机械技术史 第二届中日机械技术史国际学术会议论文集 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭可谦等编
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7111050363
- 页数:580 页
1 Ancient Bibliographies of History of Technology——In the East and West&SHIMOTSUMA Yorikazu 3
2 YAKIMONO and NIHONTOU——Between Industrial Archaeology and Technological History&HARA Yunki,ETO Gendai 12
3 Brief Discussion on the Third Technology Revolution&Wei Youhai 18
4 The Machines That Have Reformed the World and Created the Civilization&Sun Jiping,Zhang Jizheng,Huang Huaxing,Quan Yinghua,Huang Jingyan 23
5 Transition of History of Mechanical Engineering and Technology Study in the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(JSME)——Form Annual Proceedings of the JSME&HAYASHI Kunio,TSUTSUMI Ichirou 30
6 Science and Technology and Japanese Imperialism——A Studies of the Activities of Mantetu Central Research Institution&YAMAGUCHI Naoki 36
7 An Inquiry into Two Chinese Terms'JIQI'and'JIXIE'&Zhang Baichun 40
8 Liu Xianzhou and"English—Chinese Mechanical Engineering Terminology"&Dai Wusan,Ye Jinju 46
9 Some Issues About Ancient War and Weapon in China&Lu Jingyan,Shen Bin,Yu Honggen 51
10 Several Theoretical Problems About Reconstruction Research of the Ancient Machinery&Lu Jingyan,Yu Honggen 57
11 On Evolution Regarding the Meaning of the Word"Che" Dai Wusan,Liu Hua 62
12 Great Heritage of Human Intellect in East Asia(Second Report:Mo Tsu's Philosophy and Sinological Understandings of Science)&TANAKA Michihiko 66
13 A Study of Zhuang Zi's Mechanical and Technological Idea in Ancient China&Liu Keming,Yang Shuzi 73
14 The Historical Role of the Industrial Materials in the Development of the Manufacturing Technique&TANAKA Minoru 79
15 Modern Manufacture Thought in the Manufacture of Chinese Ancient Military Weapons&Wei Shuangyin,Wang Hangxi 85
16 Technology Education By Using Science Museum&YOSHIDA Kiichi 92
17 On the Chinese Students Who Studied Engineering in Japan Before the Second World War&Wang Haibing,ISHIDA Humihiko 98
18 From Taosi Bronze Small Bell to Zhonghua He Bell—Origin,Development and Renewal of Two-Sound Bronze Chime-Bells&Hua Jueming 103
19 Views of the Development of Modern Chinese Manufacture Technology from the Design and Manufacture Thought of Ancient Chime Bells&Chen Lei,Li Xirong 111
20 The Research on the Development Sequence and Thread of Chinese Bronze Chime-Bells&Guan Xiaowu 115
21 Unique Term"Geng"of Night Time and the Night Watch of China&Chen Kaige 122
22 Comparison Between Chinese and Japanese Unequal Hours&Guan Xueling 127
23 The Yunnan Bronze Drum and Yunnan Culture in China&Zhu Long,Li Sha,Li Xirong,Chen Lei 132
24 Technical Development in the Japan International Machine Tool Fair(JIMTOF)&KOUNOSU Kenji 136
25 Mechanical Engineer to Control Engineer——Mechanical Engineering as Incubator of Control Engineering in Japan&TANAKA Katsunori 142
26 The Proposal of Stirling Engine Centering on a Self-supporting Cycle(Cycle Technology of Energy.Food and Environment)&MATSUO Masahiro,ISHIDA Yasuyuki,HOSODA Eiji,HIRAO Natake 146
27 Signicant Knowledge-Foundation for Machinery Industry in China&Yao Hongpu 152
28 Review of the Compilation of the Development History of the Electric Roller in China&Liu Jianxun,Zheng Xiling 161
29 The Brief History of Development and Present Situation of Wood-working Machine Industry in China&Qi Yingjie,Ma Yan,Hu Wanming 166
30 The Evolution of the Cold Weapons Spear and Shield in Ancient China&Cao Yinzhi,Yao Weixun 177
31 "Dragon Washbasin Phenomenon"and lts Mechanism&Wang Dajun,Liu Xijun,Huang Qinghua,Li Junbao 186
32 Research of the Originality in Old Japanese Technology Report l:About a spear plane and a self latch mechanism&Junichi TAKENO,Gao Xuan 196
33 On the Bronze Knives in the North of China Between the Shang and Zhou Dynasty&Li Gang 202
34 Manufacture of Clocks in the Forbidden City Workshop in Emperor Yongzheng's Reign and Relevant Issues&Guo Fuxiang 208
35 Wheel-Stone and Its Transportation System in Japan&ONODERA Hideki 215
36 The Four Inventions in the Chinese Ancient Shipbuilding Technology&Xin Yuanou 221
37 The Skills and Techniques of Production for Edge Tools in Japan——Centering Around the Forged Edge Tools at Takefu District in Fukui Prefecture&MAKINO Ryoya,TAKAZAWA Koya 227
38 Leonardo da Vinci's Contributions to the Field of Machinery-Bearing Prototypes Based on da Vinci Sketches&TSUBOI Uzuhiko 233
39 A Review on Early Use and Mechanical Properties of Copper,Arsenic Copper and Bronze&Sun Shuyun,Qian Wei 237
40 Evolution of the Digging Technology and Equipment of Ancient Small but Deep Well in China&Liu Chunquan,Zeng Guangxi 246
41 The Treadle Mechanism of the Ancient Spinning Wheel and Loom&You Zhanhong 251
