R 165
141.race,nation 165
142.rage,anger 166
143.raise,lift 167
144.raise,rise 168
145.reach,arrive 169
146.real,true 170
147.reason,cause 171
148.recall,remember,remind 172
149.rest,repose 173
150.rich,wealthy 174
151.ride,mount,get on 175
152.river,stream,brook 176
S 177
153.send…to…;take…to…;hand…to 177
154.shake,tremble,shiver 178
155.shore,bank,coast 180
156.single,only 181
157.so do I,neither do I 182
158.so…that,such…that 183
159.some,any;both,neither 185
160.soon,in a short while 187
161.sorry,excuse 187
162.sound,voice,noise 189
163.speak,say,tell,talk 190
164.sports,play,game 191
165.store,shop,department 192
166.story,tale 193
167.street,avenue,road,passage,path,way 194
168.suffer,stand,bear 196
169.tap,pat,knock 198
T 198
170.thank,thanks 199
171.that,which 200
172.that,whether,who,what,which等 201
173.too,either,sometime,sometimes,some time,anytime 204
174.travel,journey,trip 205
V 207
175.very,much 207
176.visit,call,drop in 208
W 209
177.wear,put on,have…on 209
178.weep,cry 211
179.when,while 212
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