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ACCA考试用书  税务  英文版
ACCA考试用书  税务  英文版

ACCA考试用书 税务 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:英国BPP出版有限公司编
  • 出 版 社:武汉:华中科技大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787560976389
  • 页数:462 页
图书介绍:本课本向学员传授与税法系统相关的适用于公司或个人的知识和技能。包括:英国税法系统 、所得税负债、公司税负债等。
《ACCA考试用书 税务 英文版》目录

Part A UK tax system 3

1 Introduction to the UK tax system 3

Part B Income tax and national insurance contributions 15

2 The computation of taxable income and the income tax liability 15

3 Employment income 35

4 Taxable and exempt benefits.The PAYE system 47

5 Pensions 69

6 Property income 79

7 Computing trading income 89

8 Capital allowances 103

9 Assessable trading income 123

10 Trading losses 139

11 Partnerships and limited liability partnerships 153

12 National insurance contributions 163

Part C Chargeable gains for individuals 175

13 Computing chargeable gains 175

14 Chattels and the principal private residence exemption 187

15 Business reliefs 199

16 Shares and securities 211

Part D Tax administration for individuals 223

17 Self assessment and payment of tax by individuals 223

Part E Inheritance tax 243

18 Inheritance tax:scope and transfers of value 243

Part F Corporation tax 267

19 Computing taxable total profits 267

20 Computing the corporation tax liability 277

21 Chargeable gains for companies 289

22 Losses 301

23 Groups 313

24 Overseas matters for companies 325

25 Self assessment and payment of tax by companies 333

Part G Value added tax 345

26 An introduction to VAT 345

27 Further aspects of VAT 363

Exam question and answer bank 375

Tax tables 451

Index 457
