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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:罗明江著
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:黑龙江大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787811291728
  • 页数:226 页

Introduction 1

0.1 Development of Grammars 1

0.2 Types of Grammar 15

0.3 Grammar in Relation to Other Levels of Linguistic Structure 28

Chapter 1.Some Basic Concepts 37

1.1 Linguistic Prescription 38

1.2 Problems of Linguistic Prescription 39

1.3 Prescription and Description in Conflict 41

1.4 Synthesis 42

Chapter 2.Traditional Grammar 45

2.1 Survey of Traditional Grammar 45

2.2 Key Concepts of Traditional Grammar 47

Chapter 3.Transformational-Generative Grammar 81

3.1 Generative Grammar 81

3.2 Transformational grammar 83

Chapter 4.Systemic Functional Grammar 93

4.1 Why is it Called Systemic Functional Linguistics? 94

4.2  Register 96

4.3 Individual Text and Language Systems 98

4.4 Everyday and Academic Language 99

Chapter 5.The Clause in English 103

5.1 Form and Function of the Clause in English 108

5.2 Subject 112

5.3 Verb 114

5.4 Direct Object 115

5.5 Indirect Object 116

5.6 Object Complement 117

5.7 The Subject Complement 118

5.8 The Adverbial and Adverbial Complement 119

5.9 Grammatical Ambiguity 121

Chapter 6.The Phrase in English 123

6.1 The Noun Phrase 123

6.2 The Verb Phrase 126

6.3 The Adjective Phrase 133

6.4 The Adverb Phrase 134

6.5 The Prepositional Phrase 135

Chapter 7.The Structure of Words and Word Classes in English 137

7.1 The Structure of Words 138

7.2 Word Classes 141

Chapter 8.Coordination and Subordination 149

8.1 On the Concept of Clause and Sentence 154

8.2 Forms of the Subordinate Clause 160

8.3 Functions of the Subordinate Clause 163

Chapter 9.The Grammatical Foundations of Style 167

9.1 Metafunction 167

9.2 Grammar around and beyond the Clause 175

9.3 Grammatical Metaphor 178

Chapter 10.Functional Re-evaluation of Grammatical Forms in Context 180

10.1 Potential Polysemy in Grammar 180

10.2 Synonymy in Grammar 188

10.3 Grammatical Doublets 195

Chapter 11.Pedagogic Grammar and Second Language Acquisition 201

11.1 Language Teaching Methodology and Grammar Instruction 204

11.2 Second Language Acquisition Theories and Teachability of Grammar 205

11.3 Role of Explicit Grammar Instruction 211

11.4 Target Structures of Explicit GrammarInstruction 212

11.5 Considerations in Grammar Books from the Learner's Viewpoint 214

11.6 Design of a Pedagogic Grammar 216

Bibliography 220
