- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王奇民编著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:7030206894
- 页数:402 页
Volume 1 British Society and Culture 英国社会与文化Prelude 3
Section 1 United Kingdom:Land and People 7
第一部分 英国国土与人民 7
Chapter 1 United Kingdom:Land and People 8
1.Confusing Names 9
2.Countries within a Country 11
3.Geographical Features 13
4.The Climate 13
5.The People in UK 15
6.Characteristics ofthe British 17
7.Famous Landmarks 22
Section 2 British History 27
第二部分 英国历史 27
Chapter 2 The Origins of the British Nation 29
1.Early Settlers 29
2.Roman Britain 33
3.The Anglo-Saxon Britain 36
4.The Viking and Danish Invasion 38
Chapter 3 The Shaping of the Nation 43
1.The Norman Conquest 43
2.The Rule of Law 47
3.The Birth of Parliament 50
4.The Hundred Years'War 55
5.Wars of Roses 61
Chapter 4 Transition to Modern Era 63
1.The Tudor Monarchy 63
2.The English Renaissance 66
3.The Reformation of the Church 69
4.Elizabethan Age 73
5.English Revolution 75
6.The Commonwealth 80
7.The Glorious Revolution of 1688 82
Chapter 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire 85
1.The Agricultural Revolution 86
2.The Industrial Revolution 90
3.The Chartist Movement 93
4.The Rise of the British Empire 98
5.From Empire to Commonwealth 104
Section 3 British Political Institutions 107
第三部分 英国的政府与政治 107
Chapter 6 Government and Politics of UK 108
1.The Constitutional Monarchy 108
2.The Monarch 111
3.The House of Lords 113
4.The House of Commons 118
5.Parliamentary Government 122
Section 4 British Social and Cultural Life 129
第四部分 英国的社会与文化生活 129
Chapter 7 British Social Life 131
1.Family and Life 131
2.Social Customs and Etiquettes 136
3.Religions and Beliefs 139
4.British Economy 143
5.British Social Welfare 148
6.Justice and Law 153
Chapter 8 British Cultural Life 164
1.Education in Britain 164
2.The British Public Media 170
3.British Leisure Activities 175
4.Holidays and Festivals 180
5.British Food and Drinks 189
Volume 2 American Society and Culture 美国社会与文化Prelude 197
1.Images of the united states 197
2.Symbols of the United States 198
Section 1 The United States:Land and People 201
第一部分 美国国土与人民 201
Chapter 1 United States:the Land 202
1.Location and Size 202
2.Geographical Features 203
3.State Regions 206
4.Natural Resources 215
5.The Climate 217
6.National Landmarks 219
Chapter 2 United States:The"Melting Pot" 225
1.Here They Come! 225
2."A Nation of Nations" 230
3.Major Racial and Ethnic Groups 233
4.American National Characteristics 238
5.Basic American Values and Beliefs 243
Section 2 American History 249
第二部分 美国历史 249
Chapter 3 The Founding of a Nation 250
1.The Discovery 250
2.The Founding of 13 Colonies 251
3.The American Revolution 253
4.The Founding of a Nation 255
5.Jeffersonian Democracy 261
6.The Second War with England 263
Chapter 4 "From Rags to Riches" 265
1.Westward Expansion 265
2.The Civil War 268
3.An Industrial Giant 272
4.The Progressive Movement 278
Chapter 5 America in the Twentieth Century 283
1.America during World War Ⅰ 283
2."From Riches to Rags" 286
3.America during World War Ⅱ 292
4.Cold War and American Containment 296
5.From Camelot to Watergate 300
6.From New Right toward a New Millennium 310
Section 3 United States Political Institutions 315
第三部分 美国的政府与政治 315
Chapter 6 American Political and Government System 316
1.American Constitution 316
2.American Federal Government 321
3.Bipartisan Politics 332
4.Presidential Elections 336
Section 4 American Social and Cultural Life 343
第四部分 美国的社会与文化生活 343
Chapter 7 American Social Life 345
1.Family and Life 345
2.Social Security—A Built-in Stabilizer 351
3."Free Market of Religion" 354
4.Justice and Law 360
5.Overview of American Economy 365
Chapter 8 American Cultural Life 372
1.American Education—A System of No System 372
2.American Way ofLife 380
3.American Manners and Courtesies in Social Life 385
4.Holidays and Festivals 392
5.Recreation 395
Timeline of Monarchs of Britain 400
Timeline of American Presidents 401
Bibliography 402
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