- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邹家元,叶秀牧选编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:73090356X
- 页数:357 页
1 What Did He Bark For? 1
2 Love Story of a Wild Goose(1) 3
3 Love Story of a Wild Goose(2) 5
4 The Taste Is Di-fferent 7
5 The Lady or the Tiger?(1) 9
6 The Lady or the Tiger?(2) 11
7 A See-Saw 13
8 The Cleverest Son 14
9 How Boots Fooled the King?(1) 16
10 How Boots Fooled the King?(2) 19
11 How Boots Fooled the King?(3) 22
12 Guess Why 25
13 Let’s Honor Mo-thers and Fa-thers! 27
14 Pet Monkeys 29
15 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice(1) 31
16 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice(2) 34
17 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice(3) 36
15 Fires in Homes 38
19 Bird Among Birds 40
20 The Last Shot 42
21 Watching Fish 44
22 The Golden Touch 45
23 The Fox and the Bear 47
24 Marriage Seemed Impossible!(1) 49
25 Marriage Seemed Impossible!(2) 51
26 Something About Christmas 52
27 My Hero! 54
28 The Pot of Fat(1) 56
29 The Pot of Fat(2) 58
30 How the Young Is Born 60
31 Story of a Sta-tion-master(1) 62
32 Story of a Sta-tion-master(2) 64
33 A Born Footballer 66
34 Treasure in an Old Tree 68
35 Salt Water into Fresh 70
36 Zeus and an Old Couple(1) 72
37 Zeus and an Old Couple(2) 75
38 A Best Swimmer’s Great Journey 76
39 Dinosaurs 78
40 Clever Aesop and His Stories 80
41 The President Has a Sweet Tooth 82
42 The Crow and the Fox 83
43 Meeting a New Class 85
44 Oliver Twist Wants More 87
45 The Three Wishes 89
46 The Trojan Horse 91
47 Dick’s Two Jobs 93
48 The Lion and the Mouse 95
49 Weddings in the U.S. 97
50 Brave Evan 99
51 Misunderstanding 101
52 Land of Milk and Honey 103
53 Lenin in Britain 105
54 No Money for Chocolate 107
55 Marx and Books 107
56 Miss Liberty 111
57 Jack and the Beanstalk(1) 114
58 Jack and the Beanstalk(2) 117
59 Jack and the Beanstalk(3) 120
60 Reading Science Books 122
61 The Peanut Man(1) 124
62 The Peanut Man(2) 126
63 The Homework Machine(1) 128
64 The Homework Machine(2) 130
65 April Fool 132
66 The Olympic Games 134
67 The Strange Koala 136
68 True Freedom 138
69 The General and the Spider 140
70 You Are Wanted! 142
71 New Dream About Fishing 144
72 Stories about Mark Twain 146
73 The Importance of Being Well-ma-nnered 148
74 Red Riding Hood 150
75 The Clever Poor Man 152
76 What Does a Scientist Do? 154
77 The Marriage of a Mouse 156
78 The World in the Future 158
79 Benjamin Franklin 160
80 Banana 162
81 The Importance of Walking 164
82 Animal Saver 166
83 The Job of a News Reporter 168
