新世纪全国高等中医药院校创新教材 中药化学 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高增平主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国中医药出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787513219334
- 页数:453 页
Chapter 1 General Introduction to Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica 3
1 The Conception of Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica 3
2 The Application of Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica 4
2.1 To Clarify Effective Compositions of Chinese Herbs 4
2.2 To Facilitate the Development of New Drugs 5
3 The Progress of Chemistry of Chinese Materia Medica 6
3.1 Development in Identification of Effective Compositions of Chinese Herbs 6
3.2 The New Development in Drug Research and Pharmaceutical Industry 7
3.3 The Progress in Quality Control of Chinese Herbs and their Preparations 7
Chapter 2 General Methods for Chemical Investigation of Chinese Herbs 10
1 The Biosynthetic Pathways and Classification of Chemical Constituents from Chinese Herbs 10
1.1 Biosynthetic Pathways 11
1.2 Classification of Chemical Constituents 11
2 The General Methods for Chemical Investigation 13
2.1 Extraction Methods 13
2.2 Isolation Methods 22
2.3 Structure Determination Methods 32
Chapter 3 Carbohydrates and Glycosides 47
1 Carbohydrates 47
1.1 Introduction 47
1.2 Structure and Classification 47
1.3 The properties of carbohydrates 54
2 Glycosides 56
2.1 Introduction 56
2.2 Structure and Classification 56
2.3 General Physicochemical Properties 62
3 Extraction and Isolation Methods 69
3.1 Extraction Methods 69
3.2 Isolation Methods 72
4 Identification 74
4.1 Physicochemical Identification 74
4.2 Chromatography Identification 75
5 Structure Determination 75
5.1 Determination of Physical Constants 75
5.2 Determination of Molecular Formula and Molecular Weight 76
5.3 Identification of Aglycones and Saccharides 76
5.4 Determination of the Linkage Sequence and Position in the Saccharide Moiety 78
5.5 Determination of the Configuration of Glycosidic Linkage 80
Chapter 4 Quinones 83
1 Introduction 83
2 Structure Characteristics and Classification 83
2.1 Benzoquinones 83
2.2 Naphthoquinones 84
2.3 Phenanthraquinones 85
2.4 Anthraquinones 85
3 Physical and Chemical Properties 88
3.1 Physical Properties 88
3.2 Chemical Properties 89
4 Extraction and Isolation Methods 92
4.1 Extraction Methods 92
4.2 Isolation Methods 92
5 Identification 94
5.1 Physicochemical Identification 94
5.2 Chromatography Identification 94
6 Structure Elucidation 94
6.1 Chemical Methods 94
6.2 Spectroscopic Analysis of Anthraquinones 95
Chapter 5 Phenylpropanoids 101
1 Introduction 101
2 Simple Phenylpropanoids 102
2.1 Structure and Classification 102
2.2 Extraction and Isolation Methods 102
3 Coumarins 103
3.1 Introduction 103
3.2 Structure and Classification 104
3.3 General Physicochemical Properties 106
3.4 Extraction and Isolation Methods 108
3.5 Identification 109
3.6 Structure Determination 109
4 Lignans 111
4.1 Introduction 111
4.2 Structure and Classification 111
4.3 General Physicochemical Properties 114
4.4 Extraction and Isolation Methods 115
4.5 Identification 116
4.6 Structure Determination 116
Chapter 6 Flavonoids 120
1 Introduction 120
1.1 Definition of Flavonoids 120
1.2 Distribution of Flavonoids 120
1.3 Pharmacological Activities of Flavonoids 121
1.4 The Biosynthesis of Flavonoids 121
2 Structure and Classification 122
2.1 Flavonoid Aglycones 122
2.2 Flavonoid Glycosides 128
3 Physical and Chemical Properties 129
3.1 Physical Properties 129
3.2 Chemical Properties 130
4 Extraction and Isolation Methods 133
4.1 Extraction Methods 133
4.2 Isolation Methods 133
5 Identification 136
5.1 Physicochemical Identification 136
5.2 TLC Identification 136
6 Structure Elucidation 137
6.1 UV 137
6.2 NMR 140
6.3 MS 146
6.4 An Example for Structural Determination of Flavonoids 149
Chapter 7 Tannins 154
1 Introduction 154
2 Structure and Classification 156
2.1 Hydrolysable Tannins 156
2.2 Condensed Tannins 159
2.3 Complex Tannins 160
3 General Physicochemical Properties 161
3.1 Physical Properties 161
3.2 Chemical Properties 161
4 Extraction and Isolation Methods 161
4.1 Extraction Methods 161
4.2 Isolation Methods 161
5 Identification 163