42 Analysis on Machines and Mechanisms in Astronomical Clock-Tower of Song Dynasty&Wang Yading,Gao Xuan 262
43 Restoration Study on the Water Driving Spinning Wheel of the Yuan Dynasty in China&Li Chongzhou 272
44 The Brief Introduction on the Ancient Hydraulic Machines in Yunnan Province,China&Wang Lihua,Yan Junhua 284
45 The History of the Aviation of Japan&HARA Yunki,SHIRAI Yasuyuki 301
46 Chronology of Aviation&Li Xiaoning,Li Chengzhi 304
47 Chronology of Spaceflight&Li Chengzhi 313
48 Chronology of China's Guided Missiles and Artificial Satellites&Zhai Qingzhen 323
49 The Design and Manufacture of China's Airplane Beijing-1&Tian Dashan 326
50 The Test Flight of China's Space Ship Shenzhou&Li Jin,Zhao Zhenhui 331
51 Development of Taiwan's Clocks and Watches Industry&Tsung-Yi Lin,Hong-Sen Yan 336
52 The Propagation of European Mechanical Clock to China and the Development of Chinese Modern Timepiece Industry&Chen Kaige 343
53 Growing Process of New Products&KAWATA Kouichi 349
54 Reconstruction of the Tsukuba-type Wind Pump and its Technological Background&USHIYAMA Izumi,SATO Kenkichi,IWASAKI Shinya,FUJISAWA Sumiko 354
55 Technology and Skill of Maintenance Works for Rolling Stocks in the Meiji Period and History of Machine Tools—British-made Tow Car Wheel Lathes Early in the 1900's as Examples&TSUTSUMI lchirou,HAYASHI Kunio 360
56 Historical Study on Transition of Automobile Technology in Japan——Technology and Its Legal Circumstances in the Epoch&TOZAWA Kenzo,MURAKAMI Kazumi,SAKAMOTO Isamu 366
57 History of World Automobile Industry&Hu Yazhuang 371
58 Historical Facts About the Development of Charcoal Gas Automobile in China&Xu Kang,Su Hengyan,Li Ziyang 383
59 The Development of Numerical Control Technology in the Machine Building Field&Yang Xiaoyuan,Wang Weipin 392
60 The Present and Future of Industrial Design of Numerical Controlled Machine&Wang Kunqian 398
61 Introduction to Design Methods of Load-Haul-dump Loading Gear&Li Ying,Zhuang Lei,Fang Mei 402
62 On the Development of the Technology Used for Drilling Oil Wells in Japan&A Fumihiko Ishida,Taro Ishii 409
63 History of Fire-Fighting Equipment in Hakodate City&INOUE Heiji 415
64 Reconstruction of Mechanism Arts(Karakuri)"TOUKEI"in the Edo Period Of Japan and Experimental Research of Its Power Source&SHIRAI Yasuyuki,TSUTSUMI Ichirou 421
65 The Effects of the Techniques of Flexible Support and Direct Transmission with Multiple-point Engagement on the Development of Periphery Transmission of Ball Mills&Xia Jingbo,Xia Ji 427
66 The Brief History of Heart Valve Prosthesis&Wang Youfu,Yoshinori Mitamura 434
67 Developing Course of Universal Ball Joints&KAGAWA Hozumi,NOBYTA Tomokazu,SATO Kinzi 451
68 Modern Technological Development of Clutches for Marine Application&Gao Xiaomin,Wang Xiaoming 456
69 Development of Efficiency for Gearing&NEMOTO Ryozo,TAKAHASHI Hideo 463
70 Development of Research on Dynamic Factor of Gear Driving&Guan Dejuan,Yang Wei 468
71 Introduction of Screw Thread in Japan&KOBAYASHI Mitsuo,NAKAMURA Tomoo,HONGO Kaoru 474
72 The Base-isolated and Seismic Control Equipment in Japan Civil Engineering&Shang Xie,SHIGEMORI Kenichi,ADACHI Ichirou 480
73 Method Study,Key Technology and Development Tendency of Modern Tribology Design&Ji Ping 486
74 The Development of Tribology Design on Machine Element&Wang Zhili,Shen Xinmin,Zhou Yanze 492
75 The Development of IFToMM and HMM2000&Zhen Lu 498
76 Research on the Development Process of Chinese National Important Technological Equipment&Wang Hanxi,Song Ziliang 504
77 Research on the Project Background of Chinese National Important Technological Equipment&Wang Hanxi,Song Ziliang 511
78 Research on the Way of Manufacture of Chinese National Important Technological Equipment&Wang Hanxi,Song Ziliang 521
79 The Study and Expectation of the Methods of Exploring Sources of the Ancient and Mediaeval Histories of Chinese Mechanical Technology&Liang Guiming,Lin Weisheng,Yang Jian 539
80 The Exploration for the Wooden Ox and Flowing Horse—How to Carry Grains Passing Zhan-Dao(栈道)&Lin Weisheng 547
81 Bronze Chariots and Horses from Qinshihuang's Tomb and Quality Education in Teaching of Alloy&Yang Hui 550
82 Description of the Modern Machine Design Method and Its Basic Process Activity&Ji Ping 555
83 A BriefHistorical Talk of the Development of Machine Tools During the Modern and Recent Times of China&Wang Detao 562
84 Surveying the Progresses of Heat Engines and Looking Forward to the Near Future&Lu Rei-Song 568
85 Syndromes of Man-made Instability in the Technological Era&C.C.Wang 575
86 The Hanging Design of Zhong Hua He Zhong——Report l:Fastening the hanging devices of the Yong Zhong to the middle bean&Guo Keqian,Li Jianping 576
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