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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:罗志野
  • 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787564153960
  • 页数:352 页

1.曲礼上第一 Qu Li[Ⅰ]Elements of Propriety[A miscellaneous discussion of ceremonial usages] 1

2.曲礼下第二 Qu Li[Ⅱ]Elements of Propriety[A miscellaneous discussion of ceremonial usages] 14

3.檀弓上第三 Tan Gong Ⅰ On the Burial Rites 22

4.檀弓下第四 Tan Gong Ⅱ On the Burial Rites 39

5.王制第五 Wang Zhi Royal Regulations 56

6.月令第六 Yue Ling The Arrangement of Governmental Affairs in Months 70

7.曾子问第七 Zeng Zi Wen Queries from Zeng Shen 90

8.文王世子第八 Wen Wang Shi Zi When King Wen Was a Crown Prince 102

9.礼运第九 Li Yun History of Propriety 110

10.礼器第十 Li Qi On the Rule of Propriety 119

11.郊特牲第十一 Jiao Te Sheng How to Use Victims to Offer in the Outskirts 127

12.内则第十二 Nei Ze Ceremonies about Management of Families 138

13.玉藻第十三 Yu Zao On the Jade Beads of the Loyal Crown 151

14.明堂位第十四 Ming Tang Wei The Position in the Bright Hall 161

15.丧服小记第十五 Sang Fu Xiao Ji Of Mourning Dress 165

16.大传第十六 Da Zhuan On Kinsmen and Sacrifices 173

17.少仪第十七 Shao Yi Of Language Used in Funeral Arrangement 177

18.学记第十八 Xue Ji Of Education 184

19.乐记第十九 Yue Ji Of Music 188

20.杂记上第二十 Za Ji Of Miscellaneous Mourning Ceremony 204

21.杂记下第二十一 Za Ji Of Miscellaneous Mourning Ceremony 213

22.丧大记第二十二 Sang Da Ji Record of Mourning Rites 224

23.祭法第二十三 Ji Fa Of the Sacrificial Way 237

24.祭义第二十四 Ji Yi Of the Significance of Sacrifice 240

25.祭统第二十五 Ji Tong Conclusion for Sacrifice 251

26.经解第二十六 Jing Jie Interpretation of Ceremony and Music 259

27.哀公问第二十七 Ai Gong Wen Duke Ai's Questions:What is Administration? 262

28.仲尼燕居第二十八 Zhongni Yan Ju Zhongni Was Free at Home 266

29.孔子闲居第二十九 Kongzi Xian Ju Kong Qiu at Home Leisurely 269

30.坊记第三十 Fang Ji Of Dike 272

31.中庸第三十一 Zhong Yong The Golden Mean 279

32.表记第三十二 Biao Ji Of Benevolence and Righteousness 291

33.缁衣第三十三 Zi Yi The Relationship Between the Sovereign and Ministers 299

34.奔丧第三十四 Ben Sang Of the Hastening Home of Mourning Rites 304

35.问丧第三十五 Wen Sang About the Affairs of Mourning Rites 308

36.服问第三十六 Fu Wen About the Mourning dress 311

37.间传第三十七 Jian Zhuan About the Unlike Mourning 313

38.三年问第三十八 San Nian Wen Asking about the Three Years'Mourning Rites 316

39.深衣第三十九 Shen Yi Deep Dress 318

40.投壶第四十 Tou Hu The Ceremony of Pitch-pot 319

41.儒行第四十一 Ru Xing Of the Learned Man's Conduct 322

42.大学第四十二 Da Xue Great Learning 326

43.冠义第四十三 Gua Yi The Meaning of Capping 332

44.昏义第四十四 Hun Yi The Meaning of Marriage Ceremony 334

45.乡饮酒义第四十五 Xiang Yin Jiu Yi The Meaning of Village Drinking 337

46.射义第四十六 She Yi The Meaning of Archery 341

47.燕义第四十七 Yan Yi The Meaning of Feast 345

48.聘义第四十八 Pin Yi The Meaning of Mission Ceremony 347

49.丧服四制第四十九 Sang Fu Si Zhi The Four Mourning Dresses 350
