中国针灸学 汉英对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王德琛主编
- 出 版 社:天津:天津科技翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7543303922
- 页数:397 页
第一章 导论① 1
针灸的起源和早期文献 1
一、针灸的起源 1
二、早期文献 2
历代医家和针灸名著 3
现代针灸的发展 5
第二章 经络② 7
概说 7
十二经脉 7
一、手太阴肺经 7
二、手阳明大肠经 8
三、足阳明胃经 8
五、手少阴心经 9
四、足太阴脾经 9
六、手太阳小肠经 9
八、足少阴肾经 10
九、手厥阴心包经 10
七、足太阳膀胱经 10
十、手少阳三焦经 11
十一、足少阳胆经 11
十二、足厥阴肝经 12
督脉、任脉 12
一、督脉 12
二、任脉 12
概说③ 14
一、穴位的定义 14
二、穴位的作用 14
第三章 腧穴③④⑤ 14
三、穴位的大小深浅 14
四、穴位的分类 15
五、审定穴位的依据和方法 15
任脉穴 16
中国针灸学 16
序言 16
督脉穴 18
A Helpful Teacher and Friend in Learning of Zhenjiu(In Lieu of Preface) 18
出版说明 20
手太阴肺经穴 20
手少阴心经穴 22
Publication Note 22
手厥阴心包经穴 23
Inscription 25
题词 25
手阳明大肠经穴 25
手太阳小肠经穴 27
手少阳三焦经穴 29
足阳明胃经穴④ 31
足太阳膀胱经穴 35
足少阳胆经穴 41
足太阴脾经穴 44
足少阴肾经穴① 46
足厥阴肝经穴 48
经外穴 50
复习 53
头颈部穴 53
胸腹部穴 55
背部穴 56
上肢穴 58
下肢穴 60
第四章 刺法⑥⑦ 64
毫针刺法⑥ 64
一、毫针的结构和检查法 65
二、针刺的练习法 65
四、针具等消毒 65
五、进针法 65
三、针刺时体位 65
六、针刺的角度与深度 66
七、行针 67
八、针刺手法仪 67
九、辅助手法 67
十一、补泻手法 68
十、得气与疗效 68
十二、针刺时异常现象与处理 69
一、三棱针的刺法 71
三棱针疗法⑦ 71
二、适应证和注意事项 71
皮膏针疗法 71
皮内针疗法 72
一、皮膏针的操作法 72
二、叩刺部位 72
三、适应证和注意事项 72
电针疗法 73
三、注射剂量 74
四、注意事项 74
二、操作过程 74
一、选穴原则 74
水针疗法 74
头针疗法 75
一、头部刺激区 75
二、操作方法 76
三、注意事项 76
耳针疗法 76
一、耳廓解剖 76
一、针麻特点 77
针刺麻醉 77
三、耳穴探查方法 77
二、选穴原则 77
四、注意事项和适应证 77
四、操作过程和注意事项 78
三、耳针麻醉选穴原则 78
二、体针麻醉选穴原则 78
灸疗法 79
一、用于灸疗的药物 79
二、灸疗法的种类 79
第五章 灸疗法与拔罐疗法 79
三、灸疗的注意事项 82
四、灸疗法的机理 82
拔罐疗法 83
一、拔罐方法 83
二、拔罐法的临床应用 84
三、适用范围和注意事项 84
一、针灸处方规律 86
二、临床常用配穴法 86
治则⑨ 86
第六章 内科证治⑨⑩(11)(12) 86
四、俞募配穴 87
五、原络配穴 87
六、八脉交会穴与八会穴 87
三、五输穴 87
证治 88
一、中风 88
二、眩晕 89
三、头痛 90
五、口眼?斜(周围性面神经麻痹)? 91
四、面痛(三叉神经痛) 91
六、痹证 92
七、漏肩风(肩关节周围炎) 93
八、腿股风(坐骨神经痛) 93
十、胁痛 94
九、腰痛 94
十二、男性不育 95
十一、胃下垂 95
十三、咳嗽? 96
十四、哮喘 97
十五、感冒 98
十六、心悸怔忡 99
十七、失眠 100
十九、痿证 101
十八、脏躁 101
二十、胃脘痛(12) 103
二十一、呕吐 104
二十二、泄泻 105
二十三、便秘 106
二十四、消渴 107
二十六、遗精 108
二十五、阳萎 108
二十七、癃闭(排尿困难) 109
妇科证治 111
一、月经不调 111
第七章 妇儿科证治(13) 111
二、痛经 112
三、闭经 113
四、崩漏 114
五、胎位不正 115
六、乳少 115
七、不孕 116
儿科证治 117
一、小儿麻痹后遗症 117
二、小儿疳积 118
三、小儿遗尿 119
一、风疹 120
第八章 外伤及皮肤科证治(14) 120
二、疔疮 121
三、痔疮 121
四、乳痈 122
五、肠痈 123
六、落枕 123
七、扭伤 124
八、银屑病(白疕) 125
九、痄腮 125
十、蛇丹(带状疱疹) 126
十一、筋结(腱鞘囊肿) 127
十二、丹毒 127
一、近视 128
二、目赤肿痛 128
第九章 五官科及其他证治? 128
三、耳聋耳鸣 129
四、鼻渊 129
五、牙痛 130
六、咽喉肿痛 130
七、肥胖症 131
八、戒烟 131
十、美容 132
九、戒毒 132
Origin of Zhenjiu and Early Literatures 134
1.Origin of Zhenjiu 134
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction⑴ 134
2.Early Literatures 136
Doctors and Famous Works of Zhenjiu of Various Ages 136
Development of Modern Zhenjiuology 141
Brief Introduction 143
Chapter Ⅱ JingLou⑵ 143
Twelve Regular Meridians 144
1.The Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin 144
2.The Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming 144
3.The Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming 145
5.The Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin 146
4.The Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taigim 146
6.The Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang 147
