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职场定位沟通  第2版
职场定位沟通  第2版

职场定位沟通 第2版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)居延安(YananJu),(美)葛丽尼(GlynisA.Fizgerald)著
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7309039793
  • 页数:288 页
《职场定位沟通 第2版》目录

Table of Contents 1

1.Professional Communication in a Changed Professional Environment 1

6 C's ofProfessional Communication 3

Communication 4

Common Interest 7

Credibilitv 8

Commitment 8

Collaboration 9

Compromise 10

Current Social Trends 11

Technology 11

Mobility 12

Acceleration 13

Change 14

Why Is Professional Communication Important? 15

2.Finding a Professional Position 19

Getting the Professional Position 20

Finding Professional Career Opportunities 23

College Placement Offices 23

Newspaper and Internet Advertisements 23

Private or Government Employment Agencies 24

Friends and Family—Your Network 25

Research 26

Resumes 27

How Employers Use Resumes 28

Types of Resumes 30

Guidelines 32

Emphasis 40

Resume Subheadings 41

Layout 49

What Not to Include 49

Cover Letters 50

Parts of the Cover Letter 51

Selection Interview Preparation 54

Developing an Interview Strategy 55

What to Wear 56

Phone Interviews 63

The Power of Nonverbal Communication 64

During the Interview 65

Thank You and Follow-up Opportunities 68

Negotiating for Salary and Benefits 71

Dealing with Rejection 73

3.Beginning Professional Relationships 75

Relationship Preparation Phase 77

Family 78

School 78

Peers 79

Research 79

Job Interviews 80

Others' Expectations 80

Relationship Initiating Phase 81

Creating a Favorable First Impression 81

Observing Others in the Organization 86

Opening Channels of Communication 92

Relationship Bonding 105

4.Communicating in Organizations 107

Adapting Your Personality to the Organization 108

Communicating One-on-One 109

Culture and Communication 110

The Art ofConversation 111

Friends at Work 112

Dealing with Criticism 113

Communicating in Groups 117

Characteristics ofGroups 118

Organizational Teams 122

Goal Orientation 125

Groups and Technology 126

Meetings 129

Why Meet? 130

Leading Meetings 133

Guidelines 134

Human Factors 137

Meeting Participants 138

5.Being a Professional Listener 143

The Listening Process 147

Assessing Others'Perceptions 149

Factors Affecting Listening 150

Types ofListening 154

Keys to Effective Listening 156

Don't Fake Attention 158

Being Willing to Expend Energy 159

Preparing Youtself 159

Resisting Distractions 159

Listening Analytically 160

Asking Questions 160

Listening for Relationship Building and Maintenance 161

6.Writing as a Professional 163

Reluctance to Write 164

Purposes of Written Messages 165

Quality Writing 166

Planning and Composing Messages 170

Purpose 170

Analyzing the Receiver 171

Composing Messages 172

Correspondence 174

Memos 175

E-mail 176

Letters 180

Reports 184

Collaboration 187

7.Speaking as a Professional 189

Presentations—The Basics 190

Analyzing the Audience 192

Preparing 195

Delivering 199

Visual Aids 203

Practicing the Presentation 205

IfProblems Occur 206

Question and Answer Sessions 207

Speaking as a Leader 209

Speaking to Senior Managers 210

Impromptu Speaking 211

Speaking as a Spokesperson 212

8.Balancing Communication as a Professional and as a Person 215

Building Interpersonal Networks 216

Workplace Politics 218

Social Skill in Organizations 219

Political Skill in Organizations 220

Building Political Skills 223

The"Other"Politics 225

Professional Gatherings 231

Work-Life Balance 232

Work-Life Balance:A Relationship Management Approach 234

9.Communicating Emotions at Work 239

Changing Attitudes Toward Emotions 240

Emotions at Work 242

What Happens When Emotions Are Suppressed 245

How to Show Emotions at Work 247

Addressing Specific Emotions at Work 251

Envy 251

Anger 252

When You Have Made a Mistake 253

Stress and Emotions 254

Tragedies in the Workplace 256

10.Leaving the Organization 261

How to Get a Promotion 261

When You Don't Get a Promotion 263

Quitting 267

Changing Your Mind 274

Involuntary Termination 275

Lay-offs 275

You're Fired 277

Being Prepared 279

Retirement 280

Early Retirement 280

Traditional Retirement 281

The Exit Interview 282

Bibliography 286
