- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵俊峰著
- 出 版 社:世界图书出版西安公司
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7506244926
- 页数:268 页
At the first glance the plan seemed unworkable. 1 1
Mr. Thomson wanted to see you. 7 2
I bought some mouses for one of my friends. 11 3
We are in the frigid area. 16 4
He has been to many countries and has done different jobs.He is a man of rich experience. 20 5
One third of the apples is rotten. 24 6
He is one of those people who goes out of his way to be helpful. 29 7
One and a half books have been read by Mr. Wang just in five days. 33 8
I knew her long ago. 37 9
When I arrived the bus station,the last bus had just left. 10
I dated with a very nice girl yesteraay. 40 11
Many people will hurt badly,even lose their lives if a train comes into collision with another one. 50 12
I hope him to come again to give us another lecture. 54 13
I suggested to go to a restaurant for dinner. 57 14
I was so excited that I slept late last night. 63 15
Let's get on the taxi. 67 16
My mother got me help her with housework. 71 17
I like to go out and play with my friends happily. 75 18
She can't say English. 79 19
I assure you studying English well. 84 20
Do you used to the life in China now? 89 21
I took a long time to understand them well. 93 22
She can't do anything but to watch TV! 97 23
To climb mountain is so interesting. 103 24
All foreigners who want to enter China will show their visas and passports. 107 25
Sometimes she used to go to the town to do some shopping. 113 26
You needn't have watered the flowers,for it is going to rain. 119 27
I am inferior than others in many respects. 125 28
We can buy alive fish in a supermarket at any time. 130 29
He is so ill that he is dangerous. 134 30
Have you got any interested stories for us? 138 31
She always shows a childish interest in everything. 142 32
The tuition for college education is quite expensive for some families. 146 33
It is the most exciting to see so many pigeons on the square. 150 34
I cleanly forgot about it. 154 35
I read carefully many relative materials later. 158 36
Although I make mistakes very frequently,you just point them out friendly. 162 37
Most of boys in our class plan to view the match! 166 38
Besides Zhou Peng,all the students in my class attended the lecture. 171 39
If you have some ink,please give me some. 177 40
To do it is one thing;to do well is the other. 182 41
At the beginning we don't know each other. 188 42
By Monday we must finish the work according to the plan. 193 43
This book is not more expensive than that one. 197 44
This historical event happened as early as in 204 B.C.. 201 45
She is as kind as her brother is honest. 207 46
Although it is a bit difficult,but I understood them well through hard work. 212 47
Would you please have some coffee? 216 48
There have two boys in the room. 220 49
No,I understand it. 224 50
I haven't read both articles. 228 51
If I didn't spend much time,I can hardly understand them well. 232 52
How I wish it is snowing now! 236 53
Great changes have been taken place around the world everyday. 240 54
Do you know how is everything going on with Mike? 244 55
Not until I came to the door of my room I realized that I had left the key in the classroom. 248 56
Which color do you like best? 253 57
Dinner with frond 257 58
What's the matter with you? 261 59
Giving Compliments 265 60
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