- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:丁其林编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京广播学院出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7810047744
- 页数:328 页
目录 3
第一部分 英语新闻的基础知识 3
第一章 英语新闻的标题 3
一、标题中的时态 3
(一)一般现在时的运用 3
(二)动词不定式的运用 7
(三)现在分词的运用 9
(四)一般过去时的运用 10
二、标题中的缩写词和简缩词 11
三、标题中的词语省略 19
(一)冠词的省略 19
(二)连词的省略 20
(三)代词的省略 21
(四)助动词的省略 22
(五)联系动词的省略 22
(六)引导词的省略 24
(七)名词的省略 25
(一)短语、短句构成标题 26
四、标题中的修辞现象 26
(二)小词、短词的运用 27
(三)标题中的比喻 30
(四)标题中的引语 31
五、英语报刊中的标题形式 34
(一)单层标题 35
(二)多层标题 36
(四)眉题 37
(三)通栏标题 37
第二章 新闻的写法 39
一、新闻的结构——倒金字塔 39
(一)单成分新闻 40
(二)多成分新闻 43
二、新闻的导语 46
(一)直接导语 46
(二)延缓导语 47
三、新闻的背景 49
四、新闻的来源 53
(一)可证实的新闻来源 53
(二)无法证实的新闻来源 55
五、特写 57
六、广告 61
第三章 英语新闻中的语法现象 63
一、句子松散插入成分较多 63
二、宾语从句中引导词的省略 66
三、新闻英语中动词的时态 69
(一)一般过去时的使用 69
(二)一般现在时的使用 70
(三)进行时态的运用 74
四、时态的呼应 76
(一)遵循时态呼应的规则 76
(二)根据内容灵活运用时态 78
(一)冒号之后接直接引语 79
五、直接引语标点符号的运用 79
(二)直接引语放在said之前 80
(三)直接引语中间插入said 80
第四章 英语新闻的词汇特色 82
第二部分 英语新闻作品阅读 89
一、政治、法律、外交 89
Nation to sign UN treaty 89
Singapore‘votes no’to Western democracy 93
Arafat condemns US veto of UN resolution on Israel’s settlement policy 96
Dispute shadows Bosnia peace 99
Struggling Kim ready to shake up cabinet 102
Sino-US relations crucial to peace 105
Jiang,Li call for Japan ties to hit new peak 108
US,Russia closer on security,says Albright 113
China’s new criminal code to protect human rights better 117
China’s tax collectors itching for inheritance tax 120
More,better lawyers in Beijing 122
Stocks laws likely to get nod this year 125
China posts single-digit inflation 128
二、经济、金融、财贸 128
Economic structural readjustment 131
China sees housing as new engine to drive economy 134
China to maintain tight monetary policy to keep yuan stable 137
Chinese yuan seen stable after convertibility 141
China stock exchanges in new round of competition 144
Upturn in realty market expected 148
China touts Inner Mongolian investment 151
Captial opens service sector 155
Li emphasizes potential of China trade 158
WTO opens up telecoms market 161
China looks for new partner in plane project 164
No quick fix for China-US trade troubles 168
China says WTO exclusion unjust,warns US on MFN 171
Small Chinese city becomes giant wholesaler 174
三、工业、农业 177
Steady industry growth in China 177
China witnesses rapid growth of hi-tech industry 180
China to spend 260 billion yuan in major 183
chemical projects 183
Grassland flexes economic muscles through coorperation 185
Li Peng highlights agriculture,industry in Sichuan 188
China’s government advisor calls for stepping up marketing 192
‘Spark’to fuel Tibet’s economic development 195
China industrial output up 13 pct,problems linger 199
U.N.official dismisses China food shortage fear 203
Daimler-Benz unit in $95.5 mln China deal 206
四、能源、交通、航空 210
China confident of petroleum supply 210
Three Gorges Dam to trigger‘major war’ 213
China vows to ensure safety of nuke plants 217
China’s oil production reaching record high 219
Canada signs C $4.0 bln nuclear deal with China 221
China’s‘Middle East’set to gush oil 225
China seeks more foreign oil cooperation 227
China’s Daya Bay nuclear plant ups power production 230
China stages first international air show 232
五、科技、文化、教育 236
China pushing for moon landing early next century 236
Total solar eclipse meets with comet in Mohe 239
China discovers world’s oldest bird fossil 242
Eye in the sky zooms in on China’s mystery islands 246
Chinese Scientists rule out cloning humans,but say panda okey 250
China’s variety shows flop 253
All-girls’school builds esteem 257
Foreigners try to muscle into China fashion scene 261
School reforms provide students with chances 265
China ups funds for cultural renovation 268
China sends feuding couples to school 272
Foreign languages Chinese,Arabic entollment up in US schools;French,German,Russian down 275
Education input should be guaranteed:official 278
Chinese scientists condemn superstition 280
Gulf nerve gas blast may have hit 15,000 283
六、卫生、环保 283
Polluting S.China firms shut down 286
China says child mortality down 27.5 percent 289
Chinese leaders attend family planning and environment forum 293
七、军事 296
China runs‘active defence’ 296
China holds 20-days naval exercise in East China Sea 301
China stages electronic warfare exercises 303
China to open its defense sectors to foreign investors 305
Tourists flock to China 307
八、旅游 307
China’s tourism industry growing 311
Hebei to draw more foreign visitors 314
Tourist sector issues stocks for sustainable development 316
九、灾祸 318
Powerful earthquake strikes China’s Southwest again,injuring 30 318
Frantic search among charred bodies 320
Tibet buffeted by record snowfall 324
China storm victims to get medical aid 326
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