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中国人口与环境  第2辑
中国人口与环境  第2辑

中国人口与环境 第2辑PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:中国社会学会人口与环境社会学专业委员会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国环境科学出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7800937496
  • 页数:290 页
《中国人口与环境 第2辑》目录

Congradulatory Words from Mr. Xie Zhenhua,Director-geneal of The NationalEnvironmental Protection Agency AND adviser of the Society. 1

国家统计局局长张塞的贺词 1

国家环境保护局局长解振华的贺词 1

Ⅰ.Congradulatoury Words.Congradulatory Letters Congradulatory Words from mR.Zhang Sai,Directro-generalofthe state Statistical Bureau and Adviser of the Society. 1

一、贺词、贺信 1

七、论文英文摘要 1

Written Speech FROM Mr. Jiang Zhenhua,Deputy Minister of the State Family Planning Commission and Advicer of the Society 2

国家计划生育委员会副县长主任蒋正的书发言 2

中国社会学会会长、北京大学教授袁方的书面发言 3

公安部副部长牟新生的贺电 3

Written Speech from Professor Yuan Fang, President of China Sociollgy Association and Professor of Beijing University. 3

Congradulatory Telegram From Mr. Mu Xunsheng, Deputy Minister of the Secutity Ministry and adviser of the Society. 3

联合国人口活动基金北京办事处的贺信 4

航空航天部210所所长于景无际元教授的贺信 4

Congradulatory Letter From UNFPA Beijing Office. 4

Congradulatory Letter from Professor Yu Jingyuan,President of 710Institute of Ministry of Aviation and Space, and Deputy Director of the Society. 4

美中贸易委员会中国部主任安妮·史蒂文森·扬的贺信 5

Congradulatory Letter from Ms. Anne Stevenson Yang of US-China Business Council. 5

二开幕词、闭幕词、讲话、倡议书 6

加强人口环境科学研究,促进社会经济持续发展——中国社会学会人口与环境社会学专业会理事长宛益民在中国人口与环境科学讨论会上的开幕词(1994年5月19日) 6

Ⅱ.T he Opening Ceremony Speech,the Closing Ceremony Speech,Speechs,Proposals"Strengthening Scientific Ressearches Upon Population And Environment,Promoting A Sustainable Development of Social Economy "the Openingcermony Speech Made byP 6

The Speech Made by Mr.LiZhengqian,Vice Governor OF guangsi Autonomous Region at the Scientific Symposium on China Population and Environment 7

广西壮族自治区副主席李振潜在中国人口与环境科学讨论会上的讲话 7

广西壮族自治区统计局局长覃卓凡在中国人口与环境科科学讨论会上的讲话 9

The speech Made by Mr.Qing Zuofan,Director of the statistical Bureau of Guangxi Autonomous Region at the Scientific Symposium on China Population and Environment Sciety at the Scinetific Symposium on China Population end Environment(21 May, 19 9

——"Everybody Should Concern about Our Population and Environment" 10

中国社会学会人口与环境社会学专业会副理事长蔡文眉在中国人口与环境科学讨论会上的闭幕词(1994年5月21日) 10

Ⅲ.Thoretical Study on Population and Environment (EASSEYS) 11

人口号环境倡议书——人人都来关心我们的人口与环境 11

An Inital Look into China's Poultaion, Environment and Economic Relations Bychen Wei 15

中国人口、环境与持续发展初探沈益民 15

三、人口与环境的理论研究(论文) 15

An Inital LookInto China's Population,Environment Sustainable Byshen Yimin 22

对中国人口号环境、经济关系的初步研究陈卫 22

论中国人口与环境污染的关系蔡林 31

Relation between Population AND eNvironnmental Pollution in China By Cai Lin 31

Research on the Theoretical Model of ENIRONMENTAL migration in China's POORmountain AREAS ByZhang Zhiliang 38

中国分困山区开发性环境移民理论模式的探讨张志良 38

运用人口统计资料,提高对中国人口与环境问题的认识[美]B.A.安德森、B.D.习尔维 41

Using Census Sata to Incease understanding of Population and Environmint in China By Barbara A.Anderson Brian D.Silver 42

