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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈文雄编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:13324·46
  • 页数:259 页

Chapter One-Grammatical Structure(第一章 语法结构) 1

Ⅰ.Patterns(句型结构) 1

1.Problems With Verbs(有关动词的问题) 1

2.Problems With Pronouns(有关代词的问题) 41

3.Problems With Nouns(有关名词的问题) 50

4.Problems With Modifiers(有关修饰语的问题) 55

5.Problems With Comparatives(有关比较的问题) 70

6.Problems With Connectors(有关连接词的问题) 80

Ⅱ.Style(文体) 88

1.Problems With Point Of View(有关观点的问题) 88

2.Problems With Agreement(有关一致性的问题) 94

3.Problems With Introductory Verbal Modifiers(有关引导性的动词修饰语的问题) 106

4.Problems With Parallel Structure(有关平行结构的问题) 107

5.Problems With Wordiness(有关遣词的问题) 110

6.Problems With Word Choices(有关选词的问题) 115

Chapter Two-Vocabulary And Reading Comprehension(第二章 词汇与阅读理解) 125

Ⅰ.Vocabulary(词汇) 125

1.Test Strategy In Doing Vocabulary Exercises(词汇部分的应考策略) 125

2.Etymology-A Key To Word Recognition(词源学--辨认词的诀窍) 129

Ⅱ.Reading Comprehension(阅读理解) 136

1.Test Strategy In Doing Reading Comprehension(阅读理解部分的应考策略) 136

2.Practice In Reading Different Styles Of Writings(练习阅读不同体裁的文章) 148

Chapter Three-Cloze Test(第三章 综合填充) 183

Ⅰ.General Strategy In Doing Close Test(做综合填充题的一般技巧) 183

Ⅱ.Model Test(样题) 183

Ⅲ.Explanatory Answers For Model Test(样题解答) 185

Ⅱ.Main And Difficult Points In Listening Comprehension(听力测试中的重点和难点) 193

1.Numerals And Computation(数词和计算) 193

Ⅰ.Test Strategy In Doing Listening Comprehension(听力部分的应考策略) 193

Chapter Four-Listening Comprehension(第四章 听力) 193

2.Place And Situation(地点和情景) 195

3.Occupation And Relationship(职业和关系) 197

4.Negatives(否定) 199

5.Concessions(转折和让步) 200

Ⅲ.Listening Comprehension Test 1(听力测验 1) 201

Ⅳ.Listening Comprehension Test 2(听力测验 2) 206

Chapter Five-Guided Writing(第五章 书面表达写作指导) 212

Ⅰ.Letters,Notes Or Forms(信件、便条或登记表) 212

1.The Format(格式) 212

2.Some Notices(一些注意事项) 215

Ⅱ.The ABC s Of Good Letter Writing(书信三要诀) 215

1.A Is For Accuracy(A 指精确) 215

2.B Is For Brevity(B 指简洁) 215

3.C Is For Clarity(C 指明了) 216

Ⅲ.Some Materials For Reference(参考资料) 217

Chapter Six-Translation(第六章 翻译) 222

Ⅰ.Introduction(前言) 222

Ⅱ.General Strategy In Doing Translation Test(翻译测试总的策略) 222

1.Understand The Original Correctly(正确理解原文) 222

2.Catch The Skeleton Of A Sentence And The Main Idea Of A Passage(抓住句子的骨架和文章的中心思想) 223

3.Attention Should Be Paid To Completion(注意完整性) 223

Ⅲ.How To Translate Correctly(如何正确翻译) 224

1.How To Translate Tense And Time(时态和时间的译法) 224

2.How To Translate‘Voice’(语态的译法) 226

3.How To Translate Transitive Verbs And Intransitive-Varbs(及物动词和不及物动词的译法) 229

4.How To Put A Sentence In Correct Order(语序的排列) 231

5.Ways To Render The‘Of’Phrase(‘Of’短句的译法) 238

Key To The Exeroises(练习答案) 239

Appendix-Transcripts For Listening Comprehension Tests(附录 听力部分的磁带内容) 250
