- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宋培道编著
- 出 版 社:长沙:中南工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:1987
- ISBN:7810200577
- 页数:388 页
absorb 1
neither…nor (38 1
目录 1
动词部份 1
A 1
accelerate 2
accept 2
accompany 3
accomplish 3
account 4
acquire 4
act 5
adapt 6
add 6
adjust 7
advance 8
advise 8
affect 9
allow 9
alter 10
amplify 11
analyze 11
answer 12
announce 12
appear 13
apply 16
arise 17
arrange 17
arrive 18
ask 19
assume 19
attach 20
attack 20
attain 21
attempt 21
automate 22
attract 22
attend 22
avoid 23
B 24
base 24
balance 24
be 25
bear 27
become 28
begin 29
believe 30
belong 32
bend 32
bind 33
blame 33
blow 33
break 34
borrow 34
boil 34
breathe 36
bring 36
build 38
burn 39
burst 41
buy 41
C 43
call 43
calculate 43
can 46
carry 47
cast 48
catch 49
cause 50
change 51
charge 53
classify 54
claim 54
choose 54
clean 56
close 56
combine 57
collect 57
collide 57
come 59
communicate 60
compare 60
complete 61
compose 61
compress 62
conclude 62
condense 63
conduct 63
connect 63
consider 64
consist 66
consume 67
contain 67
consult 67
continue 68
contradict 69
control 70
convert 70
convey 71
cool 72
correct 72
correspond 73
corrode 73
cover 74
crack 74
create 75
cross 76
cut 76
decide 78
D 78
declare 79
decrease 79
define 80
deform 80
deliver 81
demand 81
depend 82
deprive 83
derive 83
describe 83
design 84
destroy 85
detect 86
determine 86
develop 87
devise 88
devote 88
die 89
differ 90
diffuse 91
disappear 91
disappoint 92
discharge 92
discover 93
display 94
dissipate 94
dissolve 95
distinguish 95
divide 96
do 97
draw 99
dream 99
drift 100
drive 100
drop 101
dry 102
drown 102
emit 103
E 103
eliminate 103
educate 103
employ 104
empty 104
enable 104
end 105
enjoy 106
enter 106
equip 107
escape 108
estimate 108
evolve 110
examine 110
exceed 110
excuse 111
exert 111
expand 112
exist 112
explain 113
expect 113
explore 114
express 115
extend 116
F 117
face 117
fail 117
fall 118
feed 120
feel 121
fill 122
find 122
fit 125
fix 126
flatten 127
float 127
flow 128
fly 129
follow 129
forecast 130
forget 130
force 130
form 131
function 132
G 133
gain 133
gather 133
gaze 134
generate 134
get 134
give 137
go 139
grow 141
govern 141
guess 142
H 143
handle 143
hang 143
happen 144
have 144
hear 147
help 148
hide 149
hit 150
hold 150
hope 151
hurt 152
I 153
imagine 153
improve 154
impart 154
impress 154
include 155
increase 156
indicate 157
influence 157
insert 157
insulate 158
intend 158
invent 159
involve 159
judge 161
J 161
join 161
jump 162
K 163
keep 163
kill 166
know 166
L 168
lead 168
lack 168
launch 168
learn 170
leave 171
lecture 173
lengthen 173
let 173
lie 174
lift 175
light 175
limit 176
listen 177
locate 177
look 178
lose 180
lower 181
M 182
make 182
manage 186
map 187
mark 187
manufacture 187
may 188
mean 189
measure 191
meet 192
melt 192
modulate 193
mount 193
move 194
multiply 195
must 195
N 197
narrow 197
need 197
notice 199
observe 200
obtain 200
O 200
occur 201
offer 202
open 202
operate 203
oppose 203
orbit 204
overcome 204
overflow 205
oversee 205
oxidize 205
P 206
pass 206
perfect 208
pause 208
pay 208
perform 209
permit 209
pick 210
plan 211
place 211
play 212
possess 213
pour 213
power 214
preclude 215
present 215
preserve 215
press 216
prevent 216
produce 217
progress 217
prolong 217
protect 218
prove 218
provide 219
pull 221
push 222
pump 222
put 224
Q 226
quake 226
R 227
radiate 227