7.The Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang 147
8.The Kidney Meridian of Foot-Shaoyin 148
9.The Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin 148
10.The Sanjiao Meridian of Hand-Shaoyang 149
11.The Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang 150
12.The Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin 150
Du Meridian and Ren Meridian 152
1.The Du Meridian 152
2.The Ren Meridian 153
Chapter Ⅲ Points⑶⑷⑸ 154
Brief Introduction⑶ 154
1.Definition 154
2.Function 154
3.Measurment 155
4.Classification 155
5.Basis and Method of Locating Points 156
Points of Ren Meridian, RN 156
Points of Du Meridian, DU 159
Points of Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin, LU 162
Points of Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin, HT 163
Points of Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin. PC 165
Points of Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, LI 166
Points of Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang, SI 169
Points of Sanjiao Meridian of Hand-Shaoyang, SJ 171
Points of Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming, ST⑷ 173
Points of Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang, BL 178
Points of Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang, GB 184
Points of Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin, SP⑸ 187
Points of Kidney Meridian of Foot-Shaoyin. KI 189
Points of Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin. LR 191
Extra Points, EX 193
Review 196
Points of Head and Neck 196
Points of Chest and Abdomen 200
Points of Back 202
Points of Upper Extremities 205
Points of Lower Extremities 209
Chapter IV Needling Methods⑹⑺ 216
Method of Puncture of Filiform Needle⑹ 216
1.Structure of Filiform Needle and Check Up 216
2.Practice of Finger Force of Acupuncture 217
3.Posture of the Patient 217
4.Sterijization of the Instruments 218
5.Insertion of Filiform Needle 218
6.Angle and Depth of Insertion 219
7.Manipulation Methods 220
8.Acupuncture Manipulating Instruments 220
10.De Qi(Arrival of Qi)and Therapeutic Effects 221
9.Some Other Methods of Manipulations 221
11.Reinforeing and Reducing Methods 222
12.Possible Accidents in Acupuncture Treatment and Management 223
Three-edged Needle Therapy⑺ 226
1.The Method of Puncture of Three-enged Needle 226
2.Indieation and Matters Needing Attention 227
Cutaneous Needle Therapy 227
1.Manipulation of the Cutaneous Needle Therapy 227
2.The Tapping Area 228
3.Indication and Matters Needing Attention 228
Intradermal Needle Therapy 229
Eleetrie Acupuncture Therapy 229
Aqua Acupuncture Therapy 231
1.Seleetion of Points 231
2.Operation 231
4.Matters Needing Attention 232
Scalp Acupuncture Therapy 232
3.The Dosage of Points Injection 232
1.The Specific Areas on the Scalp 233
2.Operation 234
3.Matters Needing Attention 234
Auricular Acupuncture Thevapy 235
1.The Anatomy of the Auricle 235
2.The Principles of Selection 235
3.The Examination Methods of Auricular Points 236
