PART Ⅱ 138
Classified Conversations 138
1.Special short expressions phrases and idioms.特别短词,成语及俗语 138
2.Characteristics of persons人品 141
3.Age年龄 142
4. Friendship友谊 144
5. Promise, refusal, and thanks允诺,拒绝,感谢 145
6. The news新闻 148
7. At a business meeting 开会 150
8. Speeches演说 153
9. About weather天气 156
10.Spring春季 159
11.Summer夏季 161
12.Autumn秋季 164
13. Winter冬季 166
14. The New Year新年 169
15. About tune and days时日 171
16. Introduction介绍 173
17. About position职业 174
18.About marriage结婚…18o 181
19.About health身体 181
20.Government政府 185
21. At the breakfast早饭 187
22.At the dinner午饭 189
23. About supper晚饭 196
24. Luncheon and tea, &c茶点 198
25. In the school学校内 200
26. Vacation 假期 204
27.At the telephone电话 206
28. A visit访友 208
29.Meeting a friend遇友 213
30. Walking散步 215
31. Ask the way问路 218
32. Games游戏 223
33. Photography摄影 226
34. Steamer航海 228
35.At custom house税关 237
36. Railway火车 243
37.Baggage行李 250
38. Hotel旅馆 251
39. Lodgings寓所或寄宿舍 257
40. Money钱 265
41.Passport护照 268
42. Letter and Post写信及邮政 270
43. Telegraph office电报 277
44. Omnibus 街 车 281
45.Street car电车 283
46. Vehicles车 285
47. Riding骑马 291
48. Sight-seeing游览 293
49. Commencing business开始营业 295
50. Kinds of condition of business营业之种类及情形 297
51.Quality品质 299
52.Purchase and sale买卖 303
53. Delivery and shipping送货运货 307
54. Order订货 310
55.Bank银行 313
56. Insurance保险 318
57.Book-keeping and accounts簿记及计算 320
58. With a doctor访医 322
59. At a barber’s理发店 327
60. At a bath-house入浴 329
61.Washing洗衣 333
62. At a theater戏院 334
63. At the dentist’s牙医 339
64. At the stationer’s文具仪器店 342
65.At the jeweller’s珠宝店 345
66. At the watch-maker’s钟表店 347
67. At the grocer’s食物店 351
68. At a book store书店 353
69. At department store百货商店 359
PART Ⅲ 361
Vocabulary, phrases and idioms 361
1.Numbers数字 361
2.Fractions and percentage分数及百分数 364
3. Dates, months, seasons and festivals 日,月,季节 364
4.Time时间 367
5.Government政府 369
6. Officials官职 371
7.Army陆军 374
8. Navy海军 380
9. Mankind人类 382
10.Professions职业 390
11. Religions宗教 396
12. Laws法律 398
13. Human,body人体 401
14. Diseases and medicines疾病医药 406
15. Astronomical terms天文 414
16. Geographical terms地理 419
17. Schools学校 425
18. Courses in school学科 427
19.School terms学校用 语语 429
20. School suppiies学校 433
21.The house and architechural terms建筑 434
22.Furnitures and utensils器具 440
23. Jewellery and Ladies dress珠宝及妇女服装 447
24. Gentlemen’s outfit and articles of dress男子服装 453
25.Meals食物 458
26.Animals动物 471
27. Grains and vegetables谷类及疏菜 476
28.Trees, flowers, fruits树木,花草,果品 478
29.Minerals矿物 483
30.Colors颜色 484
31.Trades, and commercial terms商业 486
32. Office supplies and stationeries文具 495
33. Manufactures制造品 499
34. Agriculture products农产 502
35.Textiles纺织品 503
36. Communications交通 505
37. On water海面 506
38.Trains火车 509
39. Vehicles including cycling and motoring各种车类 513
40.Music and stages音乐及戏剧 527
41.Photography照相 532
42. Games and sports游戏 534
43. Currency货币 536
44.Weights衡 539
45. Weight system衡法 541
46. Measures度 542
47. Measure system度法 543
48. Words of opposite meaning相对字 545
49. Abbreviations缩写字 556
50. Proper names专用名词 574
a. Countries and peoples国名与国民 574
b. Provinces and Capitals of China中国省名与省城名 577
c. Principal cities世界大城 578
d. Newspapers and Magazines报纸杂志 581
e. Banks银行 583
f. Railways 铁路 586
g. Firms and Corporations公司 586
h. Hotels 旅馆 594
i. Famous persons人名 595
j. Schools and Universities学校 599
k. Parties and Associations政党及会 603
l. Public offices衙署 605
PART Ⅳ 607
Appendix附录 607
1.Conjugation of verbs 607
2.Number of nouns 614
3.Gender of nouns 617
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