6 Structure Determination 164
6.1 1H-NMR 164
6.2 13C-NMR 165
6.3 MS 165
6.4 CD 165
Chapter 8 Alkaloid&s 168
1 Introduction 168
1.1 Definition of Alkaloids 168
1.2 Distribution of Alkaloids 168
1.3 Pharmacological Activities of Alkaloids 169
2 Structure and Classification 169
3 Physical and Chemical Properties 171
3.1 Physical Properties 171
3.2 Chemical Properties 172
4 Extraction and Isolation Methods 177
4.1 Extraction of Alkaloids 177
4.2 Isolation of Alkaloids 178
5 Identification 183
5.1 Chemical Tests 183
5.2 Chromatography Methods 184
6 Structure Determination 184
6.1 Chemical Methods 184
6.2 Spectroscopy Methods 185
Chapter 9 Steroids 189
1 Introduction 189
1.1 Defination and Classification of Steroids 190
1.2 Color Reactions of Steroids 190
2 Cardiac Glycosides 191
2.1 Introduction 191
2.2 Structures and Classification 191
2.3 Relationship between Structures of Cardiac Glycosides and Their Cardiac Activities 193
2.4 Physical and Chemical Properties 194
2.5 Extraction and Isolation of Cardiac Glycosides 198
2.6 Identification of Cardiac Glycosides 199
2.7 Spectroscopic Characters of Cardiac Glycosides 200
3 Bile Acids 206
3.1 Introduction 206
3.2 Structure Characters of Bile Acids 207
3.3 Main Properties of Bile Acids 207
3.4 Identification of Bile Acids 208
3.5 Extraction and Isolation of Bile Acids 208
4 C21-Steroids 208
5 Phytosterols 209
Chapter 10 Terpenoids and Volatile Oils 212
1 Terpenoids 212
1.1 Introduction 212
1.2 Classification and Representatives of Terpenoids 214
1.3 Physical and Chemical Properties 225
1.4 Extraction and Isolation Methods 228
1.5 Identification 229
1.6 Structure Determination 230
2 Volatile Oils 231
2.1 Introduction 231
2.2 The Composition 232
2.3 Physical and Chemical Properties 233
2.4 Extraction and Isolation Methods 234
2.5 Identification 236
Chapter 11 Saponins 239
1 Introduction 239
2 Structure Characters and Classification 239
2.1 Steroidal Saponins 240
2.2 Triterpenoid Saponins 243
3 Physical and Chemical Properties 249
3.1 Physical Properties 249
3.2 Chemical Properties 250
3.3 Hemolysis Property 251
4 Extraction and Isolation Methods 252
4.1 Extraction Methods 252
4.2 Isolation Methods 253
5 Identification 254
5.1 Physical and Chemical Identification 254
5.2 Chromatography Identification 254
6 Structure Elucidation 254
6.1 UV 255
6.2 IR 255
6.3 MS 255
6.4 NMR 259
Chapter 12 Other Constituents 264
1 Fatty Acids 264
1.1 Introduction 264
1.2 Structure Characters and Classification 265
1.3 Physical and Chemical Properties 267
1.4 Extraction and Isolation Methods 267
2 Organic Sulphur Compounds 267
2.1 Introduction 267
2.2 Organic Sulphur Compounds from Chinese Herbs 268
3 Amino Acids,Proteins,and Enzymes 268
3.1 Amino Acids 268
3.2 Proteins and Enzymes 270
4 Minerals 271
4.1 Introduction 271
4.2 Examples of Mineral 271
Chapter 13 Examples of Chinese Herbs 279
Lycii Fructus(Gouqizi) 279
Armeniacae Semen Amarum(Kuxingren) 284
Rhei Radix et Rhizoma(Dahuang) 286
Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma(Danshen) 290
Arnebiae Radix(Zicao) 292
Fraxini Cortex(Qinpi) 294
Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus(Wuweizi) 297
Forsythiae Fructus(Lianqiao) 299
Scutellariae Radix(Huangqin) 302
Puerariae Lobatae Radix(Gegen) 305
Sophorae Flos(Huaihua) 308
Ginkgo Folium(Yinxingye) 311
Galla Chinensis(Wubeizi) 316
Cinnamomi Cortex(Rougui) 318
Ephedrae Herba(Mahuang) 321
Coptidis Rhizoma(Huanglian) 325
Daturae Flos(Yangjinhua) 331
Sophorae Flavescentis Radix(Kushen) 336
Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix(Fangji) 340
Corydalis Rhizoma(Yanhusuo) 343
Periplocae Cortex(Xiangjiapi) 346
Bufonis Venenum(Chansu) 351
Bovis Calculus(Niuhuang) 357
Artemisiae Annuae Herba(Qinghao) 358
Andrographis Herba(Chuanxinlian) 362
Rehmanniae Radix(Dihuang) 366
Menthae Haplocalycis Herba(Bohe) 369
Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma(Renshen) 372
Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma(Gancao) 380
Bupleuri Radix(Chaihu) 385
Ophiopogonis Radix (Maidong) 391
Allii Sativi Bulbus(Dasuan) 396
Appendix Ⅰ Glossary 403
Appendix Ⅱ Latin Names 442
Appendix Ⅲ Abbreviations for Commonly Used Solvents 453
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