- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:靳雪莲著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787516199619
- 页数:297 页
Tables 51
Table 1.Comparison between rate of population age 6 and over by educational level 51
Table 2.Statistics of Chinese overseas students from 1978 to 2009 51
Table 3.Interne use habit Ⅰ 59
Table 4.Internet use habit Ⅱ 61
Table 5.The participants’ online activities 63
Table 6.Online news reading: channel and frequency 66
Table 7.Online news reading: reading habit 70
Table 8.Online news reading: what do I read? 72
Table 9.Online news reading: how do I understand news? 75
Table 10.Online news reading: why do I read news? 76
Table 11.Online information search: channel and message 79
Table 12.Online information search: search habit 80
Table 13.Online lecture 83
Table 14.QQ contacts: number, categories and frequent contacts 84
Table 15.QQ contacts: message 86
Table 16.QQ contacts: habit 87
Table 17.QQ groups: number, categories and active groups 88
Table 18.QQ groups: what they do or do not communicate 90
Table 19.QQ groups: habit 91
Table 20.QQ groups: participant as an organiser of QQ groups 92
Table 21.Qzone: who and message 92
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