高等学校民族预科规划教材 英语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡俐,沈群英,王向东主编;韦孟芬,邓建平,杨正翠等副主编
- 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787564325497
- 页数:254 页
Unit1 1
Text How to be a Successful Language Learner? 1
Reading Passage Body Language 6
Grammar (名词) 9
Unit2 17
Text Christmas 13
Reading Passage Flower Street Festival 17
Grammar (代词) 19
Unit3 24
Text The Echo 24
Reading Passage The Noblest Revenge 28
Grammar (冠词) 31
Unit4 37
Text Deserts 37
Reading Passage Natural Disasters 42
Grammar (形容词和副词的比较等级) 44
Unit5 49
Text Your Name Will be Mud 49
Reading Passage Where is the Beef? 55
Grammar (介词) 57
Unit6 64
Text A Day's Wait 64
Reading Passage Life and Death 71
Grammar (非谓语动词1:动词不定式) 74
Unit7 80
Text A Good Heart to Lean on 80
Reading Passage How to Achieve Happiness 85
Grammar (非谓语动词2:动名词) 87
Unit8 92
Text Who Says Experts are Always Right? 92
Reading Passage The Best Teacher I've Ever Had 97
Grammar (非谓语动词3:分词) 99
Unit9 104
Text Australia 104
Reading Passage London 108
Grammar (动词的时态) 111
Unit10 117
Text Benjamin Franklin 117
Reading Passage Bill Gates 123
Grammar (语态) 125
Unit11 129
Text The Statue of Liberty 129
Reading passage Why American Culture is Unique 135
Grammar (情态动词) 137
Unit12 143
Text Education for Ethnic Minorities in China 143
Reading Passage Education for All 149
Grammar (虚拟语气) 152
Unit13 157
Text The Olympic Games 157
Reading Passage The Most Dramatic Cup Final Wembley 161
Grammar (简单句和并列句) 164
Unit14 169
Text If I Lose Honesty,I Won't be Happy Forever 169
Reading Passage Honesty and Trust 174
Grammar (名词性从句) 177
Unit15 180
Text Face to Face with Guns 180
Reading Passage Mugging 186
Grammar (定语从句) 188
Unit16 192
Text The Battle Against AIDS 192
Reading Passage SARS and a Sense of Responsibility 197
Grammar (状语从句) 200
Unit17 204
Text Going Grocery Shopping:Let Your Fingers Do the Walking 204
Reading Passage Online Shopping 209
Grammar (倒装) 212
Unit18 217
Text Birth of Bright Ideas 217
Reading Passage An Architectural Landmark-the Bird's Nest 222
Grammar (省略) 226
Unit19 230
Text Business Ethics 230
Reading Passage The Customer is Number One 235
Grammar (引语和强调结构) 238
Unit20 241
Text The New Music 241
Reading Passage What is Jazz? 246
Grammar (主谓一致) 248
References 253
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