王迈迈英语全国培训专用指定教材 最新交际功能口语王PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宋建华主编
- 出 版 社:合肥:安徽教育出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787533658908
- 页数:500 页
January the 1 st开始 2
January the 2 nd愉快时光 3
January the 3 rd欢乐 4
January the 4 th享受生活 5
January the 5 th取乐 7
January the 6 th邀请 8
January the 7 th随便 9
January the 8 th欢迎 10
January the 9 th冷遇 12
January the 10 th拜访 13
January the 11 th人际交往(1) 14
January the 12 th人际交往(2) 15
January the 13 th场合(1) 16
January the 14 th场合(2) 18
January the 15 th笑 19
January the 16 th胃口 20
January the 17 th美食 21
January the 18 th爱 23
January the 19 th婚姻(1) 24
January the 20 th婚姻(2) 25
January the 21 st破裂 26
January the 22 nd言归于好 27
January the 23 rd合作 29
January the 24 th朋友 30
January the 25 th人物(1) 31
January the 26 th人物(2) 32
January the 27 th人物(3) 33
January the 28 th人物(4) 35
January the 29 th人物(5) 36
January the 30 th人物(6) 37
January the 31 st人物(7) 38
February the 1 st人物(8) 41
February the 2 nd人物(9) 42
February the 3 rd人物(10) 43
February the 4 th人物(11) 44
February the 5 th人物(12) 46
February the 6 th人物(13) 47
February the 7 th人物(14) 48
February the 8 th人物(15) 49
February the 9 th人物(16) 50
February the 10 th人品 52
February the 11 th自负(1) 53
February the 12 th自负(2) 54
February the 13 th诚实 55
February the 14 th认真 57
February the 15 th聪明 58
February the 16 th愚笨 59
February the 17 th懒惰 60
February the 18 th拙于辞令 61
February the 19 th贪婪 63
February the 20 th嫉妒 64
February the 21 st出身 65
February the 22 nd富裕 66
February the 23 rd贫穷 68
February the 24 th健康 69
February the 25 th不健康 70
February the 26 th神经错乱 72
February the 27 th面部表情 73
February the 28 th杰出 74
March the 1 st 美貌 77
March the 2 nd 名声(1) 78
March the 3 rd名声(2) 79
March the 4 th壮年 80
March the 5 th老年 81
March the 6 th生存 83
March the 7 th死亡(1) 84
March the 8 th死亡(2) 85
March the 9 th死亡(3) 86
March the 10 th生气(1) 87
March the 11 th生气(2) 89
March the 12 th生气(3) 90
March the 13 th生气(4) 91
March the 14 th生气(5) 92
March the 15 th生气(6) 94
March the 16 th厌烦(1) 95
March the 17 th厌烦(2) 96
March the 18 th忧虑 97
March the 19 th恐惧(1) 98
March the 20 th恐惧(2) 100
March the 21 th恐惧(3) 101
March the 22 nd吃惊(1) 102
March the 23 rd吃惊(2) 103
March the 24 th大惊小怪 105
March the 25 th不自在的感觉 106
March the 26 th情绪消沉 107
March the 27 th悲伤(1) 108
March the 28 th悲伤(2) 110
March the 29 th爱 111
March the 30 th冷静(1) 112
March the 31 st冷静(2) 113
April the 1 st慌张(1) 116
April the 2 nd慌张(2) 117
April the 3 预感 118
April the 4 th满意 119
April the 5 th失望 121
April the 6 th仁慈 122
April the 7 th怀疑 123
April the 8 th犹豫 124
April the 9 th恨 126
April the 10 th尊敬 127
April the 11 th意愿(1) 128
April the 12 th意愿(2) 129
April the 13 th勉强 130
April the 14 th公正 132
April the 15 th蔑视 133
April the 16 th白日梦 134
April the 17 th判断 135
April the 18 th可能性 137
April the 19 th打击 138
April the 20 th赞成与同意 139
April the 21 st反对 140
April the 22 nd炫耀 142
April the 23 rd搞糟 143
April the 24 th毁灭 144
April the 25 th妥协 145
April the 26 th坚持 147
April the 27 th服从 148
April the 28 th坦率(1) 149
