- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)(S.菲利普斯)Sarah Phillips原著;巫漪云导读
- 出 版 社:华东师范大学出版社;牛津大学出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7561719817
- 页数:228 页
目录《牛津英语教师宝库》合作版前言 1
The author and series editor 4
导读 前言 5
Foreword 6
导读 引论 7
Introduction 13
导读 使用建议 23
How to use this book 25
导读一 听力 27
1 Listening 32
1.1 Listen and do—TPR activities 34
1.2 The Frog family 36
1.3 Timmy goes shopping—listen and identify 38
1.4 Complete a grid 41
1.5 The Pied Piper—listen and draw a route 43
1.6 Make an instructions machine 45
1.7 The teacher is a cassette player 49
1.8 In the playground 50
导读二 会话 53
2 Speaking 58
2.1 Simple speaking activities 59
2.2 On the farm—an information gap activity 60
2.3 A class survey—favourite sports 62
2.4 Tongue-twisters 64
2.5 The Three Little Pigs—a story build 65
2.6 A questionnaire on health 68
2.7 Telling lies 69
导读三 阅读 71
3 Reading 75
3.1 Making greetings cards 76
3.2 Problem solving 78
3.3 The washing line 79
3.4 Sort it out 80
3.5 At a restaurant 82
3.6 Making milkshakes 84
3.7 Your lucky number 86
导读四 写作 87
4 Writing 90
4.1 Variations on a gap 91
4.2 The other day... 93
4.3 The chocolate cake 94
4.4 Simple poems 96
4.5 Name poems 97
4.6 Story writing 99
导读五 词汇和语法 101
5 Vocabulary and grammar 105
5.1 Flashcard ideas 106
5.2 Vocabulary networks 107
5.3 Guess the words 108
5.4 A very long sentence 109
5.5 Odd words out 110
5.6 The lost pet 112
5.7 Keeping the rules 113
5.8 Colour parsing 114
导读六 游戏 116
6 Games 119
6.1 Forming groups 119
6.2 Scoring games 121
6.3 Word games 123
6.4 Happy families 125
6.5 A board game 127
6.6 Carolyn's grammar game 128
6.7 A treasure hunt 130
6.8 Body writing 131
6.9 All change 132
导读七 歌曲和歌谣 134
7 Songs and chants 136
7.1 Action songs 137
7.2 Poems,rhymes,and chants to say 143
7.3 Exploiting songs 147
导读八 创造性手工制作活动 149
8 Creative activities 152
8.1 Milly and Molly and the Big,Bad Cat 152
8.2 Vocabulary jigsaws 155
8.3 Pick up twos(pelmanism) 156
8.4 Make a weather clock 158
8.5 Spinners 159
8.6 Twin plasticine monsters 161
8.7 Making puppets 163
8.8 Growing seeds 165
8.9 Making masks 166
8.10 Making books 168
导读九 录像 171
9 Video 174
9.1 Making the most of a video 175
9.2 Spot the items 177
9.3 Act out a scene 178
9.4 Back-to-back 179
9.5 Film a dialogue 180
导读十 综合运用 182
10 Putting it all together 185
Classroom management 185
Lesson content 186
Lesson planning 187
1 Starting with the language 187
2 Starting with a topic 188
3 Supplement the coursebook 189
Photocopiable worksheets 191
Further reading 217
Index 225
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