- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:俞晓群,金莹著
- 出 版 社:杭州:中国美术学院出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787810836883
- 页数:173 页
Abstract 1
Chapter 1.Introduction 3
1.1 The background and meaning of the research 3
1.2 The reason and aim of the research 4
1.3 Research methods 5
1.4 Innovative Points 6
1.5 Summary 7
Chapter 2.Literature Review 8
2.1 Summary 9
Chapter 3.Current situation of domestic underwear culture and gap to the international underwear culture 10
3.1 Current situation of domestic underwear culture 10
3.2 The history of domestic underwear 11
3.3 The overseas history of underwear 15
3.4 The social value of underwear 146
3.5 Gap between domestic concepts of underwear consumption and that of overseas 147
3.6 Summary 149
Chapter 4.Current situation of domestic underwear market and the underwear culture's building 150
4.1 Orientation of brand culture in the underwear market 151
4.2 Lack of professional teams with rich experience in the underwear culture 153
4.3 Regional underwear associations' functions are required to be strengthened 154
4.4 Summary 156
Chapter 5.The refinement and enforcement of the underwear culture is an important force to the development of the underwear market 157
5.1 The systematic continuance of the underwear culture and its magnification 157
5.2 High-quality professional team guarantees the development of the underwear industry 163
5.3 The progress of the underwear market helps to the popularizing the underwear culture 165
5.4 The combination of"cultural industry"and the underwear industry is the primary development trend of the industry 165
5.5 Summary 166
Chapter 6.Conclusion and prospect 167
Annotations 170
References 172
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