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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赵谊,梁晋元主编
  • 出 版 社:太原:山西教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7544019608
  • 页数:335 页

与中学生谈英语写作 1

震后受助 6

An Earthquake&杨颖 6

Saved in an Earthquake&杨嬛 7

A Lucky Orphan&张育荣 8

熊猫乐乐 12

A Report about Lele&李洁 12

Saving Panda Lele&冯卓琼 13

希望工程 17

The Hope School&赵璧 17

Give Poor Children a Hand&辛任春 18

The Hope Project&张倩 19

A Great Deed&孙小静 21

幸免迟到 25

I Will Be Late&陈睿 25

Attend Exam by Taxi&赵翔 26

I'm So LuCky&李玮 27

Just in Time&许瑛 29

护树之村 33

The Story of Trees&王娅 33

A Story of Village Li&胡建强 34

Please Protect Trees&古莹 35

自找麻烦 39

Asking For Trouble&吴丽婷 39

I Am Not a Thief&白丽君 40

失而复得 43

A Lost Bag&张霞 43

The Bag Is Returmed&孟丽 44

A Kind-hearted Girl&周琰 46

Dr Yang's Case&倪雅晶 47

目睹车祸 51

A T raffic Accident&杨英 51

A Good Deed&李玮 52

拾金不昧 56

A Wallet in the Bar&闫文博 56

To Be an Honest Person&侯喆 57

A Kind-hearted Boy&焦峰 58

爬山遇险 62

An Unlucky Experience&叶鹏 62

A Dangerous Trip&文静 63

Unforgettable Experience&董杰 65

插队买票 69

Jump the Queue&王莉霞 69

An UnhapPy ExPerience&王志义 70

Jump the Queue&陈雪晔 71

体重变化 76

Mr White Changed His Weight&崔瑜 76

Change of Weight&姚莉 77

Losing Weight&杨臻 78

How to Lose Weight?&李健 79

勇救儿童 83

Saving the Boy!&杨旭峰 83

Who Give the Boy Life again?&樊阳阳 84

A Great Deed&崔瑜 85

聚会路线 88

Course of Going to the Park&王敏 88

Course of Going to the Park&段成玮 89

饮食变化 91

Changes in People's Diet&许磊 91

Changes in People's Diet&张艳 92

Changes in People's Diet&朵可凡 94

Changes in People's Diet&林修平 95

记叙文类 99

人物描写 99

Talking about Myself&辛任春 99

Talking about Myself&温昱君 100

My Teacher&辛健智 102

My Father&梁芳 103

My Friend&任可之 105

I'm So Lucky&李玮 27

Just in Time&许瑛 29

护树之村 33

The Story of Trees&王娅 33

A Story of Village Li&胡建强 34

Please Protect Trees&古莹 35

自找麻烦 39

Asking For Trouble&吴丽婷 39

I Am Not a Thief&白丽君 40

失而复得 43

A Lost Bag&张霞 43

The Bag Is Returned&孟丽 44

A Kind-hearted Girl&周琰 46

Dr Yang's Case&倪雅晶 47

目睹车祸 51

A Traffic Accident&杨英 51

A Good Deed&李玮 52

拾金不昧 56

A Wallet in the Bar&闫文博 56

To Be an Honest Person&侯喆 57

A Kind-hearted Boy&焦峰 58

爬山遇险 62

An Unlucky Experience&叶鹏 62

A Dangerous Trip&文静 63

Unforgettable Experience&董杰 65

插队买票 69

Jump the Queue&王莉霞 69

An Unhappy ExPerience&王志义 70

Jump the Queue&陈雪晔 71

体重变化 76

Mr White Changed His Weight&崔瑜 76

Change of Weight&姚莉 77

Losing Weight&杨臻 78

How to Lose Weight?&李健 79

勇救儿童 83

Saving the Boy!&杨旭峰 83

Who Give the Boy Life again?&樊阳阳 84

A Great Deed&崔瑜 85

聚会路线 88

Course of Going to the Park&王敏 88

