泥河湾与垂杨介 第16届垂杨介与她的邻居们国际学术研讨会PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李隆助,高星,谢飞主编
- 出 版 社:北京:海洋出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787502785628
- 页数:304 页
Session 1 3
Chairpersons:N.I.DROZDOV and JIN Changzhu 3
泥河湾盆地的文明曙光&XIE Fei(Hebei Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics Hebei Province,Chi-na) 3
含古人类遗存地层与时间的关系&WEI Qi(Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,CAS,China) 4
The Xujiayao Site in Nihewan Basin,North China&LI Chao-rong1,LI Hao2(1Laboratory of Human Evolution,Institute of Vertebrate Paleon-tology and Paleoanthropology,CAS,2Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,China) 16
Preliminary Study on the Age of Disappearance of the Datong Lake and Appearance of the Sanggan River Based on OSL and 14C Data in the Nihewan Basin, China&Yorinao SHITAOKA1,Masatoshi SAGAWA2,Tsuneto NAGATOMO3,WEI Qi 4, CAO Mingming5,Ping Hu6(1Institute for Geothermal Sciences Kyoto University, Japan, 2Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan,3Nara University of Education,Japan,4 Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,CAS,China,5 Science Press,China, 6Datong Museum,China) 27
Session 2 41
Chairpersons:L.DOMANSKA and WEI QI 41
The Hearth Remains and Associated Findings from Shuidonggou a Late Paleolithic Site in Northwest China&GAO Xing,GUAN Ying(Lab for Human Evolution at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontolo- gy and Paleoanthropology,Chinese Academy of Science,China) 41
A Review of Early Pleistocene Gigantopithecus fauna from South China&JIN Changzhu, ZHANG Yingqi,WANG Yuan,ZHU Min, YAN Yaling(Key Labora- tory of Evolutionary Systematics of Vertebrates,Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Pa- leoanthropology,CAS,China) 47
Pleistocene Cave Investigation in Southwest Guangxi,South China&WANG Wei1,2,HUANG Chaolin2,XIE Shaowen2,LI Dawei1(1Guangxi Museum of Nationalities,2Natural History Museum of Guangaxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China) 52
The Revised Scientific Name of the Middle Pleistocene〈Crocutoid〉Hyaena Fossils from Korea&Sunjoo PARK1,Yung-jo LEE2(1Chungbuk National University,Korea,2Institute of Ko- rean Prehistory,Korea) 53
Long Evolution Processes in East Asian Prehitory&Marcel OTTE(Universite de Liege,Belgium) 59
Session 3 75
Chairpersons:XIE Fei and H.SATO 75
Comparing the Earliest stone Tools from Africa,Europe,China and India:Impli-cations for the Timing of“Out of Africa 1!”&Sheila MISHRA (Department of Archaeology,Deccan College,Pune,Maharashtra,India) 75
The Cognitive Abilities of the Earliest Inhabitants of the Southern Levant&Avraham RONEN (The Zinman Inst&of Archaeology,University of Haifa 31905,Israel) 83
Early Humans in the So’a Basin,Flores:Research and Prospects&Fachroel AZIZ1,Gert D.Van den BERGH,Adam BRUMM2,Iwan KURNIAWAN, Erick SETIABUDI, Michael MORWOOD(1Centre for Geological Survey,Geological A- gency,Indonesia,2 Centre for Archaeological Science School of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Wollongong,Australia) 96
Paleolithic Open Sites in Lenggong Valley,Perak,Malaysia&Mokhtar SAIDIN(Centre for Global Archaeological Research University Sains Malaysia) 97
Acheulian Culture in India:An Overview&Asok DATTA1 and Arundhuti DATTA2(1University of Calcutta,2 Hons&Microbiology, Bio-Informatics,Working on Bio-archaeology,India) 108
The Polesie Site:from Neanderthal Man to the Motorway Builders&Lucyna DOMANSKA1,Seweryn RZEPECKI1,Marcin Was2(1Institute of Archaeology, University of Lodz, 2 University of Gdansk,Poland) 123
河南许昌灵井旧石器遗址发掘7年回顾&LI Zhanyang(Henan Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics,China) 131
Session 4 149
Chairpersons:A.RONEN and Sunjoo PARK 149
New Paleolithic Data from the Angara River(Northern Territory Adjacent to the Angara)&D.N.DROZDOV1,N.I. DROZDOV2(1Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Si- berian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science,Novosibirsk,2Krasnoyarsk State Pedagog- ical Univ&Krasnoyarsk,Russia) 149
A Study of Regional Characteristics of the Upper Paleolithic Hunting Tool and Peo-ple Migration to East Asia Pacific Region&Heon Jong LEE(Mokpo Nat’l University, Korea) 154
Original Characteristics of Modern Human Behavior on Japanese Early Early Up- per Paleolithic:Edge-Ground Axe,Circular Settlement and Trap Pit Hunting&Hiroyuki SATO (Department of Archaeology,Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo,Japan) 160
Site Structure and Human Behavior at the Araya Site,Northeastern Japan&Kaoru AKOSHIMA,Yoshitaka KANOMATA(Tohoku University,Japan) 173
Stone-Tool Manufacturing Site on the High Volcanic Mountain,Central Japan&Hisao KUMAI(Osaka City University,Japan) 193
吉林东部地区旧石器时代黑曜岩石器研究新进展&CHEN Quan-jia1,2,WANG Chun-xue1,2(1Research Center of Chinese Frontier Archaeology of J ilin University,Changchun,2 Laboratory of Human Evolution,Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100044) 203
Session 5 219
Chairpersons:Hisao KUMAI and WANG Youping 219
Paleoindian Life in the High Rocky Mountains of North America&Marcel KORNFELD(Paleoindian Research Lab,University of Wyoming, USA) 219
中原地区旧新石器时代的交替——河南新密李家沟遗址的发现&WANG Youping(Deptartment of Archaeology,Beijing University,China) 230
Characteristics of Distribution of Flint Raw Materials of the Late Mesolithic Com-munities in the Polish Lowland&Piotr LUCZAK(Institute of Archeology,University of Lodz, Poland) 239
Kitchen-Midden Sites(shell mounds)of Andaman and Nicobar Islands:a Case Study on Subsistence Behaviou of the Hunter-gatherers at Karakachang&Asok DATTA1,Manomay GHOSH2(1Department of Archaeology,University of Calcutta, Kolkata,India,2 Zoological Survey of India,Govt.of India.) 247
Rock Art and Origins of Cattle-Breeding in Mongolia&D.TSEVEENDORJ(Mongolian Academy of Sciences Institute of Archaeology,Mongolia) 263
Suyanggae:Why so Important(Ⅳ)-with Geoarcheological Implication of SUYANG-GAE Loc.Ⅲ&Ju-yong KIM1,Yung-jo LEE2,Jong-yoon WOO2(1Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, 2 Institute of Korean Prehistory, Korea) 274
Session 6 289
Chairpersons:GAO Xing and Marcel KORNFELD 289
Discussion and Comments 289
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