April the 29 th坦率(2) 150
April the 30 th喜欢 152
May the 1 st 偏爱 154
May the 2 nd 兴趣 155
May the 3 th 希望 156
May the 4 th 比较 157
May the 5 th 容易(1) 158
May the 6 th 容易(2) 160
May the 7 th 困难 161
May the 8 th麻烦(1) 162
May the 9 th麻烦(2) 163
May the 10 th困境(1) 164
May the 11 th困境(2) 166
May the 12 th困境(3) 167
May the 13 th决心(1) 168
May the 14 th决心(2) 169
May the 15 th斗争 171
May the 16 th努力(1) 172
May the 17 th努力(2) 173
May the 18 th努力(3) 174
May the 19 th努力(4) 176
May the 20 th努力(5) 177
May the 21 st勤奋(1) 178
May the 22 nd勤奋(2) 179
May the 23 rd帮助 181
May the 24 th支持 182
May the 25 th操纵 183
May the 26 th成功(1) 184
May the 27 th成功(2) 186
May the 28 th成功(3) 187
May the 29 th胜利 188
May the 30 th失败(1) 189
May the 31 th失败(2) 190
June the 1 st击败 193
June the 2 nd鼓励与鼓舞 194
June the 3 rd批评 195
June the 4 th责骂(1) 196
June the 5 th责骂(2) 198
June the 6 th表扬 199
June the 7 th奉承(1) 200
June the 8 th奉承(2) 202
June the 9 th错误 203
June the 10 th道歉 204
June the 11 th请求 205
June the 12 th愚弄 207
June the 13 th拒绝 208
June the 14 th繁忙 209
June the 15 th能力 210
June the 16 th吸引 212
June the 17 th视觉 213
June the 18 th装腔作势(1) 214
June the 19 th装腔作势(2) 215
June the 20 th解决问题 217
June the 21 st抱怨 218
June the 22 nd催促 219
June the 23 rd决定 220
June the 24 th立场 222
June the 25 th命令(1) 223
June the 26 th命令(2) 224
June the 27 th警惕 225
June the 28 th消磨时间 227
June the 29 th谎话 228
June the 30 th价值 229
July the 1 st安慰 232
July the 2 nd独立 233
July the 3 rd控制(1) 234
July the 4 th控制(2) 236
July the 5 th控制(3) 237
July the 6 th欺骗(1) 238
July the 7 th欺骗(2) 239
July the 8 th欺骗(3) 241
July the 9 th非法 242
July the 10 th惩罚(1) 243
July the 11 th惩罚(2) 244
July the 12 th受罪 246
July the 13 th自作自受 247
July the 14 th忍耐 248
July the 15 th行动 249
July the 16 th挑拨离间 250
July the 17 th抓紧时间(1) 252
July the 18 th抓紧时间(2) 253
July the 19 th注意力(1) 254
July the 20 th注意力(2) 255
July the 21 st完成 256
July the 22 nd意图 258
July the 23 rd确信 259
July the 24 th阻止 260
July the 25 th劝说 262
July the 26 th强迫 263
July the 27 th小气 264
July the 28 th挣钱 265
July the 29 th花钱 267
July the 30 th节约 268
July the 31 st破产 269
August the 1 st钱 272
August the 2 nd财政 273
August the 3 rd付账 274
August the 4 th机会(1) 275
August the 5 th机会(2) 277
August the 6 th窍门 278
August the 7 th恶作剧 279
August the 8 th沉默 281
August the 9 th虚度(1) 282
August the 10 th虚度(2) 283
August the 11 th徒劳(1) 285
August the 12 th徒劳(2) 286
August the 13 th徒劳(3) 287
August the 14 th徒劳(4) 288
August the 15 th准备 289
August the 16 th逃脱 291
August the 17 th争论(1) 292
August the 18 th争论(2) 293
August the 19 th羞辱 294
August the 20 th获得 296
August the 21 st报仇 297
August the 22 nd优势 298
August the 23 rd劣势 300
August the 24 th混乱 301
August the 25 th冒险 302
August the 26 th好运 303
August the 27 th背运 305
August the 28 th效果 306
August the 29 th企图 307
August the 30 th方法 308
August the 31 st责任 310
September the 1 st放弃 312
September the 2 nd记忆(1) 313
September the 3 rd记忆(2) 314
September the 4 th正确 315
September the 5 th胡说八道 317
September the 6 th信息(1) 318
