结晶学第3版 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:J·W·Mullin
- 出 版 社:北京/西安:世界图书出版公司
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:9787506247375
- 页数:527 页
1 The crystalline state 1
1.1 Liquid crystals 1
1.2 Crystalline solids 3
1.3 Crystal symmetry 4
1.4 Crystal systems 7
1.5 Miller indices 10
1.6 Space lattices 13
1.7 Solid state bonding 15
1.8 Isomorphs and polymorphs 16
1.9 Enantiomorphs and racemates 18
1.10 Crystal habit 20
1.11 Dendrites 21
1.12 Composite crystals and twins 22
1.13 Imperfections in crystals 24
2 Physical and thermal properties 29
2.1 Density 29
2.2 Viscosity 32
2.3 Surface tension 36
2.4 Diffusivity 38
2.5 Refractive index 43
2.6 Electrolytic conductivity 44
2.7 Crystal hardness 44
2.8 Units of heat 46
2.9 Heat capacity 47
2.10 Thermal conductivity 50
2.11 Boiling,freezing and melting points 51
2.12 Latent heats of phase change 55
2.13 Heats of solution and crystallization 58
2.14 Size classification of crystals 60
3 Solutions and solubility 81
3.1 Solutions and melts 81
3.2 Solvent selection 81
3.3 Expression of solution composition 85
3.4 Solubility correlations 87
3.5 Theoretical crystal yield 90
3.6 Ideal and non-ideal solutions 93
3.7 Particle size and solubility 102
3.8 Effect of impurities 104
3.9 Measurement of solubility 105
3.10 Prediction of solubility 114
3.11 Solubility data sources 116
3.12 Supersolubility 117
3.13 Solution structure 125
4 Phase equilibria 128
4.1 The phase rule 128
4.2 One-component systems 129
4.3 Two-component systems 132
4.4 Enthalpy-composition diagrams 138
4.5 Phase change detection 143
4.6 Three-component systems 148
4.7 Four-component systems 161
4.8 'Dynamic'phase diagrams 170
5 Nucleation 172
5.1 Primary nucleation 173
5.2 Secondary nucleation 185
5.3 Metastable zone widths 189
5.4 Effect of impurities 193
5.5 Induction and latent periods 194
5.6 Interfacial tension 197
5.7 Ostwald's rule of stages 200
6 Crystal growth 202
6.1 Crystal growth theories 202
6.2 Growth rate measurements 220
6.3 Crystallization and dissolution 240
6.4 Crystal habit modification 248
6.5 Phase transformations 257
6.6 Inclusions 260
7 Crystallization techniques and equipment 264
7.1 Recrystallization 264
7.2 Precipitation 285
7.3 Crystallization from melts 309
7.4 Sublimation 323
7.5 Crystallization from solution 332
7.6 Caking of crystals 364
8 Crystallizer operation and design 369
8.1 Crystal size distribution(CSD) 369
8.2 Kinetic data measurement and utilization 393
8.3 Crystallizer specification 397
8.4 Fluid-particle suspensions 408
8.5 Encrustation 416
8.6 Downstream processes 421
Appendix 430
References 488
Subject index 521
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