- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱景仁著
- 出 版 社:合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- 页数:185 页
1.The Concept of Impedance-Perturbation as Applied to Imperfect Waveguides 1
2.Concept of Impedance-Perturbation as Applied to Discrete Coupling 27
3.The Excitation of Cavities by a Waveguide(in Chinese) 30
4.The Energy Problems in Electromagnetic Coupling by a Small Hole and the Equivalent Exciting Fields(in Chinese) 42
5.New Narrow-Band Dual-Mode Bandstop Waveguide Filters 53
6.Generalised Coupled-Mode Equations and their Applications to Fibre Couplers 59
7.Current Sensors Using Highly-Birefringent Bow-Tie Fibres 62
8.Circular Birefringence in Helical-Core Fibre 66
9.Coupled-Mode Theory for LP Modes 68
10.LP Modes and Ideal Modes on Optical Fibers 75
11.Faraday Rotation in Monomode Fibres with Axially Varying Magnetic Field(in Chinese) 80
12.Coupled-mode Theory for Helical Fibres 84
13.Modes Coupling and Power Transmission in Biconical Single-mode Optical Fiber Tapers(in Chinese) 89
14.Circular Waveguide H?H?Mode Converter(in Chinese) 98
15.Geometrical Birefringence in Fibres with D-Shaped Hole 104
16.Spun Highly Linearly Birefringent Fibres for Current Sensors 106
17.Generalized Coupled-Mode Theory for Nonorthogonal Modes(in Chinese) 115
18.Spun Linear Birefringence Fibres and their Sensing Mechanism in Current Sensors with Temperature Compensation 121
19.A Note on the Beat Length of Spun Linear Birefringence Fiber 129
20.Effects of Resonator's Optical Path Fluctuation on the Characteristics of a Fibre-Optic Ring Resonator 132
21.Twisted Fiber Ring Resonator of Keeping Faraday Rotation(in Chinese) 138
22.Gain Flattening Fibre Filters Using Phase-Shifted Long Period Fibre Gratings 144
23.The Experimental Research of a Broadband Erbium-Doped Fiber Superfluorescence Source(in Chinese) 146
24.Coupled Mode Theory and its Application to Fiber Gratings 150
25.Coupled-Mode Theory and its Application to Optical Waveguides 154
26.High-Stability and Broad-Band Erbium-Doped Superfluorescent Fiber Source(in Chinese) 163
27.Forward-Pumping Dual-Stage Double-Pass Broadband Erbium-Doped Fiber Source(in Chinese) 168
28.The Effect of EDFA Saturation on the Frequency Filtering Characteristic of Active Fiber Ring Resonator(in Chinese) 172
29.Spectrum Analysis of an Inner-Phase-Modulated Optical Fiber Resonator(in Chinese) 177
30.Analysis of the Fiber Bragg Grating Sagnac Loops and the Optical Envelope Bandpass Filter(in Chinese) 182
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