数字建筑设计与建造 DADA2015系列活动 数字建筑国际学术会议论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐卫国,黄蔚欣著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787302468172
- 页数:512 页
数字建筑设计 3
传统冰裂纹的数字生成&吉国华 3
参数化模型的编码方法研究及“基于组件”方法初探&吕帅,刘洁 10
参数化模型设计软件——开发一项生成设计平台促进设计到生产的全过程&Hao-Hsiu Chiu,Kung-da Tseng 22
经验化建筑设计分析到“数字化”模拟分析与优化——“bottom-up”设计策略在建筑设计分析优化环节的优势与劣势&李竞一,左颂玟 32
表现性几何形态与地方建筑技艺的有序融合——建筑设计竞赛初选阶段案例分析&Kristof CROLLA(高仕棠) 44
大跨度建筑设计的结构量化与优化研究&刘尔希 54
人性化的数字化工厂:BIM的应用&卢添添,高岩,马傲林,邱妍(翻译) 68
算法及数字建模技术在设计中的应用&李晓岸,徐卫国 77
建筑性能模拟与优化 87
基于结构性能的机器人木构&袁烽,柴华 87
基于回归样条算法的建筑方案设计性能辅助系统研究&吕帅,燕翔 96
基于内场风环境CFD模拟的专业足球场优化设计研究&安融融,史立刚,曹岳超 100
非线性建筑屋面排水参数化模拟系统&孙一富,吕翰林 121
数字技术辅助绿色建筑方案设计研究&翟炳博 128
基于图论的空间表达方法在三维城市空间中的运用&周静,姜蕾 139
数控加工与建造 151
代理个体的原型&Dr.Roland Snooks 151
脉冲手势:机器人材料挤出成型制作双曲面表面的计算方法&马宁格,马德朴,艾伦·达夫,乔丹·路特伦,赖安·斯坎伦 160
3D打印技术在建筑建造中的应用——以青西郊野公园游客接待中心为例&缪一新 167
潮湿导致木材变形的模拟及数字化设计制造应用的研究&张烨 174
结构-表皮二次匹配技术——万科悬浮咖啡厅设计与建造&钟华颖 185
信息手工艺——多媒体亭数字化建造过程&姜南 191
互动建筑与互动设计 203
单元机与互动式建筑生态&朱宇晨 203
展示新选择:参数化珠宝设计和制作展&费道闻,何净植 213
不规则剪式铰结构的参数化几何设计与制作&马逸东,于雷,黄蔚欣,张博轩,蒋哲,高祺 222
被动动力行为&蔡旼珊,韩昉,Dr.Christopher Leung 233
Digital Architectural Design 245
Digital Generation of Chinese Ice-Ray Lattice Designs&Guohua Ji 245
The Coding Methods of Parametric Modelling with “Component-Based” Methodologies&Shuai Lv,Jie Liu 253
Parametric Patterns Designer—Developing a Generative Design Platform to Facilitate Design-to-Factory Process&Hao-Hsiu Chiu, Kung-da Tseng 265
Empiricism Architecture Analysis to Digital Architecture Simulation and Optimization—The Advantages and Disadvantages of “Bottom-up” Design Strategy in Architecture Design Analysis and Optimization&Jingyi Li, Songwen Zuo 276
The Strategic Appropriation of Performative Geometries and Local Craftsmanship—Case Study of a Competition Design Entry&Kristof CROLLA 289
Quantitative Analysis and Optimization of Structure in Long-span Architecture Design&Erxi Liu 300
Digital Factory for the People: The Application of BIM&Tiantian Lo, Yan Gao, Marc Aurel Schnabel, Yan Qiu(translate) 317
The Case Study on Algorithm and Digital Modeling Techniques Applied in Architectural Design&Xiaoan Li, Weiguo Xu 327
Performance Simulation and Optimization 339
Robotic Wood Tectonics Based on Structural Performance&Philip F.Yuan, Hua Chai 339
Research on the Performance Aiding System of Architecture Schematic Design Based on Regression Spline Algorithm&Shuai Lv, Xiang Yan 349
The Research on Wind Control Design of Professional Football Stadium Based on CFD Simulation&Rongrong An,Ligang Shi, Yuechao Cao 364
Nonlinear Parametric Simulation of Building Roof Drainage System&Yifu Sun, Hanlin Lv 375
Research of Green Building Design in Proposal Phase Aided by Digital Technology&Bingbo Zhai 383
Space Representation and Its 3D Applications Based on Graph Models&Jing Zhou, Lei Jiang 397
Digital Fabrication and Construction 409
AgentBody Prototypes&Dr.Roland Snooks 409
Pulsing Gesture: Computational Methodologies in Robotic Material Extrusion for the Production of Double Curved Surfaces&Sandra Manninger, Matias del Campo, Ellen Duff Jordan Lutren, Ryan Scanlan 420
The Application of 3D Printing in Construction—The Design of Qingxi Country Park Reception&Yixin Miao 429
Simulation of Moisture-produced Wood Deformations and Examination of applications in Digital Design Fabrication&Ye Zhang 437
Structure-Surface Re-matching the Design and Fabrication of Suspended Vanke Coffee Bar&Huaying Zhong 449
Informational Craftsmanship—Digital Construction Process of a Multimedia Pavilion&Nan Jiang 457
Interactive Architecture and Design 469
Modular Robot and Interactive Architectural Ecology&Yuchen Zhu 469
Showcasing the New Choosing: A Parametric Jewellery Design and Fabrication Exhibit&Thomas Fischer, Christiane M.Herr 479
Parametric Design and Fabrication of Irregular Scissor-Pair Structure&Yidong Ma, Lei Yu, Weixin Huang, Boxuan Zhang, Zhe Jiang, Qi Gao 490
Passive Dynamic Motion&Minshan Tsai, Fang Han.Dr.Christopher Leung 502
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