- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:米卫文编著
- 出 版 社:广州:广东高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:753612502X
- 页数:165 页
Chapter 1 建立新业务 1
1.消息来源(We have seen your ad in today's Guangzhou Daily.) 3
2.交际目的(We hope to establish business relation-ship with you.) 5
3.公司介绍(Our products have been introduced to America.) 8
4.自我介绍(Good morning! I'm John Brown.) 11
Chapter 2 信息咨询 15
1.索取有关资料(Can we have the latest quota-tion?) 17
2.询问产品价格(Can you quote us your CIF Lon-don?) 19
3.询问产品情况(We are impressed by your sweaters.) 21
4.询问有无兴趣(What particular items are you in-terested in?) 25
Chapter 3 发盘与反盘 29
1.发盘(Here's our lowest price.) 31
2.反盘(Your quotation appears too high for us to ac-cept.) 34
3.催促答复报盘(Our offer can't be repeated next month.) 36
4.报价有效期(How long will your offer remains firm?) 39
Chapter 4 价格 43
1.价格太高(It's 15% higher than last year's.) 45
2.维护价格(No supplier can offer such a price.) 47
3.请求对方降价(We hope you can lower down your price.) 49
4.接受降价(We accept your counter-offer.) 52
5.拒绝接受降价(The price will leave us little profit.) 55
Chapter 5 订货 59
1.买方订货(Can we make a trial order for it?) 61
2.接受订货(Thank your for your order.) 63
3.拒绝订货(We are unable to handle such an or-der.) 65
4.推荐新产品(This is our latest product.) 68
Chapter 6 付款方式 73
1.买方谈论付款方式(Do you accept D/P?) 75
2.卖方谈论付款方式(L/C is the only mode we accept.) 77
3.开信用证(Please open L/C as soon as possi-ble.) 80
4.信用证期限(Can you extend the validity by two weeks?) 82
Chapter 7 包装 87
1.对包装的要求(Can you strengthen the cases with metal straps?) 89
2.包装材料和规格(I'd like to use crates.) 91
3.对包装的介绍(The packing is typical of Chinese style.) 94
4.包装费用(How much will this add to the cost?) 97
5.包装标志(We hope you can mark“Keep From Heat”.) 99
Chapter 8 装运 103
1.装运期限(Are you able to make shipment in 2 weeks?) 105
2.对装运期的要求(Time of delivery means a lot to us.) 107
3.对装运期的答复(We're sorry we have to delay the delivery.) 109
4.装运方式(Do you allow to ship the goods in lots?) 112
5.运输费(Is Marine Risk included in your price?) 115
Chapter 9 索赔 119
1.索赔理由(30% of the goods are in inferior qual-ity.) 121
2.提出索赔(We have to file a claim against you.) 124
3.接受索赔(We will compensate for it.) 127
4.拒绝索赔(We can't accept your claim.) 130
Chapter 10 保险 135
1.办理保险(Can you cover our goods against WPA?) 137
2.保险类别(We can provide a wide range of insur-ance.) 139
3.保险费(The insurance premium should be borne on your side.) 142
4.保险索赔(We don't think we should be responsi-ble for it.) 144
Chapter 11 代理 149
1.寻找代理商(We are willing to have you as our sole agent.) 151
2.申请代理(We are very much interested in acting as your sole agent.) 154
3.接受代理(You're the just one for the work.) 157
4.不接受代理(Let's discuss it later.) 160
5.代理协议(How much commission can you of-fer?) 163
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