IWDMA'94 国际离散数学与算法研讨会文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:苏运霖主编
- 出 版 社:广州:暨南大学出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7810293699
- 页数:257 页
1 On Latin Arrays&Renji Tao 1
2 Cordial Labeling of mKn&David Kuo&Gerand J.Chang 15
3 Partial Sorting Networks with Applications&Shuo-Yen Rebert Li 27
4 Functional Database Theory FDT and Lisp Database&Jiepan Xu&Tung Wang 44
5 Exploring the Use of String Substitution in Modular Exponentiation&Lucas Chi Kwong Hui&Kwok—Yan Lam 60
6 Some Results on Subset Interconnection Designs&Jaime D.L.Caro&Polly W.Sy 68
7 Software Development Automation&Jian Ping Yin&Huo Wang Chen 76
8 Quasiphysical and Quasisocial Method for Tackling NP—hard Prob-lems&Wenqi Huang 89
9 The Structure of an Undirected Graph that is not K—Vertex—Con-nected and its Application on Smallest Four—Vertex—Connectivity Augmentation&Tsan—sheng Hsu 92
10 Scheduling Distributed Tasks in Hard Real—Time Environment with a Movable Server&Hua lin,Mi Lu&Wei Zhao 114
11 Theory of Program Computation over Rings and Fields&Xiang Li 126
12 A Discrete Optimization Approach for Redistribution Model&Sydney C.K.Chu 127
13 Data Security Equals Graph Connectivity&Ming—Yang Kao 134
14 Model and Designs for Path Layout in ATM Networks&O.Gerstel&S.Zaks 148
15 Difficulties in Approximation of Polygonal Curves&W.S.Chan&F.Chin 163
16 How Difficult is it to Obtain a Chromatic Polynomial?&Qi Cheng&Hong Zhu 172
17 The Complexity of Approximation for k—KNAPSACK&Li—ang Zhang 177
18 Generaliged Exponents of Bookan Matrices&Bolian Liu 181
19 Discrete Mathematics,Pansystems Phiosophical Logic and A.I.&Youngli Li 192
20 A Dimensional—pure Decomposition for Polynomial Ideals&Lian Li 201
21 Programming via Proof—a case study&Yiqiang Ding&Yongsen Xu 214
22 The Improved Algorithm for Generating Adjacent Matrix of Projected Graph And It's Application to Software Testing&Yinghan Qiu&Huoyan Chen 219
23 An Analogical Knowledge Representation and its Logical Descrip-tion&Yulong Luo,Bo Li&Qinping Zhao 228
24 Natural Language Interfaces Based upon Speech Acts&Yunlin Su&Wen Zheng 238
25 A Sieve Method on Factorization of Polynomials&Renbao Zhong 251
26 A Note on FF Bin Packing Algorithm&Lin Zhao&Ze—zeng Zhang 256
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