84 The First American in Space(1) 170
85 The First American in Space(2) 172
86 A Bad Dentist 173
87 Looking for a Pen Friend 174
88 Mr.Hippo 176
89 Time Zones 178
90 The Princess and the Pea 180
91 Olaf Mails a Letter 182
92 Never Could He Forget! 184
93 A Pair of Glasses 186
94 Why Things Float 187
95 Tall Hats 188
96 Norway’s Summer and Winter 190
97 Grandpa and the Sea(1) 192
98 Grandpa and the Sea(2) 194
99 Earning Pocket Money 196
100 Mother Elephant’s Love 198
101 A Cat Speaks 200
102 Leeuwenhoek’s Microscope 202
103 Waiting for Ano-ther Hare 204
104 A One-Eyed Camel 206
105 Who Is More Important?(1) 208
106 Who Is More Important?(2) 210
107 How to Measure Heat 212
108 Penicillin 214
109 A Strange Will 216
110 Fast Building 218
111 Wild Stories(1) 220
112 Wild Stories(2) 222
113 Wild Stories(3) 224
114 Land of Wonder 226
115 Riding On the Wind 228
116 Why Did I Give Up Hunting?(1) 229
117 Why Did I Give UP Hunting?(2) 231
118 Electricity 233
119 The Grimm Brothers 235
120 Chaunticleer,the Cock(1) 237
121 Chaunticleer,the Cock(2) 239
122 A Special Doctor(1) 241
123 A Special Doctor(2) 243
124 The King’s Three Questions 245
125 The Wolf and His Shadow 247
小狗汪汪 249
野鹅之恋(上) 250
野鹅之恋(下) 251
味道变了! 251
美女还是猛虎?(上) 252
美女还是猛虎?(下) 253
跷跷板的启示 254
最聪明的儿子 254
Boots蒙蔽了国王(上) 255
Boots蒙蔽了国王(中) 257
Boots蒙蔽了国王(下) 258
绝妙的主意 259
向母亲和父亲致敬! 260
顽猴趣事 261
魔术师的徒弟(上) 262
魔术师的徒弟(中) 263
魔术师的徒弟(下) 264
住宅失火时 265
在群鸟之间 266
最后一颗子弹 267
观鱼 268
点金术 268
狐狸和熊 270
求偶难(上) 271
求偶难(下) 272
圣诞节 272
忠实的Hero 273
一坛油(上) 273
一坛油(下) 274
新的生命 275
车站长轶事(上) 276
车站长轶事(下) 277
足球天才 278
树底探宝 279
海水淡化 280
宙斯和老人(上) 281
宙斯和老人(下) 282
游泳家——鲑 283
恐龙的传说 283
伊索和他的寓言 284
总统嗜好甜食 285
乌鸦和狐狸——故事新说 285
师生第一次见面 286
奥利弗再想要一点! 287
三个愿望 288
特洛伊木马 289
狮子和老鼠 290
双重职业 290
美国婚礼 291
勇敢的伊凡 292
误会 293
富饶的国土 294
列宁在英国 295
没钱买巧克力 296
马克思和读书 296
俯瞰自由女神 297
杰克和神豆(上) 298
杰克和神豆(中) 300
杰克和神豆(下) 301
阅读科技书籍 302
花生人(上) 303
花生人(下) 304
机器做作业(上) 305
机器做作业(下) 306
四月傻瓜 307
奥运会史话 307
古怪的Koala 308
真正的自由 309
将军和蜘蛛 310
一语双关 311
捕鱼者的梦想 312
风趣的马克·吐温 312
文明礼貌 313
小红帽 314
聪明的穷汉 315
科学家的工作 315
鼠王嫁女 316
展望新世纪 317
多才的富兰克林 318
香焦的传说 319
步行乐 319
救救动物 321
记者生涯 322
宇航员登天(上) 322
宇航员登天(下) 323
拙劣的牙医 324
寻找笔友 324
河马先生 325
时差 326
公主和豆子 327
Olaf寄信 328
永远忘不了 329
在水中沉浮 330
淘眼镜 330
高帽子 331
挪威的冬夏 332
爷爷和海(上) 332
爷爷和海(下) 333
赚零花钱 334
母象之爱 335
雄猫说话 335
勒文霍克的显微镜 336
守株待兔 337
独眼驼 338
孰优孰劣?(上) 339
孰优孰劣?(下) 339
热的测量 341
盘尼西林 341
奇怪的遗嘱 342
高速建筑 343
荒诞故事(上) 343
荒诞故事(中) 345
荒诞故事(下) 346
奇境 347
腾云驾雾 348
放弃狩猎(上) 349
放弃狩猎(下) 349
奇异的电 350
格林兄弟 351
公鸡的梦(上) 352
公鸡的梦(下) 353
特别医生(上) 354
特别医生(下) 355
国王的三个问题 355
灰狼和它的影子 357
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