现代完井工程 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:万仁溥编
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787502188030
- 页数:726 页
1 Basis of Well Completion Engineering 6
1.1 Grounds of Reservoir Geology and Reservoir Engineering 6
1.2 Core Analysis Techniques 17
1.3 Reservoir Sensitivity to Fluid and Working Fluid Damage Evaluation 26
1.4 Reservoir Stress Sensitivity Analysis 43
1.5 IN-SlTU Stress and Mechanical Parameters of Rock 59
1.6 Technological Grounds of Petroleum Production Engineering 69
References 73
2 Well Completion Mode Selection 77
2.1 Vertical,Slant and Directional Well Completion 77
2.2 Horizontal Well Completion 119
2.3 Underbalanced Well Completion 142
2.4 Basic Requirements,Grounds and Flow Chart of Well Completion Mode Selection 148
References 166
3 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes 167
3.1 Overview 167
3.2 Overview of Nodal Analysis 168
3.3 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Flowing Wells 170
3.4 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Gas Wells 179
3.5 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Artificial Lift Wells 187
3.6 Effects of Stimulation on Tubing and Production Casing Size Selection 206
3.7 Selection and Determination of Tubing and Production Casing Sizes for Heavy Oil and High Pour-Point Oil Production Wells 211
References 219
4 Completion and Perforating Fluids 221
4.1 Functions of Drilling and Completion Fluid and Basic Requirements 221
4.2 Drilling and Completion Fluid Systems andApplication 224
4.3 Shield-Type Temporary Plugging Technique 233
4.4 Drilling and Completion Fluid for Complicated Reservoir 248
4.5 Perforating Fluid 256
References 265
5 Production Casing and Cementing 267
5.1 Basic Requirements for Production Casing Design and Integrity Management of Production Casing 267
5.2 Hole Structure and Types of Casing 275
5.3 Strength of Casing and Strength Design of Casing String 285
5.4 Cementing 299
5.5 Production Casing and Cementing for Complex Type Wells 315
References 334
6 Perforating 336
6.1 Perforating Technology 336
6.2 Factors of Influencing Perforated Well Productivity 354
6.3 Perforating Differential Pressure Design 374
6.4 Optimizing Perforation Design 383
References 398
7 Well Completion Formation Damage Evaluation 401
7.1 Overview 401
7.2 Principle of Formation Damage Evaluation by Well Testing 405
7.3 Formation Damage Diagnosing in Homogeneous Reservoir by Graphic Characteristics 410
7.4 Graphic Characteristics of Dual Porosity Reservoirs and Reservoirs with Hydraulically Created Fracture 420
7.5 Distinction of Stimulation Effect by Graphic Characteristics 433
7.6 Quantitative Interpretation of Degree of Formation Damage 440
7.7 Well Logging Evaluation of Formation Damage Depth 450
References 452
8 Measures for Putting Well into Production 454
8.1 Preparations before Putting into Production 454
8.2 Main Measures for Putting into Production 459
8.3 Physical and Chemical Blocking Removal 463
8.4 Hydraulic Fracturing for Putting into Production 479
8.5 Acidizing for Putting into Production 502
8.6 High Energy Gas Fracturing for Putting into Production 526
8.7 Flowing Back 543
References 553
9 Well Completion Tubing String 555
9.1 Oil Well Completion Tubing String 555
9.2 Gas Well Completion Tubing String 570
9.3 Separate-LayerWater Injection String 579
9.4 Heavy Oil Production Tubing String 584
9.5 Completion Tubing String Safety System 589
9.6 Tubing String Mechanics 593
References 599
10 Wellhead Assembly 601
10.1 Oil-Well Christmas Tree and Tubinghead 602
10.2 Gas-Well Christmas Tree and Tubinghead 615
10.3 Water Injection and Thermal Production Wellhead Assembly 627
10.4 Common Components of Wellhead Assembly 630
References 646
11 Oil and Gas Well Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention 647
11.1 Related Calculation of Oil and GasWell Corrosion 647
11.2 Oil and GasWell Corrosion Mechanism and Classification 652
11.3 Material Selection for Corrosive Environment of Oil and Gas Wells 667
11.4 Oil and Gas Well Corrosion Prevention Design 684
11.5 Tubing and Casing Corrosion Prevention for Sour Gas Reservoir 699
References 725
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