raise 227
reach 228
react 229
read 229
realise 230
receive 230
record 231
reduce 231
refer 232
regard 233
reflect 233
relate 234
relay 234
release 235
remain 235
remember 236
remove 237
render 237
repeat 238
repel 238
replace 238
reply 239
report 240
represent 241
reproduce 241
require 241
review 242
revolve 242
resist 243
respond 243
reset 243
restrict 244
return 244
ring 245
rise 245
roll 246
rotate 246
run 246
rust 248
rush 248
S 249
sail 249
save 249
say 250
search 252
scatter 252
see 253
seem 255
send 256
separate 258
set 259
settle 261
serve 261
shake 263
shape 263
shine 264
shoot 264
show 265
sit 266
sleep 267
slide 267
soak 267
speak 268
sound 268
solve 268
spend 270
split 271
spread 272
stand 272
start 273
state 275
stay 275
step 277
stick 277
store 279
stretch 280
strike 280
study 281
suggest 282
supply 282
suppose 284
surround 284
sweep 285
swell 285
swing 286
T 287
take 287
stop 288
stimulate 288
teach 293
talk 293
tell 294
term 296
test 296
thank 297
thin 297
think 297
throw 299
touch 300
transfer 301
transform 301
train 301
transmit 302
translate 302
transport 303
travel 303
treat 304
try 304
turn 305
twinkle 308
U 310
undergo 310
understand 310
unveil 311
use 311
utilize 314
value 315
V 315
vary 315
view 316
vibrate 316
visit 317
W 318
wait 318
walk 318
want 319
waste 320
watch 320
weaken 321
wear 321
weigh 322
weld 323
wish 323
work 324
wonder 324
withdraw 324
write 327
yield 328
Y 328
惯用语部份 329
an amount of 329
a beaker of 330
a beam of 331
a bit 331
a bucket of 332
a copy of 332
a bit of 332
a deal of 333
a few 334
a fraction of 335
a glass of 335
a great many 336
a group of 336
a kind of 337
a layer of 339
a list of 340
a little 340
a little more than 341
a lot 342
a lot of 342
a number of 343
a pair of 344
a part of 345
a piece of 346
a pencil of 346
a portion of 348
a quantity of 349
a series of 350
a set of 351
a stretch of 351
a type of 351
a variety of 353
according to 354
after all 355
again and again 356
all over 357
along with 357
and so on 358
any longer 358
as a result of 359
as a rule 359
as a unit 359
as a whole 360
as far as 360
as long as 360
as many as 361
as soon as 361
as well as 361
at first 362
as usual 362
at all 362
at least 363
at last(at the last) 363
at once 364
at one time 364
at present 364
at the same rate 365
at the same time 365
intervals 365
at regular 365
at work 366
because of 366
both…and 366
by means of 367
by reason of 367
due to 367
each other 368
except for 369
every once in a 369
while 369
either…or 369
first of all 370
for example 370
(for instance) 370
from start to finish 370
here and there 371
in accord with 371
in addition 371
in a similar way 372
in common 372
in contact with 372
in fact 373
in general 373
in order to 373
instead of 374
in preference to 374
in principle 374
in other words 374
in step(with) 375
in terms of 375
in the absence of 375
in the case of 376
in the end 376
in the future 376
in turn 377
just as 377
long ago(not long ago) 378
many of 378
more and more 378
most of 379
much of 380
no more than 381
no longer 381
none of 382
none the less 382
not only…but also 382
of course 383
one of 383
over and over(again) 384
on the other hand 384
on the average 384
on occasion 384
side by side 385
so as to 385
some of 386
such as 386
what about 387
with the help of 387
with the result that 388
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