水和废水计算手册 中 第3版 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)林顺达主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787560350547
- 页数:552 页
1 Sources and Quantity of Water 308
2 Population Estimates 311
2.1 Arithmetic method 312
2.2 Constant percentage growth rate method 312
2.3 Declining growth method 313
2.4 Logistic curve method 313
3 Water Requirements 315
3.1 Fire demand 315
3.2 Leakage test 320
4 Regulations for Water Quality 321
4.1 Safe Drinking Water Act 321
4.2 Two major rules updated in 2006 337
4.3 Compliance with standards 341
4.4 Atrazine 343
5 Water Treatment Processes 343
6 Aeration and Air Stripping 345
6.1 Gas transfer models 349
6.2 Diffused aeration 357
6.3 Packed towers 359
6.4 Nozzles 367
7 Solubility Equilibrium 370
8 Coagulation 373
8.1 Jar test 377
8.2 Mixing 379
9 Flocculation 382
10 Sedimentation 386
10.1 Overflow rate 390
10.2 Inclined settlers 392
10.3 ClariCone 394
11 Granular Media Filtration 396
11.1 Filter medium size 397
11.2 Mixed media 398
11.3 Hydraulics of granular media filter 399
11.4 Washwater troughs 404
11.5 Filter efficiency 406
12 Membrane Processes 407
12.1 Overview 407
12.2 Regulatory requirements 408
12.3 Membrane process classifications and descriptions 413
12.4 Membrane composition and properties 419
12.5 Types of membrane systems 429
12.6 Design considerations 432
12.7 Membrane system operation 434
12.8 Membrane process performance 439
12.9 Silt density index 449
13 Water Softening 450
13.1 Lime-soda softening 450
13.2 Pellet softening 457
14 Ion Exchange 463
14.1 Leakage 471
14.2 Nitrate removal 472
15 Iron and Manganese Removal 481
15.1 Oxidation 482
16 Activated Carbon Adsorption 486
16.1 Adsorption isotherm equations 486
17 Residual from Water Plant 490
17.1 Residual production and density 493
18 Disinfection 495
18.1 Chemistry of chlorination 496
18.2 Ozonation 505
18.3 Ultraviolet disinfection 506
18.4 Disinfection kinetics 507
18.5 CT values 508
18.6 Disinfection by-products 524
19 Water Fluoridation 539
19.1 Fluoride chemicals 540
19.2 Optimal fluoride concentretions 541
19.3 Fluoride feed rate(dry) 542
19.4 Fluoride feed rate for saturator 544
19.5 Fluoride dosage 545
References 547
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