Course of Going to the Park&段成玮 89

饮食变化 91

Changes in People's Diet&许磊 91

Changes in People's Diet&张艳 92

Changes in People's Diet&朵可凡 94

Changes in People's Diet&林修平 95

人物描写 99

Talking about Myself&辛任春 99

Talking about Myself&温昱君 100

My Teacher&辛健智 102

My Father&梁芳 103

My Friend&任可之 105

Computers&刘薇 174

The History of Money&陈仁新 176

说明景点 178

My Motherland&岳虹 178

Beijing&周瑞玲 179

Qingdao&?唤龙 180

The Yeliow Crane Tower&夏丽君 182

Welcome to the Beijing Zoo&辛任春 183

The World Park&杨嬛 184

The Three Gorges Dam&孙小静 186

The Three Gorges Dam&杨欢 187

The Great Wall&周伟 189

The Great Wall&薜巍 190

The Great Wall&张艳 191

The Great Pyramids&夏瑜 193

说明事由 195

The SPring Festival&侯喆 195

The Spring Festival&辛可之 197

Thanksgiving Day&李贝卡 199

The Origin of April Fools'Day&孟榛 200

Sports&张惠 201

The Olympic Games&李佳 202

The Structure of Education in the USA&魏阳昇 204

议论文类 209

环境保护 209

Saving Our Earth&许嘉 209

Saving Our Earth&赵芸 210

Protect the Earth&张颢 211

Reuse the Wastes&赵蕴 212

Saving Our City&张惠 213

Pollution&梁慧娟 215

Pollution&李佳 216

Problems of Pollution in Beijing&邵佳蕊 217

Keep Water Clean&何智宁 218

Polluted Moat&于然 220

)Polluted River&石金平 221

The River Is Clean Again&梁莉 222

Blue Planet&郑克非 223

社会经纬 225

Women in Modern China&张烨 225

Women in China&文静 226

Women's Life&董杰 228

An Investigation on Career&魏利 229

A Test&安之宇 230

Fireworks Should Be Forbidden&沈珂 231

A New Problem of Population&吴比明 233

教育科学 235

My Devoted Friend—Book&王敏 235

My Devoted Friend—Book&安勇明 236

My Devoted Friend—Book&隗炜 237

I Like Reading&王晓蕾 238

Hope Primary School in China&胡丰艳 240

I'll graduate in July&张婷婷 241

Why Do We Go to University?&苏芳 243

Science,Good or Evil?&张茜 244

卫生健康 246

How to Keep Healthy&崔迪 246

Smoking Is Harmful to Health&胡潇华 247

Smoking and Health&张惠 249

My Opinion about Smoking&周文静 250

Smoking Is Harmful&王雅欣 252

Giving up Smoking&王媛媛 253

应用文类 257

日记 257

如何写日记 257

选篇 258

日记1&王小吉 258

日记2&辛安顺 259

日记3&唐晶 260

日记4&王晓春 262

日记5&安勇明 263

日记6&刘煦 264

日记7&卜华 265

日记8&安娜 266

书信 268

如何写英文书信 268

选篇 269

书信1&安永峰 269

书信2&岳虹 271

书信3&王胜伟 272

书信4&温尔雅 274

书信5&王明丽 275

书信6&刘莎 276

书信7&赵新 278

书信8&任一秋 279

书信9&王小祥 281

书信10&安娜 282

书信11&王伟 283

书信12&张婷 285

书信13&辛安顺 287

书信14&温莎莎 288

书信15&程婷 290

书信16&裴海燕 292

书信17&肖元 294

书信18&邢亚男 295

书信19&汪西平 297

书信20&文雅静 298

通知与介绍 300

如何写通知与介绍 300

选篇 302

通知1&潘静 302

通知2&吴夏平 303

通知3&向哲隽 303

通知4&潇海丹 304

介绍&王珺 305

演讲作文 309

My Favourite Sport&张晨露 309

I Want to Be a Teacher&任大顺 311

Bauhinia&李智翼 313

A Good Teacher&李培 316

附录 1989—1999高考书面表达试题及范文 319
