Hadoop操作手册 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787564142582
- 页数:283 页
1.Introduction 1
2.HDFS 7
Goals and Motivation 7
Design 8
Daemons 9
Reading and Writing Data 11
The Read Path 12
The Write Path 13
Managing Filesystem Metadata 14
Namenode High Availability 16
Namenode Federation 18
Access and Integration 20
Command-Line Tools 20
REST Support 23
3.MapReduce 25
The Stages of MapReduce 26
Introducing Hadoop MapReduce 33
Daemons 34
When It All Goes Wrong 36
4.Planning a Hadoop Cluster 41
Picking a Distribution and Version of Hadoop 41
Apache Hadoop 41
Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop 42
Versions and Features 42
What Should I Use? 44
Hardware Selection 45
Master Hardware Selection 46
Worker Hardware Selection 48
Cluster Sizing 50
Blades,SANs,and Virtualization 52
Operating System Selection and Preparation 54
Deployment Layout 54
Software 56
Hostnames,DNS,and Identification 57
Users,Groups,and Privileges 60
Kernel Tuning 62
vm.swappiness 62
vm.overcommit_memory 62
Disk Configuration 63
Choosing a Filesystem 64
Mount Options 66
Network Design 66
Network Usage in Hadoop:A Review 67
1 Gb versus 10 GbNetworks 69
Typical Network Topologies 69
5.Installation and Configuration 75
Installing Hadoop 75
Apache Hadoop 76
CDH 80
Configuration:An Overview 84
The Hadoop XML Configuration Files 87
Environment Variables and Shell Scripts 88
Logging Configuration 90
Identification and Location 93
Optimization and Tuning 95
Formatting the Namenode 99
Creating a /tmp Directory 100
Namenode High Availability 100
Fencing Options 102
Basic Configuration 104
Automatic Failover Configuration 105
Format and Bootstrap the Namenodes 108
Namenode Federation 113
MapReduce 120
Identification and Location 120
Optimization and Tuning 122
Rack Topology 130
Security 133
6.Identity,Authentication,and Authorization 135
Identity 137
Kerberos and Hadoop 137
Kerberos:A Refresher 138
Kerberos Support in Hadoop 140
Authorization 153
HDFS 153
MapReduce 155
Other Tools and Systems 159
Tying It Together 164
7.ResourceManagement 167
What Is Resource Management? 167
HDFS Quotas 168
MapReduce Schedulers 170
The FIFO Scheduler 171
The Fair Scheduler 173
The Capacity Scheduler 185
The Future 193
8.Cluster Maintenance 195
Managing Hadoop Processes 195
Starting and Stopping Processes with I? Scripts 195
Starting and Stopping Processes Manually 196
HDFS Maintenance Tasks 196
Adding a Datanode 196
Decommissioning a Datanode 197
Checking Filesystem Integrity with fsck 198
Balancing HDFS Block Data 202
Dealing with a Failed Disk 204
MapReduce Maintenance Tasks 205
Adding a Tasktracker 205
Decommissioning a Tasktracker 206
Killing a MapReduce Job 206
Killing a MapReduce Task 207
Dealing with a Blacklisted Tasktracker 207
9.Troubleshooting 209
Differential Diagnosis Applied to Systems 209
Common Failures and Problems 211
Humans(You) 211
Misconfiguration 212
Hardware Failure 213
Resource Exhaustion 213
Host Identification and Naming 214
Network Partitions 214
"Is the Computer Plugged In?" 215
Treatment and Care 217
War Stories 220
A Mystery Bottleneck 221
There's No Place Like 224
10.Monitoring 229
An Overview 229
Hadoop Metrics 230
Apache Hadoop 0.20.0 and CDH3(metrics 1) 231
Apache Hadoop 0.20.203 and Later,and CDH4(metrics 2) 237
What about SNMP? 239
Health Monitoring 239
Host-Level Checks 240
All Hadoop Processes 242
HDFS Checks 244
MapReduce Checks 246
11.Backupand Recovery 249
Data Backup 249
Distributed Copy(distcp) 250
Parallel Data Ingestion 252
Namenode Metadata 254
Appendix:Deprecated Configuration Properties 257
Index 267
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