关于人口、资源与环境若干问题的思考顾鉴塘 51

Some Thoughts on Population,Resources and Environment By GuJiantang 51

有关人口、资源、环境的思考于旭明邓小敏 55

On Questions Pertaining to Population,Resource and Environment ByYu Xuming Deng Xiaomin 55

关于人口迁移理论的一种生态学观点张车传王新志 58

An Ecological Viewpont Concernig the Theory OF Population M igration ByZhang Chewei Wang Xinzhi 58

中国传统文化与环境保护关系初探马玫 63

A Preliminary Exploration on Relations between Traditional Culture and Environmental Protection in China By Ma Mei 63

On the institutional Factors in China's Environmental Problems By chen Junjje 67

论环境的制度困境陈俊杰 67

试论人类与生物多样性张维平王绍芳 69

Discuss on HUMANS and Biodiversity By Zhang Eeiping Wang Shaofang 69

人类与生态退化原华荣 73

Man and Ecolgical Degrdation By yuan buarong 73

旱区环境社会学构想李澍卿田翠 77

Some Sociological Conception of Arid Areas By Li Shuqing Tian Cuiqin 77

北京市人吕现状与环境初探王健 84

四、关于全国及各地区人口、资源和环境的分析(论文) 84

Ⅳ.Analyses of National and Regional PoPULATION, reSOURCE AND Environment (Esseys)An Elementary Analysis of the current Status of Population and Environment in Bejjing City ByWAND Jian 84

城市基础设施建设与人口控制李缅英 89

Urban Infrastructure Construction and Population Control By Li Mianying 89

Impact on Cultivated Land, Grain and Nutrition by Population Growth Byhou HoungJuan 94

人口增长对耕地、粮食和营养状况的影响侯宏娟 94

人口与环境要相协调(以河北省为例)边宝智 97

Population Be Coordinated with Environments By Bian Baozhi 97

On Population Develpment and Environmental Protection of Shanxi Province By Qin Yaopu 101

试论山西省人口发展与环境保护秦耀普 101

An Analysis of Evergy Exploitation and ENVIRONMENTAL Protection of Shanxi Province By Wang Lunwen 104

山西能源开发与环境保护辨析王抡文 104

Population Development and Environment in the Inner movgolia Autonomous Region By Chen Hua 107

内蒙古自治区人口发展与环境陈华 107

A Study of Resources and Economic Pressure Brought by Population toNorthest China By Xu Xiaosong Liu Renjie 110

论东北地区人口对资源、经济的压力徐晓松刘仁杰 110

Problems of Population,Natural Resource and Environment in Heilongjing Provivce,China By Liv Shaowei Wei Shuhui 117

黑龙江省人口、资源作环境总是初探刘少为魏书慧 117

Population and Food Resource in Heilogjinag Province, China By Wei Shuhui Yuan Hougyang 121

黑龙江省人口与食自欺欺人资源魏书慧袁红杨 121

Population Pressultiaon Pressure on Resources and the Potential Population Bearing -capacity inJiiangsu Provivce By Zhou Qichan g Zhang Cunyan 125

江苏省人口对资源的压力及资源的人口承载潜力周启昌张春延 125

To Control The Population and to Maintain the Environment By Chen Xiaoming 131

控制人口增长维护生态环境陈晓明 131

1991—1992年淮河灾害的生态前景考察和反思潘天声徐家声李如松 134

Inspection and Reflection on Ecological Background of Huai River Calamity During1991——1992 By Pan Tiansheng,Xujiansheng LiRusong 134

人口增长对家业发展的影响因素分析陈群 137

An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Popuation Growth on Agriculture Development By Chen Qun 137

Population and Environments in Shandong Provivce By Liu Shaohui Li cheng fa 140

山东人口与环境刘绍辉李承法 140

On the Exploitation and Utilization of Environment and Human Resources in Shandoug Provivce By Zhou Wenchang ,Ma Jiankui Li Chengfa 144

论山东人口——资源——环境的开发利用周文昌马建奎李承法 144

On Coordinated Development between Population and LAND Resource in Henan Provivce By Zhao Xichao, Zhang maning LI Tongping 148

河南人口与土地资源的协调发展赵喜朝张曼苹李通屏 148

广东省人口与经济条件和社会环境状况分析钟逢干 153

An Analysis of population, Economic Covditions and Socia Environment in Guangdong By zhong Fenggan 153