September the 7 th信息(2) 319
September the 8 th信息(3) 321
September the 9 th宣扬 322
September the 10 th查询 323
September the 11 th观点 325
September the 12 th固执己见 326
September the 13 th自吹自擂 327
September the 14 th直觉 328
September the 15 th无关 330
September the 16 th秘密(1) 331
September the 17 th秘密(2) 332
September the 18 th秘密(3) 333
September the 19 thh有利情况 335
September the 20 th不利形势 336
September the 21 st良好祝愿 337
September the 22 nd进展(1) 339
September the 23 rd进展(2) 340
September the 24 th安全 341
September the 25 th危险 343
September the 26 th减退 344
September the 27 th出乎意外 345
September the 28 th整个 347
September the 29 th情况好转 348
September the 30 th每况愈下 349
October the 1 st日常活动 352
October the 2 nd吃 353
October the 3 rd饮酒(1) 354
October the 4th饮酒(2) 355
October the 5th穿着 357
October the 6th睡眠(1) 358
October the 7th睡眠(2) 359
October the 8th买卖 359
October the 9th迹象 361
October the 10th骂人 362
October the 11th哭喊 363
October the 12th露马脚 364
October the 13th沉溺 366
October the 14th结果 367
October the 15th亏损 368
October the 16th零碎东西 370
October the 17th理解 371
October the 18th误解 372
October the 19th调情 374
October the 20th假装 375
October the 21st进步 376
October the 22nd计划 377
October the 23rd放松 379
October the 24th勇气 380
October the 25th发誓 381
October the 26th意见 383
October the 27th无价值 384
October the 28th休息 385
October the 29th原谅 387
October the 30th讽刺 388
October the 31st伤害 389
November the 1st逃避 392
November the 2nd报应 393
November the 3rd承认 394
November the 4th听 396
November the 5th说(1) 397
November the 6th说(2) 398
November the 7th思考 399
November the 8th走 401
November the 9th干涉 402
November the 10th诱惑 403
November the 11th借口 405
November the 12th解雇 406
November the 13th关心 407
November the 14th结论 408
November the 15th熟悉 410
November the 16th单调 411
November the 17th改变 412
November the 18th保佑 413
November the 19th早起 415
November the 20th参加/露面 416
November the 21st关键时刻 418
November the 22nd适当时刻 419
November the 23rd立刻 420
November the 24th迅速 422
November the 25th永远 423
November the 26th才子佳人 424
November the 27th长久 426
November the 28th距离 427
November the 29th各种东西 428
November the 30th加强 430
December the 1st完美 432
December the 2nd数量 433
December the 3rd地方 434
December the 4th教育 436
December the 5th整洁、破旧与杂乱 437
December the 6th几乎 438
December the 7th本质 440
December the 8th否定 441
December the 9th超过 442
December the 10th无论何种情况(1) 444
December the 11th无论何种情况(2) 445
December the 12th绝对 446
December the 13th频繁 447
December the 14th颜色(1) 449
December the 15th颜色(2) 450
December the 16th圣经 451
December the 17th人名 453
December the 18th竞选(1) 454
December the 19th竞选(2) 455
December the 20th地名 457
December the 21st天气条件 458
December the 22nd劳累 459
December the 23rd筋疲力尽(1) 460
December the 24th筋疲力尽(2) 462
December the 25th因特网(1) 463
December the 26th因特网(2) 464
December the 27th因特网(3) 465
December the 28th因特网(4) 466
December the 29th因特网(5) 468
December the 30th计算机“千年虫”问题 469
December the 31st生物工程 470
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