4.Matters Needing Attention and Indication 236
Acupuncture Anaesthesia 236
1.The Feature of Acupuncture Anaesthesia 237
2.Selection of Body Points in Acupuncture Anaesthesia 237
3.Selection of Auricular Points in Acupuncture Anaesthesia 237
4.Operating Process and Matters Needing Attention 237
Jiu(Moxibustion) Therapy 239
1.Materials for Jiu Therapy 239
2.Classification 239
Chapter V Jiu(Moxibustion)Therapy and Cupping Therapy⑻ 239
3.Matters Needing Attention 245
4.Mechanism of Jiu Therapy 245
1.Cupping Methods 246
Cupping Therapy 246
2.Cupping Methods in Clinical Application 247
3.Indication and Matters Needing Attention 248
Chapter VI Diagnosis and Treatment of Internal Medicine⑼⑽⑾⑿ 250
Principles of Treatment⑼ 250
1.Categories of Points Selection 251
2.Categories of Clinical Combination for Common Use 251
3.Five-Shu-Points 251
4.Shu-Points and Mu-Points 252
5.Yuan-Points and Luo-Points 252
6.Eight Confluent Points and Eight Influential Points 253
Diagnosis and Treatment 253
1.Wind Stroke 253
2.Vertigo 255
3.Headache 256
4.Facial Pain (Trigeminal Neurolgia)⑽ 258
5.Oblique Eye and Mouth (Peripheral Facial Paralysis) 259
6.Bi Syndromes 260
7.Frozen Shoulder 262
8.Seiatiea 263
9.Lumbago 263
10.Hypochondriac Pain 264
11.Gastroptosis 265
12.Male Sterility 266
13.Cough 267
14.Asthma 268
15.Common Cold 270
16.Palpitation 271
17.Insomnia 273
18.Hysteria 274
19.Wei Syndromes 275
20.Epigastrie Pain 277
21.Vomiting 280
22.Diarrhea 281
23.Constipation 283
24.Diabetes 284
25.Impotence 285
26.Emission 286
27.Dysuria (Difficult Urination) 287
Chapter VII Diagnosis and Treatment of Gynecology and Pediatrics⒀ 290
Diagnosis and Treatment of Gynecological Diseases 290
1.Menoxenia 290
2.Dysmenorrhen 292
3.Amenoeehoea 294
4.Metrorrhagia 296
5.Malposition of Fetus 298
6.Insufficient Milk 298
7.Infertility 299
Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Diseases 301
1.Sequela of Poliomyelitis 301
2.Infantile Malnutrition 303
3.Enuresis 304
Chapter Ⅷ Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatic Injury and Dermatology⒁ 306
1.Urtiearia 306
2.Furunele 307
3.Hemorrhoid 308
4.Mastitis Abscess 309
5.Intestinal Abscess 311
6.Sprained Neek 312
7.Sprain 312
8.Baibi(Psoriasis) 314
9.Mumps 314
10.Herpes Zoster 315
Chapter Ⅸ Diagnosis and Treatment of E.N.T. Department and etc.(15) 317
1.Mvopia 317
2.Conjunctive Congestion with Swelling and Pain 318
3.Tinnitus and Dearness 318
4.Rhirwrrhea with Turbid Discharge 319
5.Toothache 320
6.Sore Throat 321
7.Obesity 322
8.Stop Smoking 323
9.Stop Drug Addietion 323
10.Facial Beautification 324
Appendix Illustration 326
附图 326
Points Index 384
附录 索引 384
1.Arrange in Alphabetical Order 384
一、按字母顺序排列 384
2.Arrange in Strokes of a Chinese Character 390
二、按汉字笔画排列 390
Note:The written content of symbol(1) to (15) is the catalogue in corresponding to the same title s 396
三、穴名代号索引 396
3.Index for the Alphameric Codes 396
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