Population, Economey and Envirobment in Guavgxi Provivce By Zeng Ming Lishichuang 156

广西人口、经济与环境曾敏郑贵敏 156

Impact of population Growth on Arable land and Forest Resources in Guangming 160

广西人口增长对耕地和森林资源的影响曾敏郑贵敏 160

Hainan Island Population and Environment By Lin Zhiyan Chen Canyu 164

海南省人口与环境林志岩陈灿宇 164

The Status of Population and Resources on Xisha,Nansha and ZhongshaISlands ByWang Jiang 166

西沙、南沙、中沙群岛人口与资源状况张培生 166

Sichuan Population Growth and the Restraint on Ecological Environment By Zhang Peisheng 169

四川人口增长与生态环境制约分析张培生 169

The Only Way to Get RICH——Goin Downhill to Build a township Is the Only WAY TO GET rid of POVERTY WITHE the example of Tian Quan Towvship in Sichuan BY wu LI 174

下山建镇,是山区治穷致富的必由之路(以四川省天全县为例)伍理 174

The Environmental Situation and Development in Yunnand Province By Zhang Jianhua 177

云南省各地的环境与发展 张传富张建华 177

On Environmental Pollution and Control in Yunnan Provice By Zhang Chuanfu Zhang Jianhua 182

西藏人口与环境问题初探王韶泉 182

甘肃省中部地区的人口与环境潘琛陈波 188

Preliminary Study on Problem of Population and Environment in Tibet By Wang Shaochuan 188

Population and Evironment in Central Gansu Province By PenChen Chen Bo 191

青海湖流域人口及经济发展对生态环境影响的分析周永玲马世震杨青 191

An Analysis of Eco-environmental Impact on Developments of Population and Economy in Qing HAI Lake Area ByZhou Youg ling ,Mashizhen Yang Qing 194

Ⅴ.Monographs on Population and Environment (Esseys)The impact of the Therr Gorges Project on Environmental Population-Loading Capacity ByZhu Baoshu 200

三峡工程的环境人口容量效应朱宝树 200

五、人口与环境的专题论述(论文) 200

An Outlook of CuLTIVATED Land Decrease in China By Hou Dongmin Guo Zhingang 206

中国今后耕地减少赵势展望侯东民郭志刚 206

Analy sis of Sand-dust Stoum and Humand Acrivities By Zhang Zhiliang JiangXiaodong 209

风沙尘暴与人口行为分析张志良江晓东 209

On the Impact of POPUlation Growt5h and Our Sstategy on the Cultivated Land 214

试论人口增长对耕地、粮食的影响秦品端 214

Agricultual Population and Resource Under Market Economy By Qi Lili 219

市场经济下的农业人口与农业资源漆莉莉 219

Relations between Development of Subutban Animal Hushandry, Urban Population and Environmet By Shi Ling, Liu Chengguo Sun Qing liang 221

城郊畜看待业发展与人口、环境的关系石玲刘成国孙庆亮 221

Environment and Reproductive Health By Cai Wenmei 225

环境与妇女生生殖健康蔡文眉 225

Some Studies on the RepRelatiohnships between the Lougevity of Man And Natural and Socioeconomic Environments By Lin Furui 235

略论人的长寿与自然环境和社会经济环境的关系林富瑞 235

Endemic Disease-Environment -Population Quality Scanning——With cases of Goiter and Cretinism By shao Qin 239

地方病·环境·人口素质扫描——以地方性甲状腺肿与克汀病为例邵秦 239

Ⅵ.Methodological Studies on Population and Environmetn (Esseys)Energy Consumption and Environment Problem in Chivese Economy——A Tentative Analysis by Using the Input -Output Method By Li Li 247

六、关于人口与环境研究的方法论(论文) 247

中国经济的能源消旨与环境问题——试用投入产出方法分析李立 247

The Development of Makind,Environment and Socity By YuanQi 253

人类、环境与社会发展袁崎 253

现代科技在环境资源开发中的新功能蔡尚忠 260

On New Functions Of mODERN scienc and technology in the Development of Environmenl Resources By Cai Shangzhong 260

Ⅶ.English Abstracts of Esseys 260
