小康之路 文化篇 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:武力编
- 出 版 社:北京时代华文书局
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7807691379
- 页数:231 页
Ⅰ Foundation and Preliminary Development of Cultural Construction of the PRC 17
Transformation of Ancient Splendid Culture and Modern Culture in China 17
Founding of the PRC and Preliminary Establishment of New Culture 23
Exploration,Development and Achievements of the Cultural Construction in the PRC 31
Ⅱ Flourishing Literary and Artistic Creation 45
Demonstration and Guidance in Literary and Art Creation:Guiding Role of the Socialist Core Value System 45
All-round Development ofArts:Play Paean to the Era 50
Literary and Art Works Become Spectacular:Traditional Arts Flourish Again 61
Ⅲ Construction of Cultural Cause Warming People's Hearts 71
Public Cultural Service Networks Preliminarily Established 71
Urban and Rural Cultural Infrastructure Construction Has Achieved Outstanding Achievements 75
Comprehensive Cultural Heritage Protection Work 80
People's Cultural Life Is Enriched Significantly 84
Ⅳ Booming Cultural Industry 91
The Policy System of the Cultural Industry Improved Gradually to Create Good Development Environment 91
Pattern of Cultural Industry Preliminarily Formed:All Types Increasingly Prosper 98
Persist in Reform and Innovation:Continuous Development and Expansion of Market Players 104
Establish and Supervise the Cultural Market System:a Standardized and Orderly Market 110
Ⅴ Comprehensive,Multi-level and Wide-ranging Pattern of Exchanging Culture with Foreign Countries 119
Foreign Cultural Strategy System is Initially Formed:Cultural Diplomacy Becomes a New Highlight 119
Deepen Multicultural Communication:Enjoy Colorful Cultural Feast 127
International Cultural Trade:Move towards Broader International Markets 132
Ⅵ Promote Educational Development to Establish a Fundamental Task Crucial for Generations to Come 141
Establish National Education System:National Cultural Literacy Improved Overall 141
Improve Service System of Lifelong Education and All-round Development of Fducation in Various Forms 148
Expand China's Open Education,Advancing Along With World Education 155
Ⅶ Rapid Development ofScience and Technology 163
Develop Natural Science:Constant Strengthening of Independent Innovation Ability 163
Prosper Philosophy and Social Sciences:Construct Chinese Morphology of Philosophy and Social Sciences 172
Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements:from Basic Research to Development and Application 177
Exchange and Cooperation with the International Science and Technology To Share Human Wisdom 184
Ⅷ From a Big Sports Country to a Powerful One 193
Revitalizing Competitive Sports:Reach the World Peak 193
Developing Mass Sports to Improve National Health 199
International Sports Exchange:Stepping ontothe International Stage Comprehensively 208
Ⅸ Challenges and Prospects of Cultural Construction 215
New Situation Facing Cultural Construction 215
Promotion and Development of Cultural System Reform 221
Objectives and Strategies for Achieving Cultural Development in a Moderately Prosperous Society 228
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