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医学英语听力综合教程  2  医疗服务新思路
医学英语听力综合教程  2  医疗服务新思路

医学英语听力综合教程 2 医疗服务新思路PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:戴月珍编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787309096750
  • 页数:230 页
图书介绍:本书共15单元。每单元由4个音视频以精听泛听构成主题式听力。所有视听说练习均围绕内容以预测、听写、听记、问答、复述、模仿、表达、听译、归纳等多种形式展开。整体编排注重系统性、知识性与实用性。 主要内容包括远程医疗、医疗体制、医疗改革、医疗应急机制、医疗质量、医护患关系、疾病诊断、机器人手术、太空医学、医疗技术、器官移植与捐赠等当今热门话题。
《医学英语听力综合教程 2 医疗服务新思路》目录

Unit 1 E-health and M-health,Part 1 1

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 1

Software Is Changing the Way Medicine Practiced 2

Mobile,Wireless Devices Save Lives,Money 4

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 6

Computers Evaluate Cancer Biopsies 6

E-health Gains Traction in Developing Countries,Part 1 7

E-health Gains Traction in Developing Countries,Part 2 8

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 8

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 9

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 10

Unit 2 E-health and M-health,Part 2 17

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 17

Mobile Health Technology Can Reach the Remotest Corners 18

Telemedicine Is Transforming Rural India 19

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 21

Text Messaging Reminders for Flu Vaccinations Get Results 21

The Future of Telemedicine 22

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 22

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 23

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 24

Unit 3 Health Care System 30

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 30

Britain's National Health Service Serves 60 Million People 31

Germans Are Pleased with Universal Health Care System 32

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 34

U.S.Hospitals Say They Need Government Action 35

Health Care Expert Details Ways to Cut Costs 36

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 36

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 37

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 38

Unit 4 Health Care Reform 45

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 45

U.S.Senate Approves Historic Health Care Reform Bill 46

U.S.House Approves Health Care Reform Measure 49

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 51

French Pension Bill Passes 52

Parts of Health Care Reform Bill Go into Effect 52

Section Ⅱ Topics for Discussion and Report 52

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 53

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 54

Unit 5 In Event of Emergencies,Part 1 59

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 59

Conference Calls for Safer Hospitals in Developing World 60

Save Lives:Make Hospitals Safe in Emergencies 62

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 63

Providing Health Care in Times of Crisis,Part 1 64

Providing Health Care in Times of Crisis,Part 2 64

Children,Women in 28 Countries Are in Desperate Need of Aid 65

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 66

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 67

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 68

Unit 6 In Event of Emergencies,Part 2 75

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 75

New Film Opens Window to Daily Lives of Doctors without Borders 76

USNS Comfort's Medics Are Ready for Incoming Patients 78

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 80

A New Era of Preparedness 81

U.S.Launches Cell Phone Emergency Alert System 81

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 82

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 83

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 84

Unit 7 Quality Health Care,Part 1 90

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 90

Hospital Checklists Save Lives 91

Treatments Proven Effective in Studies Work in Real Life,Too 92

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 95

Doing the Right Thing Can Help You Succeed,Part 1 95

Doing the Right Thing Can Help You Succeed,Part 2 96

Spanish Doctors Train Kenyan Counterparts in Kidney Transplant Surgery 97

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 97

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 98

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 99

Unit 8 Quality Health Care,Part 2 107

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 107

Teamwork and Communication Training Yield More Success in Operating Rooms 108

Minority Doctors Needed to Help Bridge Health Care Gap between U.S.Minorities and Non-Hispanic Whites 109

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 112

Fewer Nurses Means Higher Patient Death Risk 112

Nurse Practitioners Expand Role in U.S.Health Care 113

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 113

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 114

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 115

Unit 9 New Diagnostic Tools,Part 1 120

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 120

Newly Discovered Biomarker Predicts Cancer Growth 121

Genetic Test Pinpoints Cause of Patient Illness 122

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 125

New Blood Test Predicts Heart Failure 125

Testing for Disease 126

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 126

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 127

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 128

Unit 10 New Diagnostic Tools,Part 2 134

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 134

Biomedical Imaging Interview 135

Nanotechnology and Cancer Imaging,Part 1 139

Nanotechnology and Cancer Imaging,Part 2 141

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 143

Early CT Scans Can Cut Lung Cancer Death Rate 143

New Tests Provide Hope for Alzheimer's Early Detection 144

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 145

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 146

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 148

Unit 11 Robotic Surgery and Spatial Medicine 157

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 157

Robotic Heart Surgery,Part 1 158

Robotic Heart Surgery,Part 2 159

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 161

When Your Surgeon Is a Robot 162

New Texas Institute Coordinates Space Medicine Research 162

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 163

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 164

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 164

Unit 12 Cutting-edge Technology,Part 1 171

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 171

New Device,New Studies Hold out Hope for Heart Patients 172

New Heart Stents Are Better Than Old Ones,Study Says 174

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 176

Heart Pump Could Save Possibly Millions of Lives 177

High Percentage of Sudden Heart-Related Deaths Is Preventable 177

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 178

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 179

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 180

Unit 13 Cutting-edge Technology,Part 2 186

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 186

New Technique Avoids Major Surgery If Aneurysm Caught in Time 187

Surgery Helps Epilepsy Patients Stay Seizure-Free 189

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 191

Corneal Stem Cells,Part 1 192

Corneal Stem Cells,Part 2 192

Stomach Surgery:Better Than Dieting to Control Diabetes 193

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 193

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 194

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 195

Unit 14 Transplants and Donations,Part 1 202

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 202

Age:One of Many Deciding Factors for Heart Transplant 203

Surgery Outcomes Depend on Multiple,Unidentified Factors 204

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 206

Resuscitating Lungs for Transplant 206

Live Kidney Donation Is Safe for Donor 207

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 207

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 208

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 209

Unit 15 Transplants and Donations,Part 2 213

Section Ⅰ Intensive Listening 213

Double Transplant Can Improve Quality of Life for Diabetics 214

Doctors Call World's First Full-Face Transplant a Resounding Success 217

Section Ⅱ Extensive Listening 219

Organ Donors Are Still Scarce,Part 1 219

Organ Donors Are Still Scarce,Part 2 220

Donor DNA May Identify Early Heart Transplant Rejection 220

Section Ⅲ Topics for Discussion and Report 221

Section Ⅳ Key to Exercises 222

Section Ⅴ Script for Audio and Video Clips 223
