- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)朗·路德洛(RonLudlow),(英)费格斯·潘顿(FergusPanton)著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社;普兰蒂斯霍尔出版公司
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7300024688
- 页数:156 页
Contents 1
1 Effective communication 1
Introduction 1
CommuniCation in organizations 2
What is communication? 2
Managers and communication 4
Interpersonal communication 5
Dealing with barriers 12
Management style and communication 14
Total communication 18
Organizational communication 23
Summary 25
2 Interviewing 27
Introduction 27
Location 28
Preparing for the interview 29
Conducting the interview 30
Closing the interview 35
Making judgments and analyzing results 36
Guidelines for managers for specific job-related Interviews 39
Summary 52
3 Making presentations 53
Introduction 53
Preparation 56
Presentation techniques 60
Summary 69
References 70
4 Running meetings/leading discussions 71
Introduction 71
TyPes of meetings and their implications 72
The roles of chairperson and members 74
Relationships within groups,teams and meetings 84
Summary 90
References 91
5 Conducting surveys 93
Introduction 93
Sampling 94
Planning 96
Methods of collecting data 97
Analyzing the data 105
References 109
6 Negotiating 111
Introduction 111
The subject under negotiation 112
Preparing for negotiation 113
The negotiation 117
Finding Solutions 120
Fall-back situations 122
Behaviour in negotiations 126
Exercises in negotiating 128
Summary 130
7 Training for effective communication skills 131
Introduction 131
Managerial work and communication 132
Training and development 132
Learning 133
Designing communication skills programmes 137
Integration of communication skills 146
Summary 150
Reference 151
Index 153
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