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北京大学院士文库  徐光宪文集
北京大学院士文库  徐光宪文集

北京大学院士文库 徐光宪文集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:徐光宪
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7301044690
  • 页数:571 页
《北京大学院士文库 徐光宪文集》目录

Ⅰ.献给青年读者 1

Ⅱ-3.Quantum Chemical Basis of the Rule of Homologous Linearity for the Energy of Molecular Orbitals and Related Properties 103

Ⅰ-2.科学研究的创新思维和方法 11

Ⅱ-4.INDO Studies on the Electronic Structure of Lanthanoid Compounds 123

Ⅱ-5.Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding of the Dimer of Bis (η5-Cyclopentadienyl)-Ytterbium Methyl 138

Ⅱ-6.INDO Studies on the Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding of a Rare Earth Cluster Compound,Gd10C4CL18 148

Ⅱ-7.Coordination of Neighboring C-H σBond to Transition Metal Center(Ⅰ)——Studies on the Electronic Structure and Chemical Bond of TiCl3 Me(dmpe)by Localized INDO Method 158

Ⅱ-8.Structural Rules of Cluster Compounds and Related Molecules(Ⅰ)——The (nxcπ)Formalism 164

Ⅱ-9.Structural Rules of Cluster Compounds and Related Molecules(Ⅱ)——New Definition of Covalence 181

Ⅱ-10.Quantum Chemical Definition and Calculation of Valence 198

Ⅱ-11.The Covalences of Be and Cl in Beryllium Chloride 207

Ⅱ-12.Coordination Chemistry of Rare-Earth:Syntheses,Structure,Spectroscopy and Chemical Bonding 213

Ⅰ-3.宇宙进化的八个层次结构 22

Ⅱ-13.Molecular Design,Synthesis, Structure and Bonding of Polynuclear Rare-Earth Complexes and Clusters 227

Ⅱ-14.Structure Studies on Rare-Earth Carboxylate(Ⅳ)——Synthesis and Structure of the First Heteronuclear Lanthanide Complex{[LaY(C6H11COO)4(C6H11COOH)4]·2Cl·3CH3COCH3}n 249

Ⅱ-15.Preparation and Crystal Structure of a New Erbium Complex with Glutamic Acid:[Er2(Glu)2(NO3)2(H2O)4](NO3)2·5H2O 258

Ⅱ-16.Synthesis and Characterization of a Ytterbium Complex with Diphenylacetylpyrazolone Yb(DPAP)3 ·(H2O)2·3EtOH 266

Ⅱ-17.Crystal Structure of Two Neodymium Complexes with Amino Acids 284

Ⅱ-18.Separation of Pr and Nd in High Purity(99.9%)by Counter-Current Exchange Extraction and Its Mechanism 296

Ⅰ-1.成功的十大要素 3

Ⅱ-19.Microemulsion Formation in the Organic Phase of Some Important Extractants and Its Effects on the Extraction Mechanism 307

Ⅱ-20.Studies on Rare Earth Complexes of Quarternary Ammonium Salt——Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Tetrakis-(Trimethyl-Hexadecyl Ammonium )Decanitrato Dineodymate,[(CH3)3C16H33N]4Nd2(NO3)10 319

Ⅱ-21.Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR)Studies on the Hydration of Extractant Anions in Microemulsions 332

Ⅱ-22.Mechanism of the Extractant Loss in Lanthanide Extraction Process with Saponified Organophosphorus Acid Extraction Systems(Ⅱ)——Formation of Aqueous Aggregates 339

Ⅱ-23.Mechanism of Extractant Loss in Solvent Extraction Process (Ⅰ)——Transfer of Saponified D2EHPA from Organic Phase to Aqueous Phase and Its Aggregation Behaviour 355

Ⅰ-4.与理科同学谈谈怎样做好毕业论文 36

Ⅱ-24.Investigation of Aggregation in Solvent Extraction of Lanthanides by Acidic Extractants (Organo-Phosphorus and Naphthenic Acid) 365

Ⅱ-25.Structure and Aggregation Behavior of Cobalt-di(2-ethylhexyl)-phosphoric Acid Complexes in Solvent Extraction Systems 383

Ⅱ-26.Extraction and Surface Chemistry(Ⅱ)——Microscopic Interfacial Phenomena in Solvent Extraction 399

Ⅰ-5.相规的严格推导法和组分数的确定 40

Ⅱ-27.Theory of Countercurrent Extraction and Its Application in Rare Earth Extraction Industry 405

Ⅱ-28.Studies on Extraction Mechanism of the Rare Earth with Quarternary Ammonium Salts 413

Ⅱ-29.Some Progress in Solvent Extraction of Rare Earths in China 420

Ⅱ-30.A Novel Method for Separation of Rare Earths by Countercurrent Extraction with Three Outlets 429

Ⅱ-31.Studies on Dynamic Process of Three-Outlets Fractional Extraction in Five-Component System 436

Ⅱ-32.Periodic and Chaotic Precipitation Phenomena in Bile Salt System Related to Gallstone Formation 443

Ⅰ-6.热力学中的“热温商”,熵和过程的不可逆性 46

Ⅱ-33.中国稀土化学研究的现状 464

Ⅲ.与学术活动有关的文稿 467

Ⅲ-1.国家攀登计划“稀土科学基础研究”项目建议书 469

Ⅲ-2.国家攀登计划“稀土科学基础研究”项目“八五”总结报告 479

Ⅲ-3.国家樊登计划“稀土化学中若干重大问题的基础研究”项目“九五”延续立项建议书 492

Ⅲ-4.加强稀土基础研究,落实江泽民主席指示,把稀土资源优势转化为经济优势 501

Ⅲ-5.热烈庆祝唐敖庆教授执教五十年(代序) 505

Ⅲ-6.《唐敖庆科学论文选集》前言 509

Ⅲ-7.《邓从豪科学论文选集》序 512

Ⅲ-8.《稀土配位化学》序 515

Ⅲ-9.《物质结构》第二版序言 516

Ⅲ-10.编写《物质结构》的一些体会 518

Ⅲ-11.《量子化学——基本原理和从头计算法》序和简目 521

Ⅲ-12.《萃取化学原理》序言 528

Ⅲ-13.《稀土》前言和简目 529

Ⅱ.学术论文 53

Ⅲ-14.The Opening Address on the Fourth Asian Chemistry Congress of the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies 532

Ⅲ-15.献身祖国,一代师表——纪念曾昭抡院士诞辰100周年 534

徐光宪著述编目 536

学术论文内容简介 55

后记 571

Ⅱ-1.旋光理论中的邻近作用 69

Ⅱ-2.氢分子的自洽势场多中心分子轨道处理法 90
