- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:略颂编著
- 出 版 社:水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787508458663
- 页数:114 页
1.如何开场 1
开场问候 2
Good morning/afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.Hi,everyone.It's good to see you all here.自我介绍 4
Let me just start by introducing myself.My name is...职务介绍 5
I'm the project manager in charge of...点明主题 6
What I'd like to present to you today is...Today's topic is...指出主题与观众的关系 8
Today's topic is of particular interest to those of us who...My topic will be very important for you because...说明目的 10
I hope that you will leave this room with a better understanding of...The purpose of this presentation is to...概述结构 12
I've divided my presentation into three parts.列举要点 13
Point one deals with...,point two...,and point three...I'll begin by...,Then I'll move on to...,I'll end with...预计时长 15
My presentation will take about 30 minutes.It will take about 30 minutes to cover these issues.讲义资料 17
Don't worry about taking notes.I've put all the important statistics on a handout for you.I can email the PowerPoint presentation to anybody who wants it.问题处理 19
There will be time for questions after my presentation.If you have any questions,feel free to interrupt me at any time.Test yourself! 21
Test yourself!参考答案 22
演示开场结构 23
2.切入主题 25
反问句式 26
Is this development important for our market position?Can we really compete with big businesses?有趣的事实 28
Did you know 150,000 people die every year from smoking?轶闻与经历 29
At a conference in Beijing,I was once asked the following question:...提出问题 30
Imagine you won a million dollars.Who would you tell first?Test yourself! 31
Test yourself!参考答案 32
3.演示陈述 33
开始论述 34
In this part of my presentation,I'd like to tell you about...要点小结 35
Before I move on,I'd like to recap the main points.Let me briefly summarize the main issues.结束某个部分 37
That's all I wanted to say about the first point.So much for point two.进入下一个要点 39
This leads directly to my next point.Let's now turn to the next part of my talk.再次提及 41
Let me come back to what I said before...As I mentioned earlier,...As I pointed out in the first section,...指出其他相关问题 44
There are a few problems regarding...With respect to marketing,we need more background information.附加意见 46
In addition to this,I'd like to say that our business is going very well.Furthermore,there are other interesting facts we shouldtake a look at.引出问题所在 48
I think we first need to identify the problem.If we don't solve this problem now,we'll get into serious trouble soon.The question is:what's the best way to tackle this problem?解释原因 51
Let's have a look at the cause of this problem.导致结果 52
As a result,profit will go up by as much as 20%.对比转折 53
On one hand,this was very positive.On the other hand,we lost a few good opportunities.特别强调 54
I'd like to emphasize that...I think this fact is extremely important.反问句式的强调 56
Do we really want to miss this opportunity to...?Test yourself! 57
Test yourself!参考答案 58
演示陈述的常用句式 59
4.图表说明 61
视觉设备的使用 62
I'll just write some figures on the whiteboard and then we will go on to discuss the next point.Let me flip back to the figures on the previous page.On the next slide,you will see an illustration of our production.介绍图表 65
First,let me quickly explain the graph.You can see in this bar chart that different colors have been used to indicate...The biggest segment of this pie chart indicates...位置指示 68
The figures in the bottom left-hand corner show that...特别指出或强调 69
I'd like you to focus your attention on...What I'd like to point out here is...Let's look more closely at...图表描述:时态 72
Our sales have increased during the current quarter.图表描述:趋势 73
This curve graph describes the trend of...图表描述:上升 74
Sales increased slightly in summer.图表描述:下降 75
The time we spend on customer acquisition has gone down this year.图表描述:平稳和波动 76
Since 2004,our staff size has remained stable.图表描述:比较 77
Compared with last year,our output has increased by three times.图表描述:程度副词 78
The number of clients has grown considerably this year.图表描述:时间介词和词组 79
As expected,sales went down again in 2007 and stood at just over a million at the end of the year.图表描述:数据近似表达 80
It will cost a little less than 100 dollars to produce this item.Test yourself! 81
Test yourself!参考答案 82
5.如何结尾 83
进入尾声提示 84
I'm now approaching the end of my presentation.OK,I think that's everything I wanted to say about...总结概括 86
Just to summarize the main points of my talk.In conclusion,my opinion intends to supply the ideal service for our customers.指出最重要的一点 88
As a final point,I'd like to highlight our most impor-gone down this year.提出建议 89
I therefore recommend that...I suggest that we could focus on finding new customers in existing markets.提问式结语 91
Let me just finish with a question:If we don't do it,won't somebody else?引用名人名言 92
As a well-known businessman said:"Goals determine what you are going to be."呼应前文 93
Remember what I said at the beginning today.行动号召 94
So that's the plan.Now let's go and put it into practice!邀请提问 95
And now I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.感谢观众 96
Thank you for listening.Test yourself! 97
Test yourself!参考答案 98
6.问题解答 99
给予解答 100
Thanks for that question.In my opinion...不予解答 101
I'm afraid that's not really what we're discussing today.不知道答案 102
I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your question,but I'll try to find out for you.试探提问者的想法 103
Yes,I see.What are your views on this before I give my own?不理解提问 104
I'm sorry,could you repeat your question,please?重述问题 105
So,if I understood you correctly,you would like to know whether...确认回答是否令人满意 106
Does that answer your question?推迟回答 107
If you don't mind,I'll deal with this point later in my presentation.回到正题 108
So,now I'd like to return to what we were discussing earlier.Test yourself! 109
Test yourself!参考答案 110
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