前言 1
使用说明 1
1.The Old Man and the Sea 1
2.From Earth to Moon 7
3.The First Men on Venus 13
4.Elephants 19
5.Sometimes They Seem Almost Human 27
6.Healthy Eating 34
7.Plastics—Man′s Most Useful Material 42
8.Sports around the World 50
9.Madame Curie and Radium 57
10.Learning Science 65
11.Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen 73
12.The Prince and the Judge 83
13.The Tragedy from the California Gold Rush 92
14.A Ship of Ice 99
15.Nature Recycles Water 106
16.Paper and Its Uses 114
17.Pyramids 122
18.Tokyo 130
19.Eskimos in a Changing World 140
20.Cultural Survival,Inc 147
21.Energy Sense Makes Future Sense 156
22.Waste Not,Want Not 165
23.Money 173
24.TaIk Returns to the Doctor s Office 181
25.Dreams—What Do They Mean? 189
26.Have you Ever Seen a Flying Saucer? 197
27.Computers Concern You 205
28.Early Birds 213
29.Alfred Nobel—a Man of Contrasts 221
30.The Tramp and the Philosopher 229
31.Better Known as Mark Twain 238
32.Education in the United States 250
33.Transportation 262
34.Communications 273
35.American Food and Drink 284
36.Graveyard of the Atlantic 296
1.Fire Making 307
2.The Money System of the United States and 311
Great Britain 311
3.The Development of Textile Fibres 315
4.Changing Fashions 321
5.East or West 325
6.A Chimp in Space 330
7.Geography of the United States 338
8.The Weather 344
9.Country Living 349
10.Food and Cooking 354
11.Vacations 358
12.Sports in America 366
13.Medical Treatment 372
14.Postal Services 378
15.Weights and Measures 383
16.Libraries 388
17.Public Transportation 392
18.Expert Says Arctic Ocean Will Soon Be an 395
Open Sea 395
19.He Battles a Mountain 402
20.The Wizard of Menlo Park 406
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