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  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)BARON SCBWARTZ等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:开明出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787802057326
  • 页数:687 页
图书介绍:MySQL是一个小型关系型数据库管理系统,目前MySQL被广泛地应用在Internet上的中小型网站中。其体积小、速度快、总体拥有成本低。本书新版经过彻底更新和扩写,主要包含以下内容:性能和可靠性;存储引擎;MySQL 5.0和5.1的新特性;关于如果构建大型可升级系统的讨论;关于备份的新选项;高级质询性能的改进;4个新附录。

1.MySQL Architecture 1

MySQL's Logical Architecture 1

Concurrency Control 3

Transactions 6

Multiversion Concurrency Control 12

MySQL's Storage Engines 14

2.Finding Bottlenecks:Benchmarking and Profiling 32

Why Benchmark? 33

Benchmarking Strategies 33

Benchmarking Tactics 37

Benchmarking Tools  42

Benchmarking Examples  44

Profiling 54

Operating System Profiling 76

3.Schema Optimization and Indexing 80

Choosing Optimal Data Types  80

Indexing Basics 95

Indexing Strategies for High Performance 106

An Indexing Case Study 131

Index and Table Maintenance 136

Normalization and Denormalization 139

Speeding Up ALTER TABLE 145

Notes on Storage Engines 149

4.Query Performance Optimization 152

Slow Query Basics:Optimize Data Access 152

Ways to Restructure Queries 157

Query Execution Basics 160

Limitations of the MySQL Query Optimizer 179

Optimizing Specific Types of Queries 188

Query Optimizer Hints 195

User-Defined Variables 198

5.Advanced MySQL Features 204

The MySQL Query Cache 204

Storing Code Inside MySQL 217

Cursors 224

Prepared Statements 225

User-Defined Functions 230

Views 231

Character Sets and Collations 237

Full-Text Searching 244

Foreign Key Constraints 252

Merge Tables and Partitioning 253

Distributed(XA)Transactions 262

6.Optimizing Server Settings 265

Configuration Basics 266

General Tuning 271

Tuning MySQL's I/O Behavior 281

Tuning MySQL Concurrency 295

Workload-Based Tuning 298

Tuning Per-Connection Settings 304

7.Operating System and Hardware Optimization 305

What Limits MySQL's Performance? 306

How to Select CPUs for MySQL 306

Balancing Memory and Disk Resources 309

Choosing Hardware for a Slave 317

RAID Performance Optimization 317

Storage Area Networks and Network-Attached Storage 325

Using Multiple Disk Volumes 326

Network Configuration 328

Choosing an Operating System 330

Choosing a Filesystem 331

Threading 334

Swapping 334

Operating System Status 336

8.Replication 343

Replication Overview 343

Setting Up Replication 347

Replication Under the Hood 355

Replication Topologies 362

Replication and Capacity Planning 376

Replication Administration and Maintenance 378

Replication Problems and Solutions 388

How Fast Is Replication?  405

The Future of MySQL Replication  407

9.Scaling and High Availability 409

Terminology  410

Scaling MySQL  412

Load Balancing  436

High Availability  447

10.Application-Level Optimization 457

Application Performance Overview  457

Web Server Issues   460

Caching  463

Extending MySQL  470

Alternatives to MySQL   471

11.Backup and Recovery 472

Overview  473

Considerations and Tradeoffs  477

Managing and Backing Up Binary Logs  486

Backing Up Data  488

Recovering from a Backup  499

Backup and Recovery Speed 510

Backup Tools 511

Scripting Backups 518

12.Security 521

Terminology 521

Account Basics 522

Operating System Security 541

Network Security 542

Data Encryption 550

MySQL in a chrooted Environment 554

13.MySQL Server Status 557

System Variables 557





Replication Status 580


14.Tools for High Performance 583

Interface Tools 583

Monitoring Tools 585

Analysis Tools 595

MySQL Utilities 598

Sources of Further Information 601

A.Transferring Large Files 603

B.Using EXPLAIN 607

C.Using Sphinx with MySQL 623

D.Debugging Locks 650

Index 659
