- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李延福等编
- 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:9338·3
- 页数:289 页
ContentsUnit One 1
Text:The Nature of LinguisticsS.R*:The Study of LanguageUnit Two 15
Text:The Origin of LanguageS.R.:The Origin of the First LanguageUnit Three 30
Text: The Definition of LanguageS.R.: A Definition of LanguageUnit Four 45
Text:The History of LinguisticsS.R.: History of LinguisticsUnit Five 59
Text:The History of EnglishS.R.:The Importance of Knowing the Historyof EnglishUnit Six 73
Text:Three Major GrammarsS.R.:Summaries of Three MajorGrammars*S.R.—Supplementary ReadingUnit Seven 91
Text:The Machenism of SpeeehS.R.:PhoneticsUnit Eight 106
Text:English Vowels and TheirClassificationS.R.:More than VowelsUnit Nine 123
Text:English Consonants and TheirClassificationS.R.:Manners of ArticulationUnit Ten 135
Text:Distinctive SoundsS.R.:PhonologyUnit Eleven 146
Text:Morphology:The Words ofLanguageS.R.:MorphologyUnit Twelve 160
Text:Three Approaches to Syntax(Ⅰ)S.R.:Grammar and Syntax(Ⅰ)Unit Thirteen 173
Text:Three Approaches to Syntax(Ⅱ)S.R.:Grammar and Syntax(Ⅱ)Unit Fourteen 185
Text:SemanticsS.R.:Definitions of SemanticsUnit Fifteen 198
Text:Human Communication:ThreeSystemsS.R.:A Glance at Some OtherCommunication SystemsUnit Sixteen 210
Text:SignsS.R.:What is Meaning?Unit Seventeen 223
Text:The Basic Functions of LanguageS.R.:Speech FunctionsUnit Eighteen 242
Text:Style as ChoiceS.R.:What is Style?Appendix Ⅰ:Linguists 260
Appendix Ⅱ:Glossary 271
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