轮胎橡胶制品先进力学 第一届清华轮胎力学国际论坛论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:危银涛,(德)MichaelKaliske,黄友剑主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787302341246
- 页数:261 页
第1章 轮胎结构动力学引论 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Tire Stress and Cord Force in Radial Tires 3
1.3 Tire Vibration-Acoustics 13
1.4 Tire vibration-Impact Simulation with cleat 18
1.5 Tire Rolling Kinematic Forces and Moments Prediction Theory 28
1.6 Summary 40
References 41
第2章 车/轮/路界面的仿真、试验与识别 44
2.1 Introduction 45
2.2 F&M and wear on dry surface 45
2.3 Traction on wet, ice and snow surface 62
2.4 Sensing technology of contact area information (intelligent tire) 82
References 91
第3章 RMOD-K轮胎模型系列 94
List of symbols 95
3.1 Introduction 96
3.2 Structure dynamics 99
3.3 Tangential Contact 108
3.4 Model family application examples 121
References 132
第4章 轮胎优化设计仿真 134
4.1 Introduction 135
4.2 Optimization Task for Tires 136
4.3 Tire Analysis 137
4.4 Uncertainty Description 138
4.5 Robustness Investigation within the Optimization Task 140
4.6 Optimization Algorithm 141
4.7 Results 143
Acknowledgement 145
References 145
第5章 汽车系统动力学轮胎性能指标 147
5.1 Introduction 147
5.2 Tire is important for vehicle performance 148
5.3 Tire inputs and outputs for vehicle dynamics 148
5.4 Tire and vehicle dynamics 153
5.5 Tire model used in vehicle dynamics 158
5.6 Tire as a part of vehicle 161
5.7 Discussions and conclusions 163
References 164
第6章 轮胎动态硫化过程有限元模型 165
6.1 Introduction 165
6.2 Theoretical Foundation of Tire Curing Modeling 167
6.3 Finite Element Formulation of a heat transfer problem for axisymmetric Composite Materials Structures 169
6.4 Numerical Validation 171
6.5 Results and Discussions 175
6.6 Concluding Remarks 180
Acknowledgement 180
References 180
第7章 轮胎结构设计与生产工艺的逐步创新 182
7.1 Introduction 182
7.2 Main Functions of Tire 184
7.3 Contradictions between Multiple Objectives Optimization of Tire Function and the Structure 186
7.4 Strengthen the Nature Functions of Tire and Dissolve Structural Contradiction 189
7.5 Development Directions of Tire Design and Manufacture 191
Acknowledgements 193
References 194
第8章 橡胶元件及空气弹簧设计计算方法 195
8.1 Loading principle and application of rubber components 195
8.2 Calculation Method of Rubber Component based on Engineering Application 203
8.3 Loading theory and basic calculation method of airspring 216
8.4 Modeling technology of airspring system and its loading performance analysis 225
References 238
第9章 橡胶结构的疲劳寿命预测 239
9.1 Introduction 239
9.2 Fatigue Failure Processes 240
9.3 Physics of Fatigue Failure 242
9.4 Material Behavior 247
9.5 Multiaxial Loading 253
9.6 Variable Amplitude Loading 255
Acknowledgement 257
References 257
Subject Index 261
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